This directory contains JSON files describing boards.
- Apple ///
board_image : "BOARD-IMAGE-FILE",
components : {
"box" : [
"id" : "COMPONENT-ID",
"location" : "BOARD-LOCATION",
"pages" : [
"part" : "PART-VALUE",
"pin_count" : PIN-COUNT,
"pins" : [
"type" : "PART-TYPE"
traces : {
"TRACE-ID" : [
BOARD-IMAGE-FILE - File name of a board's image for visualizations
COMPONENT-ID - Part Reference Designator (e.g. U176 or C12)
BOARD-LOCATION - Coordinates of location on board A-N/1-14 (e.g. A7 or L12)
SCHEMATIC-PAGE - Page number on schematic pages from the service manual
PART-VALUE - Part's value (e.g. 4.7K or S374 or 220U)
PIN-COUNT - Number of pins in the component
TRACE-ID - ID (name) of the trace on board that pin is part of (e.g. SUMSND or A11)
Traces with no names in the Wire List are automatically named as T001, T002, ...
PART-TYPE - Type of the component (e.g. SIP8 or MOLEX)
PIN-INDEX - Index of a pin in a component, starting with 0. Index 0 designated pin number 1.
POSITION-X - Horizontal position of component's footprint on the board image
POSITION-Y - Vertical position of component's footprint on the board image
WIDTH - Width of a component's footprint on the board image (can be negative)
HEIGHT - Height of a component's footprint on the board image (can be negative)
The board image is a photograpic image of the board with the (0,0) pixel located in bottom left corner of the picture.