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4.30767C115.292 4.30767 115.423 4.31852 115.548 4.34022L115.637 4.3565L115.495 5.85821C115.365 5.82565 115.184 5.80938 114.954 5.80938C114.606 5.80938 114.354 5.88941 114.197 6.04949C114.039 6.20685 113.961 6.43475 113.961 6.73319V9H112.369V4.38906H113.554L113.802 5.12567H113.879C114.012 4.88149 114.197 4.68479 114.433 4.53557C114.672 4.38363 114.912 4.30767 115.153 4.30767ZM119.292 9L118.987 8.38955H118.954C118.74 8.65543 118.521 8.83721 118.299 8.93489C118.077 9.03256 117.789 9.08139 117.436 9.08139C117.002 9.08139 116.66 8.95116 116.411 8.6907C116.161 8.43025 116.036 8.06397 116.036 7.59189C116.036 7.10082 116.207 6.7359 116.549 6.49715C116.891 6.25568 117.386 6.12003 118.034 6.09018L118.804 6.06576V6.00065C118.804 5.62081 118.616 5.4309 118.242 5.4309C117.906 5.4309 117.478 5.54485 116.96 5.77275L116.5 4.72277C117.037 4.44603 117.716 4.30767 118.535 4.30767C119.127 4.30767 119.584 4.45417 119.907 4.74719C120.232 5.04021 120.395 5.44989 120.395 5.97623V9H119.292ZM118.112 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