- Added time stamp at midnight when decoding METARs
- PKGNAME-package \alias fixed
- Change to the new Aviation Weather Center API in metar_get()
- Change of links to Aviation Weather Center
- Change of links to the file stations.txt
- Update of a data set containing the list of airports
- Fixed problems with decoding TCU in metar_cloud_coverage()
- Fixed problems with unknown airports IATA and ICAO codes
- Fixed problems with decoding visibility like P6SM
- Fixed wrong handling of correctness for METAR without pressure
- Changed the parameter name numeric_only in metar_visibility()
- Added numeric_only in metar_decode for metar_visibility()
- Update of vignettes
- Fixed problems with downloading historical data from the Ogimet server
- Fixed several bugs with METAR reports decoding
- Added parameter numeric_only to metar_decode()
- Added parameter check to metar_decode()
- Added parameter sep to metar_decode()
- Added new function metar_is_correct()
- Added new function metar_print()
- Update of metar_decode() for better handling errors
- Update of both airports lists
- Update of vignettes
- Improving how the packages which use Internet resources should fail gracefully with an informative message.
- metar_decode() fixed fails with METAR COR
- Packages which use Internet resources should fail gracefully with an informative message.
- metar_get() fixed failures with Rcurl, OpenSSL and TLS on Windows
- metar_cloud_coverage() fixed failures with R old releases
- metar_wx_codes() fixed failures with R old releases
- metar_speed() fixed problems with zero wind speed value when wind direction is variable (VRB)
- metar_cloud_coverage() fixed issue with BKN///
- metar_pressure fixed issue with parsing pressure at the end of METAR reports
- Added option altimeter in metar_decode for selecting pressure value, hPa or mmHg
- Added function metar_rwy_visibility for decoding runway(s) visibility
- Released to CRAN