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File metadata and controls

170 lines (128 loc) · 6.48 KB


The main component of the SDGym project is the function.

As shown in the Readme quickstart, in the most simple usage scenario a synthesizer function can be directly passed to it indicating the name of the datasets in which you want to evaluate your synthesizer function:

In [1]: import numpy as np
   ...: from sdv.tabular import GaussianCopula
   ...: def my_synthesizer_function(real_data, metadata):
   ...:     gc = GaussianCopula(default_distribution='gaussian')
   ...:     table_name = metadata.get_tables()[0]
   ...:     return {table_name: gc.sample()}

In [2]: import sdgym

In [3]: scores =

This will evaluate the synthesizer function on all the available datasets and, produce one or more scores for each one of them, and present them in a table.

In [4]: scores
               synthesizer dataset      modality  iteration           metric error      score  metric_time  model_time
0  my_synthesizer_function    asia  single-table          0  BNLogLikelihood  None  -2.834019     2.769234    0.738452
0  my_synthesizer_function   alarm  single-table          0  BNLogLikelihood  None -20.264935     7.157158    3.183285

Let's see what other arguments we can use to control the behavior of the function.

Arguments for the function

The function accepts the following arguments:

  • synthesizers (function, class, list, tuple or dict): The synthesizer or synthesizers to evaluate. It can be a single synthesizer (function or method or class), or an iterable of synthesizers, or a dict containing synthesizer names as keys and synthesizers as values. If the input is not a dict, synthesizer names will be extracted from the given object.
  • datasets (list[str]): Names of the datasets to use for the benchmark. Defaults to all the ones available.
  • datasets_path (str):: Path to where the datasets can be found. If not given, use the default path.
  • modalities (list[str]):: Filter datasets by the given modalities. If not given, filter datasets by the synthesizer modalities.
  • metrics (list[str]):: List of metrics to apply.
  • bucket (str):: Name of the bucket from which the datasets must be downloaded if not found locally.
  • iterations (int):: Number of iterations to perform over each dataset and synthesizer. Defaults to 3.
  • workers (int or str):: If workers is given as an integer value other than 0 or 1, a multiprocessing Pool is used to distribute the computation across the indicated number of workers. If the string dask is given, the computation is distributed using dask. In this case, setting up the dask cluster and client is expected to be handled outside of this function.
  • cache_dir (str):: If a cache_dir is given, intermediate results are stored in the indicated directory as CSV files as they get computted. This allows inspecting results while the benchmark is still running and also recovering results in case the process does not finish properly. Defaults to None.
  • show_progress (bool):: Whether to use tqdm to keep track of the progress. Defaults to True.
  • timeout (int):: Maximum number of seconds to wait for each dataset to finish the evaluation process. If not passed, wait until all the datasets are done.
  • output_path (str):: If an output_path is given, the generated leaderboard will be stored in the indicated path as a CSV file. The given path must be a complete path including the .csv filename.


Synthesizer Classes

The most basic scenario is to pass a synthesizer function, but the function can also be used to evaluate any Synthesizer class, as far as it is a subclass of sdgym.synthesizers.BaseSynthesizer.

For example, if we want to evaluate the Independent we can do so by passing the class directly to the function:

In [5]: from sdgym.synthesizers import Independent

In [6]: scores =

Evaluating multiple Synthesizers

The function can be used to evaluate more than one Synthesizer at a time.

In order to do this, all you need to do is pass a list of functions instead of a single object.

For example, if we want to evaluate our synthesizer function and also the Independent we can pass both of them inside a list:

In [7]: synthesizers = [my_synthesizer_function, Independent]

In [8]: scores =

Or, if we wanted to evaluate all the SDGym Synthesizers at once (note that this takes a lot of time to run!), we could just pass all the subclasses of Baseline:

In [9]: from sdgym.synthesizers import Baseline

In [10]: scores =

Customizing the Synthesizer names.

Sometimes we might want to customize the name that we give to the function or class that we are passing to the benchmark, so they show up nicer in the output leaderboard.

In order to do this, all we have to do is pass a dict instead of a single object or a list, putting the names as keys and the functions or classes as the values:

In [11]: synthesizers = {
    ...:     'My Synthesizer': my_synthesizer_function,
    ...:     'SDGym Independent': Independent
    ...: }

In [12]: scores =


By default, the function will run on all the SDGym Datasets.

However, this takes a lot of time to run, and sometimes we will be interested in only a few of them.

If we want to restrict the datasets used, we can simply pass a list with their names as strings:

For example, if we want to evaluate our synthesizer function on only the adult and intrusion datasets we can do:

In [13]: datasets = ['adult', 'intrusion']

In [14]: scores =, datasets=datasets)


By default, the SDGym benchmark evaluates each synthesizer on each datasets exactly once. However, in some cases you may want to run each synthesizer and dataset combination multiple times and then average the obtained scores.

The number of evaluations performed on each synthesizer and dataset combination can be altered by passing a different value to the iterations argument:

In [16]: scores =, iterations=10)