A server-app for checking Studentbostäder's website for new apartments. The standard link checks after accommodations on first come, first served' basis
Here is the software and what version i know its currently working on
Python 3.7.3
Selenium 3.141.0
Twilio 6.29.1
Requests 2.22.0
ChromeDriver 75.0.3770.140
configparser 3.7.4
- Support for Chromedriver instead of deprecated Phanomjs support in Selenium
- Fixed Selenium checking as it crashed with chrome
- Setting to Enable/Disable Headless mode
- Showing time while checking so you can be sure its not frozen and removing INFO messages from Chrome
- Sending SMS with Twillio
- A proper settings file
- Now sends out the welcome message on Pushbullet and Twilio
- This readme
- PhantomJS with Selenium(Support is deprecated)
- PushBullet api to interact with Pushbullet
- Selenium to check available accommodations
- Already seen apartments in a file.
Tested on Windows but i don't see why it should not work in Linux
On the first run the program will create a settings.ini file Here is a example config
Example Config
headless = true
interval = 30
url = https://www.studentbostader.se/sv/sok-bostad/lediga-bostader?actionId=&omraden=&egenskaper=SNABB&oboTyper=#&pagination=0&paginationantal=1000#
crashreportnotification = True
enabled = True
firstpushbullet = False
token = o.ojfs9hjsehf3420i529562h34hu9234
emails = [email protected],[email protected]
enabled = true
firsttwilio = False
accountsid = ybdsahusdhqrhu3hurh9q3re3
authtoken = uh41hu43pfdhnufh223uh4r2
fromphonenumber = +46numberhere
tophonenumbers = +46numberhere,+46numberhere
Twilio is for receiving the info by SMS P.S you can get free trial with more then enough balance Pushbullet is for receiving the info with a push notification on your phone
Run direktbostader.py
First time running a module(twilio/pushbullet) you should recive a welcome message on the service to check that it is working Example "You will now receive a Pusbullet when a apartment becomes available on the provided link"
This how the program should look when running. Updating the current time when it checks(currently every 30 seconds)
- Twilio - A module for using the Twilio REST API and generating valid TwiML.
- Selenium - A browser automation framework and ecosystem
- ChromeDriver - WebDriver for Chrome
- PushBullet - Send notifications to your phone
- ConfigParser - A config
- Daniel Roos RoosDaniel - For making the initial program - direktbostader