Releases: prantlf/grunt-html-dom-snapshot
0.2.0 (2018-01-28)
This release extends the purpose this Grunt task to:
- Make snapshots for HTML markup validation (original functionality)
- Make screenshots for visual regression testing of web applications (new functionality)
- Check immediate page content for functional regression testing (future functionality)
The original purpose still stays - snapshots of web pages in various situations, so that you can use additional tools according to your choose to perform testing and validation. However, because you execute the functionality inside your application to get particular scenarios working already and it takes you some coding effort to do so, you may find beneficial to do more, than taking the snapshot. You may want to take a screenshot of the current viewport too, so that you can use it in visual regression testing. Eventually, you may want to check the content of JavaScript objects, which is not available in the HTML markup, if it is according to your expectation. The last point will need additional instructions and maybe other convenience function in the next release.
0.1.0 (2017-11-19)
This release brings the possibility to split the steps for opening the web page, interacting with it, waiting for the interaction effects and taking the snapshots to multiple commands, to be able to repeat the instructions and structure the source code of them.
Bug Fixes
- Check if commands include at least one of "url", "file" or "wait" parameters (0043efd)
- Rename the property "pages" in a sub-task to "commands" (581e056)
- Allow separate navigation, page interaction and saving snapshots (c127424)