Simple and un-intrusive templates for Scala and perhaps others.
HTML templates should be un-intrusive and simple. Ideally they should also be compilable. ABC Templates
aims to fulfill the first requirement today and postpones the other for the future.
Un-intrusive templates can be seen in the browser and don't differ a lot from the result of applying actual data (or context) to the template.
Simple templates are easy to learn and have very few control structures.
To achieve simplicity the templates are kept simple, but the "merge" requires a bit more work.
For cats-effect based usage check Safe, cats-effect enabled, usage
For latest version check the maven badge above. For other versions check: or
libraryDependencies += "org.purang.templates" %% "abctemplates" % "3.0.0-RC3"
Previous versions were published to bintray. Bintray has been sunset and hence we have lost the old version.
If you'd like an older version then get in touch, and we'll try to work out something.
Quick and unsafe* usage -
val h = """
|<div id="content" abc:content>
| <p>
| some imaginary data for instant visualization in the browser
| </p>
val template = Template(h)
val context = Map(
"[abc:content]" // identifier in the template
"<h1>the real content!</h1>" // the new inner html contents
// merge template with a context
val result = template.merge(context)
//result should be (note: <p> tags have been dropped)
// <div id="content">
// <h1>the real content!</h1>
// </div>
* Unsafe api exposes imperative OOP style usage. Things might break unexpectedly. Check Safe, cats-effect enabled, usage section right at the end.
Seriously - just 2 things are allowed.
Given some markup like
<div id="content" abc:content>
<p>some imaginary data for instant visualization in the browser</p>
upon merging it with the context
Map("div[abc:content]" -> """<p>real data</p>""")
the result is
<div id="content">
<p>real data</p>
Note: We use JSoup
element selection semantics. If the abc:content
is unique then div[abc:content]
and [abc:content]
have the same effects.
Given some markup like
<a href="path/some_level.html" abc:href>
link to the next level
upon merging it with the context
Map("a.[abc:href]" -> """real/path/level-01.html""")
the result is
<a href="real/path/level-01.html">
link to the next level
Note: The distinction between element replacement
and attribute replacement
is made by the context
and not in the template
The prefix a.
can be read as - replace an attribute and not the inner html. Hence, the context Map("a.[abc:href]" -> """real/path/level-01.html""")
is different from Map("[abc:href]" -> """real/path/level-01.html""")
: the previous would result in <a href="real/path/level-01.html">link to the next level</a>
and the latter in <a href="path/some_level.html">real/path/level-01.html</a>
. Here is the distinction as example code blocks:
import Template._
val t = Template("""<a href="path/some_level.html" abc:href>link to the next level</a>""")
val c = Map("a.[abc:href]" -> """real/path/level-01.html""") //note the 'a.' in the key
//results in the 'href' attribute being replaced
//<a href="real/path/level-01.html">link to the next level</a>
import Template._
val t = Template("""<a href="path/some_level.html" abc:href>link to the next level</a>""")
val c = Map("[abc:href]" -> """real/path/level-01.html""") //note how the 'a.' is missing in the key
//results in an unaltered 'href' attribute but the inner html gets replaced
//<a href="path/some_level.html">real/path/level-01.html</a>
Of course, you can combine the two
Given some markup like
<a href="path/some_level.html" abc:href abc:link-text>
link to the next level
upon merging it with the context
"a.[abc:href]" -> """real/path/level-01.html""",
"[abc:link-text]" -> """Go to the first level"""
the result is
<a href="real/path/level-01.html">
Go to the first level
For advanced usages check out the section Advanced Usage below.
Use unique ids under the namespace
Don't cache the Templates.
Validate the result. It is as easy as
import Template._
val result = ...
// second parameter has the default value of "abc:"
// below we replace it with "abc___:"
valid(result, "abc___:")
// choosing "abc___" as prefix should be ok
// see
// and
- Load from files (this might never end up here) as it is as easy as
io.Source.fromFile("some/file").mkString //this isn't correct usage; will leak resources
//make sure you know how to use io.Source properly
- Performance: We have paid some attention to making the code as fast as possible. We use "static" members where ever possible. Inline stuff. Have a single syntactic
on the immutable map. In the end we can't be faster than Jsoup, selection and modification operations.
- Collections:
sealed trait Sex
case object Male extends Sex {
override def toString = "M"
case object Female extends Sex {
override def toString = "F"
case class Location(city: Vector[String])
case class Person(fn: String, ln: String, sex: Sex, locs: Location)
//a collection
val ps = Vector(
Person("GI","Joe", Male, Location(Vector("sfo", "chi"))),
Person("Dane","Joe", Female, Location(Vector("nyc"))),
Person("Baby","Jane", Female, Location(Vector("lon")))
val h =
|<div class="entry">
| <span abc:sex>M</span>
| <h1 abc:name>Max Musterman</h1>
| <ul abc:loc>
| <li>ber</li>
| <li>muc</li>
| </ul>
val li = """<li abc:loc-li>ber</li>""" //a sub template
// render the sub template as part of the context
val templateLi = Template(li)
def map(p: Person): Map[String, String] = Map(
"[abc:sex]" ->,
"[abc:name]" -> (p.fn + " "+ p.ln),
"[abc:loc]" -> (for {l <- } yield templateLi.merge(Map("[abc:loc-li]" -> l))).mkString)
val result = (for {
i <- ps
x = map(i)
y = Template(h).merge(x)
} yield y).mkString
/* results in:
<div class="entry">
<h1>GI Joe</h1>
</div><div class="entry">
<h1>Dane Joe</h1>
</div><div class="entry">
<h1>Baby Jane</h1>
You can always unleash the entire power of scala
to accomplish complicated usages like this. Almost anything is possible and things remain simple and yet un-intrusive.
You can check out TemplatesApp
in test
import cats.Monad
import cats.effect.{ExitCode, IO, IOApp}
import cats.syntax.flatMap._
import cats.syntax.functor._
object TemplatesApp extends IOApp {
def prg[F[+_] : Monad](talg: Templates[F]): F[(Result, Boolean)] = {
for {
t <- talg.template(
"""|<div id="content" abc:content>
| <p>
| some imaginary data for instant visualization in the browser
| </p>
m <- talg.merge(
ElementPattern(Pattern("abc:content")) -> "<b>What's Up Folks!<b>"
v <- talg.validate(m, Namespace("abc"))
} yield (m, v)
def run(args: List[String]): IO[ExitCode] = {
(for {
t <- prg[IO](JsoupTemplates.default)
_ <- IO {
} yield ()).as(ExitCode.Success)
Running it results in:
sbt:abctemplates-ng> test:runMain TemplatesApp
[warn] multiple main classes detected: run 'show discoveredMainClasses' to see the list
[info] running (fork) TemplatesApp
[info] (Result(<div id="content"><b>What's Up Folks!<b></b></b></div>),true)
[success] Total time: 1 s, completed Jan 3, 2021, 7:08:23 PM