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Running the simulation

Makis Chourdakis edited this page Nov 28, 2017 · 12 revisions

In order to start the simulation, you may start both solvers normally, in arbitrary order, in their own terminals. A tiling terminal emulator may be handy in this case.

First of all, you must be in the directory that contains the two cases (buoyantPimpleFoam-laplacianFoam/). Both cases need to be started from the same directory.

To prepare and start the Fluid participant, run:

blockMesh -case Fluid
buoyantPimpleFoam -case Fluid

or simply run the script runFluid.

To prepare and start the Solid participant, run:

blockMesh -case Solid
laplacianFoam -case Solid

or simply run the script runSolid.

Each participant will prepare itself and will pause at the preCICE initialization phase, waiting for the other participant. Then, the simulation will continue. The simulated time is 1s and results are written every 0.2s.

Alternatively, you may start everything in one terminal, using the Allrun script. This script waits for both participants to exit and stores their output in the log files Fluid.log and Solid.log. You may inspect these files at runtime in another terminal using e.g. tail -f Solid.log.