in this directory for Kieran Mesquita's signed attestation.
Hash of the challenge
file for verification:
09f26b9a 0a0e211f 15a00786 08b785f0
5f764d96 83515ea5 68abd35f 06d603bf
2ae74194 8a655b58 7e6f2c93 2d401611
5aaf641f 2aaf4024 71f364ea 84d3ac37
was based on the hash:
09f26b9a 0a0e211f 15a00786 08b785f0
5f764d96 83515ea5 68abd35f 06d603bf
2ae74194 8a655b58 7e6f2c93 2d401611
5aaf641f 2aaf4024 71f364ea 84d3ac37
Hash of the response
file for verification:
5aefcf92 1a01b9a6 a1a76a57 cf7dc79a
67c9651f 5426a018 210ee385 25efdc77
3512950b e71ac42f 76ed3ca5 be68c2ec
ebf2e923 b397aafd 5ea17765 2f01f53c
Blake2b hash of the new_challenge
file for participant #67:
cd09d656 255c26e5 ae0542e4 987d5a5e
86926c81 200a30f8 f013f912 08f31f5f
9f13edeb 595fcb3d 2e812110 77ca2e57
fa431ac6 27139c3c ba8bec2a 18fe6e08
The above new_challenge
Kieran Mesquita has also signed the attestation using the BTC address:
The signature is:
Kieran Mesquita's attestation:
Date: 13-19 December 2020
Name: Kieran Mesquita
Alias: mesquka
Device: Randomly purchased laptop (Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS)
Location: Perth, Australia
SnarkJS Commit Hash: 769210b91e436425c0b53e2966b2b08b54c7d0d3
Challenge b2sum: 09f26b9a0a0e211f15a0078608b785f05f764d9683515ea568abd35f06d603bf2ae741948a655b587e6f2c932d4016115aaf641f2aaf402471f364ea84d3ac37
Response b2sum: 5aefcf921a01b9a6a1a76a57cf7dc79a67c9651f5426a018210ee38525efdc773512950be71ac42f76ed3ca5be68c2ecebf2e923b397aafd5ea177652f01f53c
Entropy Sources: /dev/urandom, diceware
Time Taken: Approximately 1 week
Side channel defences: Swap disabled, OS install media, node, snarkjs, and modules downloaded prior to announcing intent to contribute, computer airgapped (exception of USB used to install OS, ferry challenge and response files), software hashes verified, physically present with machine through process
Postprocessing: Hardware destroyed