diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 9cf7ac9..59292e3 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,3 +1,360 @@
-# SimplyCode Dummy Component
+# Loading a SimplyCode component into a SimplyCode app
-This is a dummy component to see whether/how to load a component from a different repository into an SimplyCode App
+[SimplyEdit][1] is a Javascript library that makes it trivial to create webpages
+that can be edited by non-technical users.
+In a similar fashion, [SimplyCode][1] is an environment to allow users to create web applications.
+An application in SimplyCode consists of components. Currently, (2024) these components can only be built in SimplyCode directly.
+This project demonstrates how components can be loaded from a different source.
+It consists of two parts:
+1. [A dummy app][3]
+2. [A dummy component][3]
+The component is loaded into the app and displayed.
+The generated app can be visited at: https://blog.pother.ca/simplycode-dummy-app/generated.html
+To make this work, changes were made in both the component and the app.
+## Component
+The component was created in SimplyCode and then exported as a JS module.
+The component can be found at: https://blog.pother.ca/simplycode-dummy-component/index.js
+The component was created as follows:
+1. A component was created with a command and an action
+ - Action:
+ ```js
+ function (subject) {
+ return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
+ resolve(`Hello ${subject}`)
+ })
+ }
+ ```
+ - Command:
+ ```js
+ function (element) {
+ simplyApp.actions.sayHello('World').then(message => alert)
+ }
+ ```
+ - Template:
+ ```html
+ ```
+2. A page was created with a route and HTML page
+ - The hello HTML contains a ``
+ - The route for `/` was set to "hello"
+3. The page-frame was changed to output a JS Module
+ ```handlebars
+ export default {
+ 'componentCss': `
+ {{componentCss}}
+ `,
+ 'pageCss': `
+ {{pageCss}}
+ `,
+ 'headHtml': `
+ {{headHtml}}
+ `,
+ 'bodyHtml': `
+ {{bodyHtml}}
+ `,
+ 'footHtml': `
+ {{footHtml}}
+ `,
+ 'componentTemplates': `
+ {{componentTemplates}}
+ `,
+ 'pageTemplates': `
+ {{pageTemplates}}
+ `,
+ 'simplyRawApi': {
+ {{rawApi}}
+ },
+ 'simplyDataApi': {
+ {{dataApi}}
+ },
+ 'simplyApp': {
+ 'actions': {
+ {{actions}}
+ },
+ 'commands': {
+ {{commands}}
+ },
+ 'routes': {
+ {{routes}}
+ }
+ },
+ 'transformers': {
+ {{transformers}}
+ },
+ 'sorters': {
+ {{sorters}}
+ },
+ 'dataSources': undefined
+ {{dataSources}}
+ }
+ ```
+This was all Simplycode compliant, thus a `generated.html` file was created.
+As the component is to be [consumed as ESM][5], it was copied to `index.js`.
+The final result
+export default {
+ 'componentCss': `
+ `,
+ 'pageCss': `
+ `,
+ 'headHtml': `
+ `,
+ 'bodyHtml': `
+ `,
+ 'footHtml': `
+ `,
+ 'componentTemplates': `
+ `,
+ 'pageTemplates': `
+ `,
+ 'simplyRawApi': {},
+ 'simplyDataApi': {},
+ 'simplyApp': {
+ 'actions': {
+ 'sayHello': function (subject) {
+ return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
+ resolve(`Hello ${subject}`)
+ })
+ },
+ },
+ 'commands': {
+ 'sayHello': function (element) {
+ simplyApp.actions.sayHello('World').then(message => alert)
+ },
+ },
+ 'routes': {
+ '/': function (params) {
+ editor.pageData.page = 'hello'
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ 'transformers': {},
+ 'sorters': {},
+ 'dataSources': undefined,
+At this point, the repository looks like this:
+├── components
+│ └── hello
+│ ├── actions
+│ │ └── sayHello.js
+│ ├── commands
+│ │ └── sayHello.js
+│ ├── componentTemplates
+│ │ └── hello.html
+│ └── meta.json
+├── page-frame
+│ ├── componentPreview.html
+│ ├── fullApp.html <-- This was changed to output a JS module
+│ └── pagePreview.html
+├── pages
+│ └── hello
+│ ├── meta.json
+│ ├── pageTemplates
+│ │ └── hello.html
+│ └── routes
+│ ├── home.js
+│ └── home.json
+├── generated.html
+├── index.js <-- This is the generated JS module
+└── README.md
+### App
+The app was created in SimplyCode.
+The app can be found at: https://blog.pother.ca/simplycode-dummy-app/generated.html
+The app was created as follows:
+1. A page was created with a route and HTML page
+ - The hello HTML contains a `
This is an App
+ - The route for `/` was set to "home"
+2. The page-frame was changed to allow us to prevent SimplyEdit from loading.
+ This was done by (ab)using the `data-simply-storage` attribute.
+ An event listener was added for a custom `simply-import-fired` event.
+ This event is to be fired once the component is loaded.
+ ```html
+ ```
+3. Import logic was added to the foot HTML of the application.
+ It imports the component and adds the component's templates, actions, and commands to the app.
+ It then fires the `simply-import-fired` event so SimplyEdit can continue loading.
+ ```html
+ ```
+After this, the app route was changed from `home` to `hello` to load the component.
+The final result
This is an App
+At this point, the repository looks like this:
+├── base-components
+│ └── import
+│ ├── footHtml
+│ │ └── importFoot.html <-- This was changed to import the component
+│ └── meta.json
+├── generated.html
+├── page-frame
+│ ├── componentPreview.html <-- This was changed to prevent SimplyEdit from loading
+│ ├── fullApp.html
+│ └── pagePreview.html
+├── pages
+│ └── home
+│ ├── meta.json
+│ ├── pageTemplates
+│ │ └── home.html
+│ └── routes
+│ ├── home.js
+│ └── home.json
+└── README.md
+[1]: https://simplyedit.io/
+[2]: https://github.com/SimplyEdit/simplycode
+[3]: https://github.com/potherca-blog/simplycode-dummy-app
+[4]: https://github.com/potherca-blog/simplycode-dummy-component
+[5]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Modules#importing_features_into_your_script
+[6]: https://blog.pother.ca/simplycode-dummy-component/index.js
+[7]: https://blog.pother.ca/simplycode-dummy-app/generated.html