Thank you for considering contributing to this project! We welcome contributions from the community and appreciate your help in making this project better.
To contribute, please follow these guidelines:
- If you encounter any issues or bugs, please submit an issue with a clear description.
- Check the existing issues to avoid creating duplicates.
- Fork the repository and create a new branch for your changes.
- Make your changes and ensure the code is properly tested.
- Submit a pull request, clearly describing the changes you have made.
- Include any necessary documentation or updates to existing documentation.
- Follow the existing coding style and conventions.
- Write clean, readable, and well-documented code.
- Use meaningful variable and function names.
- Comment your code where necessary.
- Write tests to cover your changes or additions.
- Ensure all existing tests pass before submitting a pull request.
- Provide any necessary instructions or sample data for testing.
- Update the documentation as needed to reflect your changes.
- Improve the existing documentation if you find any areas that can be clarified or expanded.
- By contributing to this project, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under the MIT License.
- Please abide by the Code of Conduct when participating in this project.
If you have any questions or need further clarification, feel free to reach out to the project maintainers.
Thank you for your contributions and happy coding!