Post things that might be useful for others.
Be a silly little guy.
- place better triggers for build in workflow
- site map
- config breadcrumbs
- config analytics (no cookies/trackers)
- config off-site image storage (WE DID IT REDDIT)
config cms
- site skeleton/loading placeholder
- projects - art, code, etc
- misc
- kaomoji
- web badges
- site buttons (frens + own button to copy/paste)
- about
- zodiac
- likes/dislikes
- blog
- changelog
- style blog header & padding
- style scrollbar
- github badges
- screenshot img for readme
- blog index shares state w/ blog post astro docs
- design system
- cryptid webring
- github activity feed
- fedi activity feed
- blurry cats feed (ref discord for code)
- something for users to interact w/
- medium-like clap button
- pet ?
- guestbook/comments or chatbox
- layout archive
- 'new' flag next to updated pages
- custom cursor
- is currently online
- weather (fake ?)
- 'follow on neocities' link
- pageviews, # of articles, users here, etc
to be sorted
- profile warnings ?
- commission page
- adblock detected: need it off to run site properly
- svg animations