Simple M3U playlist loader Integrated inside the Live Channels App for Google TV and Android TV
Restart the app or relaunch live channels app again if you dont want to subscribe
To enter the settings again please restart the app or on the next device launch just open the app
Any other issues with the old data still available after updating your playlist just do a reinstall and start fresh
You can always clear cache and data on the app and the live channels app and try again if you still having issues with old data
Send me an email or discord if you need any help
Discord :
*** Please refer to the documentation for the working formats for the m3u playlist***
Github :
Dropbox :
- Read me file :
- M3u playlist format :
- Xmltv file :
- Logo : send me the logos I will upload them for now until I figure out how to implement it from the user side
M3u plalist :
search on google or for free m3u8 streams and xmltv there plenty of them out there then use my format and just add the streams :)