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Configuration instructions

Pawel Pieczul edited this page Jul 4, 2017 · 5 revisions

Setting up the correct openHAB mode

Unless you are familiar with the concept of openHAB things, channels and items, and you want to manually create and manage items for your Loxone Miniserver, you should use so-called Simple mode for openHAB. In this mode, openHAB will create all required items for you automatically (which in most cases is what you need).

To enable simple mode, open PaperUI and go to Configuration/System page. Find Item linking section and, if not enabled, enable Simple mode. Don't forget to click on the Save button!

Simple mode must be enabled prior to the next steps, in which Miniserver Thing is created. If you created Miniserver Thing but had forgotten to enable the simple mode, you have to delete the thing and repeat the creation process once again.

Simple mode

Adding Loxone Miniserver Thing

Each Loxone Miniserver device is represented in openHAB as a separate Thing. To create a Miniserver Thing:

  1. Open PaperUI
  2. Go to Inbox and see if there already is your Loxone Miniserver discovered. If yes, click on the + sign to add it as a Thing and move to Configuring user name and password section.


  3. If there is no Miniserver in the Inbox, go to Configuration/Things and press "+" to add a new thing, then select Loxone Binding
    1. Loxone Miniservers visible on the local network should be now discovered and listed
    2. If it does not happen, it is possible that they were already discovered and placed in the Inbox - please double check
    3. If you still can't find your Miniserver, try to add it manually

Configuring user name and password

A discovered and added Miniserver needs setting up credentials to become functional. A Miniserver without completed setup will show Uninitialized status.

Uninitialized thing

  1. Go to Configuration/Things, select your Miniserver and click on edit sign

    1. Enter user name and password in the Miniserver settings section
    2. Check thing name and location and update them to your preference
      • Location is populated automatically only on the first run, it will not be reverted once you change it
    3. Here you can also change host address and port number in case there is such need in the future

  2. Push checkmark sign to confirm your changes

    1. If everything is fine, you should see your Miniserver changing status to ONLINE
    2. If something went wrong, Miniserver status will be OFFLINE and there should be detailed reason displayed next to it. You may consult debugging instructions for troubleshooting your problem.

      Online server

Checking Loxone configuration

A Miniserver, which is ONLINE, will contain openHAB Channels, that represent Loxone funtional blocks exposed in the Loxone UI.

Please note, that not all types of functional blocks are currently supported by the binding. For the list of supported blocks please consult repository's readme.MD file.

When you click on the Miniserver Thing, you should see which channels were created for the thing. Channel label is comprised of a room name and control name separated by /. When there is no room configured for the control, it will be equal to the control name only.


Interacting with Loxone controls

You can interact with Loxone controls through the created channels, by operating on openHAB Items.

openHAB will create an item for each of the channels automatically, only if it operates in the Simple mode.

To see the Items and interact with them, please go to the Control page of the Paper UI. This page is intended mainly for administration and verification purposes and is not a target user interface for openHAB. Creating a sophisticated user interfaces that operate on items linked to Loxone controls, is a subject of a separate tutorial.


Now your setup is ready to operate and you may start combining your Loxone devices with a variety of services that openHAB makes possible.

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