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News for Mocha Development

v0.3.1 2018.03.19

  • Infrastructure
    • Fix compatability with Memento

v0.3.0 2017.11.07

Tagged as 0.3.0 instead of 0.2.1 because Julia now does not allow minor version update of packages when the requirements for Julia changes with major version numbering.

  • Infrastructure
    • Mocha is now compatible with (and requires) Julia 0.6
    • Mocha is now updated for CUDA 8.0 and cuDNN 5.1 API changes

v0.2.0 2016.12.16

Tagged as 0.2.0 instead of 0.1.3 because Julia now does not support minor version update of packages when the requirements for Julia changes with major version numbering.

  • Infrastructure
    • Fix compatibility issues

v0.1.2 2016.03.23

  • Infrastructure
    • Fix compatability with Julia v0.5
    • Fix compatability with cuDNN v4
  • Network
    • Faster neurons (@uschmidt83)

v0.1.1 2016.02.29

  • Infrastructure
    • Fix compatability with Julia v0.5 nightly
    • Fix blasfunc compatibility (@elehcim)
    • Improved computation performance for neurons on CPU backend (@uschmidt83)

v0.1.0 2015.10.10

To celebrate the release of Julia v0.4 and increased involvement from the community of the development of Mocha.jl, we decided to have a v0.1.0 release.

  • Infrastructure
    • Backward compatibility with Julia v0.3, and Julia v0.4 compatability
    • Solver refactoring (@benmoran, @CarloLucibello)
    • Adam Solver (@benmoran)
    • Improved compatibility on Windows (@droidicus)
  • Network
    • Leaky ReLU (@stjanovitz)
    • Shuffling support for memory-data layer
    • DecayOnValidation now support square-loss like criterions
    • Variational Auto-Encoder and related layers: RandomNormal, BinaryCrossEntropyLossLayer, GaussianKLLoss, and Exponential neuron type (@benmoran)
    • SVM related layers: HingeLossLayer and BinaryAccuracyLayer (@nstiurca)
    • OrthogonalInitializer (@benmoran)
  • Documentation
    • Various typos and improvements from the community
    • MNIST Variational Auto-Encoder example (@benmoran)

v0.0.9 2015.07.20

  • Infrastructure
    • Add JLD.jl in REQUIREMENT as it becomes an independent package
    • Fix a Julia v0.4-dev compatability
  • Interface
    • GraphViz visualization for network architecture

v0.0.8 2015.05.27

  • Interface
    • Option to display other information for training summary (@bisraelsen)
  • Infrastructure
    • Improved gradient check (@steven-varga)
    • Fix temp file issue for unit-test on Windows
    • Fix XavierInitializer scale (@adambrewster)
    • Option to specify GPU device
  • Network
    • Index2Onehot layer, MemoryOutputLayer
    • SoftmaxLayer now can do backward

v0.0.7 2015.02.27

  • Infrastructure
    • Boltzmann.jl now supports DBN pre-training for Mocha.jl
    • Clearer Nesterov solver (@the-moliver)
    • Staged momentum policy
    • Learning rate policy to decay dynamically based on performance on validation set
  • Network
    • Async HDF5 data layer: faster and with chunking to support fast data shuffling
    • Softlabel-softmax-loss layer allows training with posterior (instead of hard labels) as labels
    • Weight loss layers to combine multiple loss functions in one network
    • Square loss layer is now capable of propagating gradients to both sides

v0.0.6 2014.12.31

  • Infrastructure
    • Numerical gradient checking in unit-tests (@pcmoritz)
    • Simple ref-counting for shared parameters
  • Network
    • RandomMaskLayer, TiedInnerProductLayer, IdentityLayer
    • Freezing / unfreezing some layers of a network to allow layer-wise pre-training
  • Documentation
    • A new tutorial on MNIST that compares unsupervised pre-training via stacked denoising auto-encoders and random initialization

v0.0.5 2014.12.20

  • Infrastructure
    • {Breaking Changes} cuDNN 6.5 R2 (Release Candidate) (@JobJob)
      • cuDNN 6.5 R2 is NOT backward compatible with 6.5 R1
      • Forward convolution speed up
      • Pooling with padding is supported
      • Mac OS X is supported
    • 4D-tensor -> ND-tensor
      • Mocha is now capable of handling general ND-tensor
      • Except that (for now) ConvolutionLayer and PoolingLayer still requires the inputs to be 4D
      • The generalization is almost backward compatible, except
        • The interface for ReshapeLayer changed b/c the target shape needs to be ND, instead of 4D now
        • Parameters added for some layers to allow the user to specify which dimension to operate on
        • The output of InnerProductLayer is now 2D-tensor instead of 4D
      • Unit-tests are expanded to cover test cases for ND-tensor when applicable
  • Interface
    • print a constructed Net to get a brief overview of the geometry of input/output blobs in each layers
  • Documentation
    • Setup the Roadmap Ticket, duscussions/suggestions are welcome
    • Update everything to reflect 4D -> ND tensor changes
    • Document for parameter norm constraints
    • Developer's Guide for blob and layer API

v0.0.4 2014.12.09

  • Network
    • Parameter (l2-norm) constraints (@stokasto)
    • Random shuffling for HDF5 data layer
    • ConcatLayer
  • Infrastructure
    • Momentum policy (@stokasto)
    • Save training statistics to file and plot tools (@stokasto)
    • Coffee breaks now have a coffee lounge
    • Auto detect whether CUDA kernel needs update
    • Stochastic Nesterov Accelerated Gradient Solver
    • Solver refactoring:
      • Behaviors for coffee breaks are simplified
      • Solver state variables like iteration now has clearer semantics
      • Support loading external pre-trained models for fine-tuning
    • Support explicit weight-sharing layers
    • Behaviors of layers taking multiple inputs made clear and unit-tested
    • Refactoring:
      • Removed the confusing System type
      • CuDNNBackend renamed to GPUBackend
      • Cleaned up cuBLAS API (@stokasto)
    • Layers are now organized by characterization properties
    • Robustness
      • Various explicit topology verifiecations for Net and unit tests
      • Increased unit test coverage for rare cases
    • Updated dependency to HDF5.jl 0.4.7
  • Documentation
    • A new MNIST example using fully connected and dropout layers (@stokasto)
    • Reproducible MNIST results with fixed random seed (@stokasto)
    • Tweaked IJulia Notebook image classification example
    • Document for solvers and coffee breaks

v0.0.3 2014.11.27

  • Interface
    • IJulia-notebook example
    • Image classifier wrapper
  • Network
    • Data transformers for data layers
    • Argmax, Crop, Reshape, HDF5 Output, Weighted Softmax-loss Layers
  • Infrastructure
    • Unit tests are extended to cover all layers in both Float32 and Float64
    • Compatibility with Julia v0.3.3 and v0.4 nightly build
  • Documentation
    • Complete User's Guide
    • Tutorial on image classification with pre-trained imagenet model

v0.0.2 2014.11.20

  • Infrastructure
    • Ability to import caffe trained model
    • Properly release all the allocated resources upon backend shutdown
  • Network
    • Sigmoid activation function
    • Power, Split, Element-wise layers
    • Local Response Normalization layer
    • Channel Pooling layer
    • Dropout Layer
  • Documentation
    • Complete MNIST demo
    • Complete CIFAR-10 demo
    • Major part of User's Guide

v0.0.1 2014.11.13

  • Backend
    • Pure Julia CPU
    • Julia + C++ Extension CPU
    • CUDA + cuDNN GPU
  • Infrastructure
    • Evaluate on validation set during training
    • Automaticly saving and recovering from snapshots
  • Network
    • Convolution layer, mean and max pooling layer, fully connected layer, softmax loss layer
    • ReLU activation function
    • L2 Regularization
  • Solver
    • SGD with momentum
  • Documentation
    • Demo code of LeNet on MNIST
    • Tutorial document on the MNIST demo (half finished)