All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- PNDA-4503: Update platform-libraries to work with new ingest mechanics
- PNDA-3601: Disable emailtext in Jenkins file and replace it with notifier stage and job
- PNDA-3237: Don't rdd.cache() as this has implications and should be left up to the client
- PNDA-4216: Handle PEP-440 name normalization in build artefact
- PNDA-2445: Support for Hortonworks HDP hadoop distro.
- PNDA-3499: Cleanup CHANGELOG with missing release info.
- PNDA-2577: review python deps versions
- PNDA-2807: Update in order to use yarn-client mode
- Externalized build logic from Jenkins to shell script so it can be reused
- PNDA-2441: Up Spark version to 1.6
- Project renamed to PNDA
- Jenkinsfile for CI
- Separate simple data handler and Json data handler with configuration helper library
- Support for HDFS HA mode.
- Fully supported generic data handler (replaced netflow data handler).
- Refactored code structure with unittests
- Added support of DNS resolving
- Added support of reasoning PNDA namenode URL
- First release of platform-libraries API.