No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen
This GDScript package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: 2.0
- Package version: 1.0.0
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.GDScriptClientCodegen For more information, please visit
Godot Engine (
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
from __future__ import print_function
import time
import swgclient
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = swgclient.NakamaApi(swgclient.ApiClient(configuration))
# Add friends by ID or username to a user's account.
api_response = api_instance.add_friends()
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling NakamaApi->add_friends: %s\n" % e)
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
NakamaApi | add_friends | POST /v2/friend | Add friends by ID or username to a user's account. |
NakamaApi | add_group_users | POST /v2/group/{group_id}/add | Add users to a group. |
NakamaApi | authenticate_custom | POST /v2/account/authenticate/custom | Authenticate a user with a custom id against the server. |
NakamaApi | authenticate_device | POST /v2/account/authenticate/device | Authenticate a user with a device id against the server. |
NakamaApi | authenticate_email | POST /v2/account/authenticate/email | Authenticate a user with an email+password against the server. |
NakamaApi | authenticate_facebook | POST /v2/account/authenticate/facebook | Authenticate a user with a Facebook OAuth token against the server. |
NakamaApi | authenticate_game_center | POST /v2/account/authenticate/gamecenter | Authenticate a user with Apple's GameCenter against the server. |
NakamaApi | authenticate_google | POST /v2/account/authenticate/google | Authenticate a user with Google against the server. |
NakamaApi | authenticate_steam | POST /v2/account/authenticate/steam | Authenticate a user with Steam against the server. |
NakamaApi | block_friends | POST /v2/friend/block | Block one or more users by ID or username. |
NakamaApi | create_group | POST /v2/group | Create a new group with the current user as the owner. |
NakamaApi | delete_friends | DELETE /v2/friend | Delete one or more users by ID or username. |
NakamaApi | delete_group | DELETE /v2/group/{group_id} | Delete a group by ID. |
NakamaApi | delete_leaderboard_record | DELETE /v2/leaderboard/{leaderboard_id} | Delete a leaderboard record. |
NakamaApi | delete_notifications | DELETE /v2/notification | Delete one or more notifications for the current user. |
NakamaApi | delete_storage_objects | PUT /v2/storage/delete | Delete one or more objects by ID or username. |
NakamaApi | get_account | GET /v2/account | Fetch the current user's account. |
NakamaApi | get_users | GET /v2/user | Fetch zero or more users by ID and/or username. |
NakamaApi | healthcheck | GET /healthcheck | A healthcheck which load balancers can use to check the service. |
NakamaApi | import_facebook_friends | POST /v2/friend/facebook | Import Facebook friends and add them to a user's account. |
NakamaApi | join_group | POST /v2/group/{group_id}/join | Immediately join an open group, or request to join a closed one. |
NakamaApi | join_tournament | POST /v2/tournament/{tournament_id}/join | Attempt to join an open and running tournament. |
NakamaApi | kick_group_users | POST /v2/group/{group_id}/kick | Kick a set of users from a group. |
NakamaApi | leave_group | POST /v2/group/{group_id}/leave | Leave a group the user is a member of. |
NakamaApi | link_custom | POST /v2/account/link/custom | Add a custom ID to the social profiles on the current user's account. |
NakamaApi | link_device | POST /v2/account/link/device | Add a device ID to the social profiles on the current user's account. |
NakamaApi | link_email | POST /v2/account/link/email | Add an email+password to the social profiles on the current user's account. |
NakamaApi | link_facebook | POST /v2/account/link/facebook | Add Facebook to the social profiles on the current user's account. |
NakamaApi | link_game_center | POST /v2/account/link/gamecenter | Add Apple's GameCenter to the social profiles on the current user's account. |
NakamaApi | link_google | POST /v2/account/link/google | Add Google to the social profiles on the current user's account. |
NakamaApi | link_steam | POST /v2/account/link/steam | Add Steam to the social profiles on the current user's account. |
NakamaApi | list_channel_messages | GET /v2/channel/{channel_id} | List a channel's message history. |
NakamaApi | list_friends | GET /v2/friend | List all friends for the current user. |
NakamaApi | list_group_users | GET /v2/group/{group_id}/user | List all users that are part of a group. |
NakamaApi | list_groups | GET /v2/group | List groups based on given filters. |
NakamaApi | list_leaderboard_records | GET /v2/leaderboard/{leaderboard_id} | List leaderboard records. |
NakamaApi | list_leaderboard_records_around_owner | GET /v2/leaderboard/{leaderboard_id}/owner/{owner_id} | List leaderboard records that belong to a user. |
NakamaApi | list_matches | GET /v2/match | Fetch list of running matches. |
NakamaApi | list_notifications | GET /v2/notification | Fetch list of notifications. |
NakamaApi | list_storage_objects | GET /v2/storage/{collection} | List publicly readable storage objects in a given collection. |
NakamaApi | list_storage_objects2 | GET /v2/storage/{collection}/{user_id} | List publicly readable storage objects in a given collection. |
NakamaApi | list_tournament_records | GET /v2/tournament/{tournament_id} | List tournament records. |
NakamaApi | list_tournament_records_around_owner | GET /v2/tournament/{tournament_id}/owner/{owner_id} | List tournament records for a given owner. |
NakamaApi | list_tournaments | GET /v2/tournament | List current or upcoming tournaments. |
NakamaApi | list_user_groups | GET /v2/user/{user_id}/group | List groups the current user belongs to. |
NakamaApi | promote_group_users | POST /v2/group/{group_id}/promote | Promote a set of users in a group to the next role up. |
NakamaApi | read_storage_objects | POST /v2/storage | Get storage objects. |
NakamaApi | rpc_func | POST /v2/rpc/{id} | Execute a Lua function on the server. |
NakamaApi | rpc_func2 | GET /v2/rpc/{id} | Execute a Lua function on the server. |
NakamaApi | unlink_custom | POST /v2/account/unlink/custom | Remove the custom ID from the social profiles on the current user's account. |
NakamaApi | unlink_device | POST /v2/account/unlink/device | Remove the device ID from the social profiles on the current user's account. |
NakamaApi | unlink_email | POST /v2/account/unlink/email | Remove the email+password from the social profiles on the current user's account. |
NakamaApi | unlink_facebook | POST /v2/account/unlink/facebook | Remove Facebook from the social profiles on the current user's account. |
NakamaApi | unlink_game_center | POST /v2/account/unlink/gamecenter | Remove Apple's GameCenter from the social profiles on the current user's account. |
NakamaApi | unlink_google | POST /v2/account/unlink/google | Remove Google from the social profiles on the current user's account. |
NakamaApi | unlink_steam | POST /v2/account/unlink/steam | Remove Steam from the social profiles on the current user's account. |
NakamaApi | update_account | PUT /v2/account | Update fields in the current user's account. |
NakamaApi | update_group | PUT /v2/group/{group_id} | Update fields in a given group. |
NakamaApi | write_leaderboard_record | POST /v2/leaderboard/{leaderboard_id} | Write a record to a leaderboard. |
NakamaApi | write_storage_objects | PUT /v2/storage | Write objects into the storage engine. |
NakamaApi | write_tournament_record | PUT /v2/tournament/{tournament_id} | Write a record to a tournament. |
- ApiAccount
- ApiAccountCustom
- ApiAccountDevice
- ApiAccountEmail
- ApiAccountFacebook
- ApiAccountGameCenter
- ApiAccountGoogle
- ApiAccountSteam
- ApiChannelMessage
- ApiChannelMessageList
- ApiCreateGroupRequest
- ApiDeleteStorageObjectId
- ApiDeleteStorageObjectsRequest
- ApiFriend
- ApiFriends
- ApiGroup
- ApiGroupList
- ApiGroupUserList
- ApiLeaderboardRecord
- ApiLeaderboardRecordList
- ApiMatch
- ApiMatchList
- ApiNotification
- ApiNotificationList
- ApiReadStorageObjectId
- ApiReadStorageObjectsRequest
- ApiRpc
- ApiSession
- ApiStorageObject
- ApiStorageObjectAck
- ApiStorageObjectAcks
- ApiStorageObjectList
- ApiStorageObjects
- ApiTournament
- ApiTournamentList
- ApiTournamentRecordList
- ApiUpdateAccountRequest
- ApiUpdateGroupRequest
- ApiUser
- ApiUserGroupList
- ApiUsers
- ApiWriteStorageObject
- ApiWriteStorageObjectsRequest
- GroupUserListGroupUser
- ProtobufEmpty
- UserGroupListUserGroup
- WriteLeaderboardRecordRequestLeaderboardRecordWrite
- WriteTournamentRecordRequestTournamentRecordWrite
- Type: HTTP basic authentication
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: http_key
- Location: HTTP header