Godot interface to collection of simple/basic geometric/vector fonts (like stb_easy_font).
Note, that some variants of display might require my fork of Godot since I have extended canvas item coordinates from Vector2
to Vector3
(for better mesh integration).
Main class responsible for mesh generatio is GdGeomFonts
. As this class is not a Node
-based it needs to be properly integrated with eg. _draw
method. Simple example of usage GdGeomFonts class:
extends Node2D
var font:GdGeomFonts = GdGeomFonts.new()
var rot:float = 0
var animate:bool = false
func _ready():
animate = $toggle_animate.pressed
func _draw():
font.easy_font_add_text("0123456789", Vector2(5,5))
font.easy_font_add_text("ABC DEF GHI JKL", Vector2(5,14))
font.easy_font_add_text_xform("SCALED STB EASY FONT", Transform().scaled(Vector3(2,4,1)), Vector2(5,23))
font.bob_font_add_text("GALACTIC FORTRESS", Vector3(50,50,0), 5)
font.bob_font_add_text_xform("FONT 3D", Transform().rotated(Vector3(1,1,0).normalized(), PI/5), Vector3(75,125,0), 10, false)
font.bob_font_add_text_xform("FONT 3D", Transform().rotated(Vector3(1,1,0).normalized(), PI/5), Vector3(75,125,0), 10, false)
font.easy_font_add_text_xform("SCALED STB EASY FONT", Transform().scaled(Vector3(2,3,1)).rotated(Vector3(1,1,0).normalized(), -PI/4), Vector2(5,100))
font.easy_font_add_text_xform("SCALED STB EASY FONT", Transform().scaled(Vector3(4,4,1)).rotated(Vector3(1,1,0).normalized(), -PI/4), Vector2(5,60))
font.easy_font_add_text_xform("SCALED STB EASY FONT", Transform().scaled(Vector3(4,6,1)).rotated(Vector3(1,1,0).normalized(), -PI/4), Vector2(5,60))
func _timer():
if animate:
rot += deg2rad(0.5)
func _toggle_anim(state):
animate = state
Line drawinf effect:
FlyingLine (net.sakri.so_texty.vector_effect.FlyingLine)
package net.sakri.so_texty.vector_effect {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
public class FlyingLine extends Shape {
protected var _start:Point
protected var _line_thickness:uint
protected var _line_alpha:Number
protected var _angle:Number
protected var _line_color:uint
protected var _end:Point
public function FlyingLine(a:Point, b:Point, line_thickness:uint=1, color:uint=0, line_alpha:Number=1) {
this._start = a;
this._end = b;
this._angle = Math.atan2((this._end.y - this._start.y), (this._end.x - this._start.x));
this._line_thickness = line_thickness;
this._line_color = color;
this._line_alpha = line_alpha;
public function toOriginalLocation():void {
this.x = this._start.x;
this.y = this._start.y;
public function get original_x():Number {
return (this._start.x);
public function get original_y():Number {
return (this._start.y);
public function getPointDistanceAwayFromOrigin(dist:Number):Point {
return (new Point((this._start.x + (Math.cos(this._angle) * dist)), (this._start.y + (Math.sin(this._angle) * dist))));
public function render():void {
this.graphics.lineStyle(this._line_thickness, this._line_color, this._line_alpha);
this.graphics.lineTo((this._end.x - this._start.x), (this._end.y - this._start.y));
public function slideAlongSlopeBy(dist:Number):void {
var p:Point = this.getPointDistanceAwayFromOrigin(dist);
this.x = p.x;
this.y = p.y;
} // package net.sakri.so_texty.vector_effect