How do you scale a database ?
- Sharding
- Vertical Slicing
What are the advantages of microservices?
- Smaller code base is easy to maintain.
- Easy to scale as individual component.
- Technology diversity i.e. we can mix libraries, databases, frameworks etc.
- Fault isolation i.e. a process failure should not bring whole system down.
What are the disadvantages of microservices?
- Difficult to achieve strong consistency across services
- Distributed System so hard to debug and trace the issues
- Harder to test
- Performance Issues.
Which of the following tactics are used to increase scalability ?
- Cube Pattern
- Cache
Which of the following is not an architectural style
- mvc
- soa
- pla
Why do we use Scenario Brainstorming in ATAM
- To gather Requirement
- To Analyze Architecture
- To Evalauvate ATAM
Why do we use Scenario Brainstorming in QAW
- To gather Requirement
- To Analyze Architecture
- To Evalauvate QAW
Offering mitigation strategies is not an integral part of the ATAM. ATAM is about locating architectural risks.
True False
Which View in Software architecture document shows the decomposition of the System.
- Context View
- Logical View
- Component View
- Package View
Utility tree is an attempt at defining a rigorous taxonomy of quality attributes True False