Releases: portsoc/eslint-config-portsoc
Releases · portsoc/eslint-config-portsoc
add generator-star-spacing; fix deps
v0.8.2 0.8.2
ban var (and more new rules)
- no-var: obvious
- require-await: we usually don't want to have an async function that does not await
- Sadly, we cannot catch with eslint where we call an async function and we don't await, I'd really like that, too.
- (updated) no-unused-vars: we usually don't want unused parameters (semistandard doesn't seem to catch that)
- (updated) no-restricted-syntax SequenceExpression: we don't usually use the comma operator and sequence expressions; inexperienced programmers coming from other languages can use it by mistake, thinking it does something else
quotes and class member spacing
adds the following rules #7 :
'quotes': ['error', 'single', 'avoid-escape'],
'lines-between-class-members': ['error', 'always', {
exceptAfterSingleLine: true,
add root: true
- add
root: true
in README in the default config (because it's a good idea for inexperienced users so eslint configs don't get mixed up) - testing github action workflow name change
add tests
- added automated tests and CI
- added quote-props: consistent-as-needed