Releases: proconsule/nxmp
NXMP v0.6.1 Rev 6(Nightly Build)
NXMP v0.6.1 Rev 5(Nightly Build)
- Interpolation moved to Image
- Subtitle Blur Intensity
- OC in ShaderMania
Note: Anime4k is not active, because uses the native resolution of the screen running mpv to scale, in our case mpv runs at 720p, upscaling nothing, just consuming processor. I have not deleted it, I just left it commented in case I replace the script with another Upscaler in the future.
NXMP v0.6.1 Rev 4(Nightly Build)
- Shadows Intensity of Subtitles
- Shadows Position of Subtitles.
- Themes (WIP)
NXMP v0.6.1 Rev 3(Nightly Build)
MKV files that have embedded subtitles, most have ".Ass" type subtitles which already have predefined styles.
- I added that you can override the styles of the subtitles.
- I added that you can change the size of the borders of the subtitles.
Los archivos MKV que tienen subtítulos integrados, la mayoría tienen subtítulos del tipo ".Ass" el cual ya posée estilos predefinidos.
- Agregué que se pueda sobreescribir los estilos de los subtítulos.
- Agregué que se pueda modificar el tamaño de los bordes de los subtítulos.
NXMP v0.6.1 Rev 2(Nightly Build)
- fixes bug where you lose window focus if you press the touch screen, with touch control disabled. (this error occurred in the main menu, such as in the options menu.)
NXMP v0.6.1 (Nightly Build)
Hello friends, this build is called Nightly, because it is quite likely that a more polished version of it will come out.
- Overclock (Default is Disabled, press L3 for activate.)
- Anime4K v4.0.1 neural network, used to improve the quality of Anime. (More Info:
- Support to choose default subtitle language.
- Interpolation (Smooth Videos)
- UPNP Discovery
- NFS Support
- An early version of UI Touch friendly interface
Important: this new build includes a folder called anime4k inside the MPV folder, it is necessary for Anime4K profiles to work.
NXMP v0.6.0
- Added trivial playlist system
- Added Touch Controls
- Added SFTP protocol
- Added Samba protocol
- Added Show/Hide Hidden Files
- Show Resume/Viewed files in file lists
- Added "Completed" column into database
NXMP v0.5.1
- Fix for db not saved on hard exit the app
- ShaderMania useless but fun with shaders
- Custom Sub Font Size
- Show File selection during playback with - button
- Volume Up/Down with rstick
NXMP v0.5.0
- SQLite database for positions resume
- New Player GUI
- EQ presets (in eqpresets.ini)
- HTTPS and HLS support
- FLAC extension added
- Fixed negative pos seek
- Added custom port support in Enigma2
- Changed event loop (to fix some bugs)
NXMP v0.4.1
- Added Audio equalizer (5 and 18 band)
- Subtitle Sub-Menu (Sub Position & Sub Delay)
- GPU Deinterlace (wow it works!)
- fixed right menu not disappear on file end
- new icons thanks bodyXY