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Accounts Hooks

useAccount(): Account | undefined
useAccountComment({commentIndex: string}): Comment // get a pending published comment by its index
useAccountComments({filter: AccountPublicationsFilter}): {accountComments: Comment[]} // export or display list of own comments
useAccountVotes({filter: AccountPublicationsFilter}): {accountVotes: Vote[]}  // export or display list of own votes
useAccountVote({commentCid: string}): Vote // know if you already voted on some comment
useAccountEdits({filer: AccountPublicationsFilter}):  {accountEdits: AccountEdit[]}
useAccountSubplebbits(): {accountSubplebbits: {[subplebbitAddress: string]: AccountSubplebbit}}
useAccounts(): Account[]
useNotifications(): {notifications: Notification[], markAsRead: Function}

Comments Hooks

useComment({commentCid: string}): Comment
useComments({commentCids: string[]}): {comments: Comment[]}
useEditedComment({comment: Comment}): {editedComment: Comment | undefined}

Subplebbits Hooks

useSubplebbit({subplebbitAddress: string}): Subplebbit
useSubplebbits({subplebbitAddresses: string[]}): {subplebbits: Subplebbits[]}
useSubplebbitStats({subplebbitAddress: string}): SubplebbitStats
useResolvedSubplebbitAddress({subplebbitAddress: string, cache: boolean}): {resolvedAddress: string | undefined} // use {cache: false} when checking the user's own subplebbit address

Authors Hooks

useAuthor({authorAddress: string, commentCid: string}): {author: Author | undefined}
useAuthorAddress({comment: Comment}): {authorAddress: string | undefined, shortAuthorAddress: string | undefined, authorAddressChanged: boolean}
useAuthorComments({authorAddress: string, commentCid: string, filter?: CommentsFilter}): {authorComments: Comment[], hasMore: boolean, loadMore: Promise<void>}
useResolvedAuthorAddress({author?: Author, cache?: boolean}): {resolvedAddress: string | undefined} // use {cache: false} when checking the user's own author address
useAuthorAvatar({author?: Author}): {imageUrl: string | undefined}
setAuthorAvatarsWhitelistedTokenAddresses(tokenAddresses: string[])

Feeds Hooks

useFeed({subplebbitAddresses: string[], sortType?: string, postsPerPage?: number, filter: CommentsFilter, newerThan: number}): {feed: Feed, loadMore: function, hasMore: boolean, reset: function, subplebbitAddressesWithNewerPosts: string[]}
useBufferedFeeds({feedsOptions: UseFeedOptions[]}) // preload or buffer feeds in the background, so they load faster when you call `useFeed`

Actions Hooks

useSubscribe({subplebbitAddress: string}): {subscribed: boolean | undefined, subscribe: Function, unsubscribe: Function}
useBlock({address?: string, cid?: string}): {blocked: boolean | undefined, block: Function, unblock: Function}
usePublishComment(options: UsePublishCommentOptions): {index: number, ...UsePublishCommentResult}
usePublishVote(options: UsePublishVoteOptions): UsePublishVoteResult
usePublishCommentEdit(options: UsePublishCommentEditOptions): UsePublishCommentEditResult
usePublishSubplebbitEdit(options: UsePublishSubplebbitEditOptions): UsePublishSubplebbitEditResult
useCreateSubplebbit(options: CreateSubplebbitOptions): {createdSubplebbit: Subplebbit | undefined, createSubplebbit: Function}

States Hooks

useClientsStates({comment?: Comment, subplebbit?: Subplebbit}): {states, peers}
useSubplebbitsStates({subplebbitAddresses: string[]}): {states, peers}

Plebbit RPC Hooks

usePlebbitRpcSettings(): {plebbitRpcSettings: {plebbitOptions, challenges}, setPlebbitRpcSettings: Function}

Actions with no hooks implementations yet

createAccount(account: Account)
deleteAccount(accountName: string)
setAccount(account: Account)
setActiveAccount(accountName: string)
setAccountsOrder(accountNames: string[])
importAccount(serializedAccount: string)
exportAccount(accountName: string): string // don't allow undefined to prevent catastrophic bugs
deleteSubplebbit(subplebbitAddress: string, accountName?: string)

Util functions

setPlebbitJs(PlebbitJs) // set which plebbit-js version to use, e.g. to mock content for frontend dev or to use the node version in Electron
deleteDatabases() // delete all databases, including all caches and accounts data
deleteCaches() // delete the cached comments, cached subplebbits and cached pages only, no accounts data

Getting started

import {useComment, useAccount} from '@plebbit/plebbit-react-hooks'

const account = useAccount()
const comment = useComment({commentCid})

Get the active account, if none exist in browser database, a default account is generated

const account = useAccount()

Create accounts and change active account

import {useAccount, useAccounts, createAccount, setActiveAccount} from '@plebbit/plebbit-react-hooks'

const account = useAccount()
const {accounts} = useAccounts()

// on first render
console.log(accounts.length) // 1
console.log( // 'Account 1'

await createAccount() // create 'Account 2'
await createAccount() // create 'Account 3'
await setActiveAccount('Account 3')

// on render after updates
console.log(accounts.length) // 3
console.log( // 'Account 3'

// you are now publishing from 'Account 3' because it is the active one
const {publishComment} = usePublishComment(publishCommentOptions)
await publishComment()

Get a post

const post = useComment({commentCid})

// should not be used directly, it needs to be verified asynchronously using useAuthorAddress
const {authorAddress, shortAuthorAddress} = useAuthorAddress({comment: post})
// exception: when linking to an author profile page, /u/${}/c/${comment.cid} should be used, not useAuthorAddress({comment}).authorAddress

Get a comment

const comment = useComment({commentCid})
const {comments} = useComments({commentCids: [commentCid1, commentCid2, commentCid3]})

// content
console.log(comment.content || || comment.title)

// should not be used directly, it needs to be verified asynchronously using useAuthorAddress
const {authorAddress, shortAuthorAddress} = useAuthorAddress({comment})
// exception: when linking to an author profile page, /u/${}/c/${comment.cid} should be used, not useAuthorAddress({comment}).authorAddress

Get author avatar

const comment = useComment({commentCid})

// get the nft avatar image url of the comment author
const {imageUrl, state, error, chainProvider, metadataUrl} = useAuthorAvatar({author:})

// result
if (state === 'succeeded') {
  console.log('Succeeded getting avatar image URL', imageUrl)
if (state === 'failed') {
  console.log('Failed getting avatar image URL', error.message)

// pending
if (state === 'fetching-owner') {
  console.log('Fetching NFT owner address from chain provider', chainProvider.urls)
if (state === 'fetching-uri') {
  console.log('Fetching NFT URI from chain provider URL', chainProvider.urls)
if (state === 'fetching-metadata') {
  console.log('Fetching NFT URI from', metadataUrl)

Get author profile page

// NOTE: you must have a comment cid from the author to load his profile page
// e.g. the page url would be /#/u/<authorAddress>/c/<commentCid>
const authorResult = useAuthor({commentCid, authorAddress})
const {imageUrl} = useAuthorAvatar({author:})
const {authorComments, lastCommentCid, hasMore, loadMore} = useAuthorComments({commentCid, authorAddress})

// result
if (authorResult.state === 'succeeded') {
  console.log('Succeeded getting author',
if (state === 'failed') {
  console.log('Failed getting author', authorResult.error.message)

// listing the author comments with infinite scroll
import {Virtuoso} from 'react-virtuoso'

  itemContent={(index, comment) => <Comment index={index} comment={comment}/>}
  components={{Footer: hasMore ? () => <Loading/> : undefined}}
  increaseViewportBy={{bottom: 600, top: 600}}

// it is recommended to always redirect the user to the last known comment cid
// in case they want to share the url with someone, the author's comments
// will load faster when using the last comment cid
import {useParams} from 'react-router-dom'
const params = useParams()

useEffect(() => {
  if (lastCommentCid && params.comentCid !== lastCommentCid) {
}, [lastCommentCid])

Get a subplebbit

const subplebbit = useSubplebbit({subplebbitAddress})
const subplebbitStats = useSubplebbitStats({subplebbitAddress})
const {subplebbits} = useSubplebbits({subplebbitAddresses: [subplebbitAddress, subplebbitAddress2, subplebbitAddress3]})

Create a post or comment using callbacks

const onChallenge = async (challenges: Challenge[], comment: Comment) => {
  let challengeAnswers: string[]
  try {
    // ask the user to complete the challenges in a modal window
    challengeAnswers = await getChallengeAnswersFromUser(challenges)
  catch (e) {
    // if he declines, throw error and don't get a challenge answer
  if (challengeAnswers) {
    // if user declines, publishChallengeAnswers is not called, retry loop stops
    await comment.publishChallengeAnswers(challengeAnswers)

const onChallengeVerification = (challengeVerification, comment) => {
  // if the challengeVerification fails, a new challenge request will be sent automatically
  // to break the loop, the user must decline to send a challenge answer
  // if the subplebbit owner sends more than 1 challenge for the same challenge request, subsequents will be ignored
  if (challengeVerification.challengeSuccess === true) {
    console.log('challenge success', {publishedCid: challengeVerification.publication.cid})
  else if (challengeVerification.challengeSuccess === false) {
    console.error('challenge failed', {reason: challengeVerification.reason, errors: challengeVerification.errors})

const onError = (error, comment) => console.error(error)

const publishCommentOptions = {
  content: 'hello',
  title: 'hello',
  subplebbitAddress: '12D3KooW...',

const {index, state, publishComment} = usePublishComment(publishCommentOptions)

// create post
await publishComment()
// pending comment index
// pending comment state

// after publishComment is called, the account comment index gets defined
// it is recommended to immediately redirect the user to a page displaying
// the user's comment with a "pending" label
if (index !== undefined) {
  // on the "pending" comment page, you can get the pending comment by doing
  // const accountComment = useAccountComment({commentIndex: index})
  // after accountComment.cid gets defined, it means the comment was published successfully
  // it is recommended to immediately redirect to `/p/${accountComment.subplebbitAddress}/c/${useAccountComment.cid}`

// reply to a post or comment
const publishReplyOptions = {
  content: 'hello',
  parentCid: 'Qm...', // the cid of the comment to reply to
  subplebbitAddress: '12D3KooW...',
const {publishComment} = usePublishComment(publishReplyOptions)
await publishComment()

// when displaying replies, it is recommended to include the user's pending replies
// (nested)
// (not nested)

Create a post or comment using hooks

const publishCommentOptions = {
  content: 'hello',
  title: 'hello',
  subplebbitAddress: '12D3KooW...',

const {index, state, publishComment, challenge, challengeVerification, publishChallengeAnswers, error} = usePublishComment(publishCommentOptions)

if (challenge) {
  // display challenges to user and call publishChallengeAnswers(challengeAnswers)

if (challengeVerification) {
  // display challengeVerification.challengeSuccess to user
  // redirect to challengeVerification.publication.cid

if (error) {
  // display error to user

// after publishComment is called, the account comment index gets defined
// it is recommended to immediately redirect the user to a page displaying
// the user's comment with a "pending" label
if (index !== undefined) {
  // on the "pending" comment page, you can get the pending comment by doing
  // const accountComment = useAccountComment({commentIndex: index})
  // after accountComment.cid gets defined, it means the comment was published successfully
  // it is recommended to immediately redirect to `/p/${accountComment.subplebbitAddress}/c/${useAccountComment.cid}`

// create post
await publishComment()

Create a post or comment anonymously (without account.signer or

const account = useAccount()
const signer = await account.plebbit.createSigner()

const publishCommentOptions = {
  content: 'hello',
  title: 'hello',
  subplebbitAddress: '12D3KooW...',
  // use a newly generated author address (optional)
  // use a different display name (optional)
  author: {
    displayName: 'Esteban',
    address: signer.address

const {publishComment} = usePublishComment(publishCommentOptions)
await publishComment()

Create a vote

const commentCid = 'QmZVYzLChjKrYDVty6e5JokKffGDZivmEJz9318EYfp2ui'
const publishVoteOptions = {
  vote: 1,
  subplebbitAddress: 'news.eth',
const {state, error, publishVote} = usePublishVote(publishVoteOptions)

await publishVote()

// display the user's vote
const {vote} = useAccountVote({commentCid})

if (vote === 1)
  console.log('user voted 1')
if (vote === -1)
  console.log('user voted -1')
if (vote === 0)
  console.log('user voted 0')
if (vote === undefined)
  console.log(`user didn't vote yet`)

Create a comment edit

const publishCommentEditOptions = {
  commentCid: 'QmZVYzLChjKrYDVty6e5JokKffGDZivmEJz9318EYfp2ui',
  content: 'edited content',
  subplebbitAddress: 'news.eth',
const {state, error, publishCommentEdit} = usePublishCommentEdit(publishCommentEditOptions)

await publishCommentEdit()

// view the status of a comment edit instantly
let comment = useComment({commentCid: publishCommentEditOptions.commentCid})
const {state: editedCommentState, editedComment} = useEditedComment({comment})

// if the comment has a succeeded, failed or pending edit, use the edited comment
if (editedComment) {
  comment = editedComment

let editLabel
if (editedCommentState === 'succeeded') {
  editLabel = {text: 'EDITED', color: 'green'}
if (editedCommentState === 'pending') {
  editLabel = {text: 'PENDING EDIT', color: 'orange'}
if (editedCommentState === 'failed') {
  editLabel = {text: 'FAILED EDIT', color: 'red'}

Delete a comment

const publishCommentEditOptions = {
  commentCid: 'QmZVYzLChjKrYDVty6e5JokKffGDZivmEJz9318EYfp2ui',
  removed: true,
  subplebbitAddress: 'news.eth',
const {state, error, publishCommentEdit} = usePublishCommentEdit(publishCommentEditOptions)

await publishCommentEdit()

// TODO: implement accountActions.deleteComment to remove your comment from your local accountComments database

Subscribe to a subplebbit

let subplebbitAddress = 'news.eth'
subplebbitAddress = '12D3KooWANwdyPERMQaCgiMnTT1t3Lr4XLFbK1z4ptFVhW2ozg1z'
subplebbitAddress = 'tech.eth'
const {subscribed, subscribe, unsubscribe} = useSubscribe({subplebbitAddress})
await subscribe()
console.log(subscribed) // true

// view subscriptions
const account = useAccount()
console.log(account.subscriptions) // ['news.eth', '12D3KooWANwdyPERMQaCgiMnTT1t3Lr4XLFbK1z4ptFVhW2ozg1z', 'tech.eth']

// unsubscribe
await unsubscribe()

// get a feed of subscriptions
const {feed, hasMore, loadMore} = useFeed({subplebbitAddresses: account.subscriptions, sortType: 'topAll'})

Get feed

import {Virtuoso} from 'react-virtuoso'
const {feed, hasMore, loadMore} = useFeed({subplebbitAddresses: ['memes.eth', '12D3KooW...', '12D3KooW...'], sortType: 'topAll'})

  itemContent={(index, post) => <Post index={index} post={post}/>}
  components={{Footer: hasMore ? () => <Loading/> : undefined}}
  increaseViewportBy={{bottom: 600, top: 600}}

// you probably will want to buffer some feeds in the background so they are already loaded
// when you need them
  feedsOptions: [
    {subplebbitAddresses: ['news.eth', 'crypto.eth'], sortType: 'new'},
    {subplebbitAddresses: ['memes.eth'], sortType: 'topWeek'},
    {subplebbitAddresses: ['12D3KooW...', '12D3KooW...', '12D3KooW...', '12D3KooW...'], sortType: 'hot'}

Edit an account

import {useAccount, setAccount, useResolvedAuthorAddress} from '@plebbit/plebbit-react-hooks'
const account = useAccount() // or useAccount('Account 2') to use an account other than the active one

const author: {, displayName: 'John'}
const editedAccount = {...account, author}

await setAccount(editedAccount)

// check if the user has set his ENS name properly, use {cache: false} or it won't update
const author = {, address: 'username.eth'}
// authorAddress should equal to account.signer.address
const {resolvedAddress, state, error, chainProvider} = useResolvedAuthorAddress({author, cache: false}) 

// result
if (state === 'succeeded') {
  console.log('Succeeded resolving address', resolvedAddress)
if (state === 'failed') {
  console.log('Failed resolving address', error.message)

// pending
if (state === 'resolving') {
  console.log('Resolving address from chain provider URL', chainProvider.urls)

Delete account

Note: deleting account is unrecoverable, warn the user to export/backup his account before deleting

import {deleteAccount} from '@plebbit/plebbit-react-hooks'

// delete active account
await deleteAccount()

// delete account by name
await deleteAccount('Account 2')

Get your own comments and votes

// all my own comments
const {accountComments} = useAccountComments()
for (const accountComment of accountComments) {
  // it is recommended to show a label in the UI if accountComment.state is 'pending' or 'failed'
  console.log('comment', accountComment.index, 'is status', accountComment.state)

// all my own votes
const {accountVotes} = useAccountVotes()

// my own comments in memes.eth
const subplebbitAddress = 'memes.eth'
const filter = useCallback((comment) => comment.subplebbitAddress === subplebbitAddress, [subplebbitAddress]) // important to use useCallback or the same function or will cause rerenders
const myCommentsInMemesEth = useAccountComments({filter})

// my own posts in memes.eth
const filter = useCallback((comment) => comment.subplebbitAddress === subplebbitAddress && !comment.parentCid, [subplebbitAddress])
const myPostsInMemesEth = useAccountComments({filter})

// my own replies in a post with cid 'Qm...'
const postCid = 'Qm...'
const filter = useCallback((comment) => comment.postCid === postCid, [postCid])
const myCommentsInSomePost = useAccountComments({filter})

// my own replies to a comment with cid 'Qm...'
const parentCommentCid = 'Qm...'
const filter = useCallback((comment) => comment.parentCid === parentCommentCid, [parentCommentCid])
const myRepliesToSomeComment = useAccountComments({filter})

// know if you upvoted a comment already with cid 'Qm...'
const {vote} = useAccountVote({commentCid: 'Qm...'})
console.log(vote) // 1, -1 or 0

Determine if a comment is your own

const account = useAccount()
const comment = useComment({commentCid})
const isMyOwnComment = account?.author.address === comment?.author.address

Get account notifications

const {notifications, markAsRead} = useNotifications()
for (const notification of notifications) {
await markAsRead()

const johnsNotifications = useNotifications({accountName: 'John'})
for (const notification of johnsNotifications.notifications) {
await johnsNotifications.markAsRead()

// get the unread notification counts for all accounts
const {accounts} = useAccounts()
const accountsUnreadNotificationsCounts = accounts?.map(account => account.unreadNotificationCount)

Block an address (author, subplebbit or multisub)

const address: 'subplebbit-address.eth' // or 'author-address.eth' or '12D3KooW...'
const {blocked, unblock, block} = useBlock({address})

if (blocked) {
  console.log(`'${address}' is blocked`)
else {
  console.log(`'${address}' is not blocked`)

// to block

// to unblock

Block a cid (hide a comment)

const {blocked, unblock, block} = useBlock({cid: 'Qm...'})

if (blocked) {
  console.log(`'${cid}' is blocked`)
else {
  console.log(`'${cid}' is not blocked`)

// to block

// to unblock

(Desktop only) Create a subplebbit

const createSubplebbitOptions = {title: 'My subplebbit title'}
const {createdSubplebbit, createSubplebbit} = useCreateSubplebbit(createSubplebbitOptions)
await createSubplebbit()

// it is recommended to redirect to `p/${createdSubplebbit.address}` after creation
if (createdSubplebbit?.address) {
  console.log('created subplebbit with title', createdSubplebbit.title)

// after the subplebbit is created, fetch it using
const {accountSubplebbits} = useAccountSubplebbits()
const accountSubplebbitAddresses = Object.keys(accountSubplebbits)
const subplebbits = useSubplebbits({subplebbitAddresses: accountSubplebbitAddresses})
// or
const _subplebbit = useSubplebbit({subplebbitAddress: createdSubplebbit.address})

(Desktop only) List the subplebbits you created

const {accountSubplebbits} = useAccountSubplebbits()
const ownerSubplebbitAddresses = Object.keys(accountSubplebbits).map(subplebbitAddress => accountSubplebbits[subplebbitAddress].role === 'owner')
const subplebbits = useSubplebbits({subplebbitAddresses: ownerSubplebbitAddresses})

(Desktop only) Edit your subplebbit settings

const onChallenge = async (challenges: Challenge[], subplebbitEdit: SubplebbitEdit) => {
  let challengeAnswers: string[]
  try {
    challengeAnswers = await getChallengeAnswersFromUser(challenges)
  catch (e) {}
  if (challengeAnswers) {
    await subplebbitEdit.publishChallengeAnswers(challengeAnswers)

const onChallengeVerification = (challengeVerification, subplebbitEdit) => {
  console.log('challenge verified', challengeVerification)

const onError = (error, subplebbitEdit) => console.error(error)

// add ENS to your subplebbit
const editSubplebbitOptions = {
  subplebbitAddress: '12D3KooWANwdyPERMQaCgiMnTT1t3Lr4XLFbK1z4ptFVhW2ozg1z', // the previous address before changing it
  address: 'your-subplebbit-address.eth', // the new address to change to

await publishSubplebbitEdit()

// edit other subplebbit settings
const editSubplebbitOptions = {
  subplebbitAddress: 'your-subplebbit-address.eth', // the address of the subplebbit to change
  title: 'Your title', 
  description: 'Your description',
const {publishSubplebbitEdit} = usePublishSubplebbitEdit(editSubplebbitOptions)
await publishSubplebbitEdit()

// verify if ENS was set correctly, use {cache: false} or it won't update
const {resolvedAddress} = useResolvedSubplebbitAddress({subplebbitAddress: 'your-subplebbit-address.eth', cache: false})

// result
if (state === 'succeeded') {
  console.log('Succeeded resolving address', resolvedAddress)
  console.log('ENS set correctly', resolvedAddress === subplebbit.signer.address)
if (state === 'failed') {
  console.log('Failed resolving address', error.message)

// pending
if (state === 'resolving') {
  console.log('Resolving address from chain provider URL', chainProvider.urls)

Export and import account

import {exportAccount, importAccount, setActiveAccount, setAccountsOrder} from '@plebbit/plebbit-react-hooks'

// get active account 'Account 1'
const activeAccount = useAccount()

// export active account, tell user to copy or download this json
const activeAccountJson = await exportAccount()

// import account
await importAccount(activeAccountJson)

// get imported account 'Account 1 2' (' 2' gets added to if already exists)
const importedAccount = useAccount('Account 1 2')

// make imported account active account
await setActiveAccount('Account 1 2')

// reorder the accounts list
await setAccountsOrder(['Account 1 2', 'Account 1'])

View the status of a comment edit

let comment = useComment({commentCid})
const {state: editedCommentState, editedComment} = useEditedComment({comment})

// if the comment has a succeeded, failed or pending edit, use the edited comment
if (editedComment) {
  comment = editedComment

let editLabel
if (editedCommentState === 'succeeded') {
  editLabel = {text: 'EDITED', color: 'green'}
if (editedCommentState === 'pending') {
  editLabel = {text: 'PENDING EDIT', color: 'orange'}
if (editedCommentState === 'failed') {
  editLabel = {text: 'FAILED EDIT', color: 'red'}

View the status of a specific comment edit property

const comment = useComment({commentCid})
const editedComment = useEditedComment({comment})
if (editedComment.failedEdits.removed !== undefined) {
  console.log('failed editing comment.removed property')
if (editedComment.succeededEdits.removed !== undefined) {
  console.log('succeeded editing comment.removed property')
if (editedCommentResult.pendingEdits.removed !== undefined) {
  console.log('pending editing comment.removed property')

// view the full comment with all edited properties (both succeeded and pending)

// view the state of all edits of the comment
console.log(editedComment.state) // 'unedited' | 'succeeded' | 'pending' | 'failed'

List all comment and subplebbit edits the account has performed

const {accountEdits} = useAccountEdits()
for (const accountEdit of accountEdits) {
console.log(`there's ${accountEdits.length} account edits`)

// get only the account edits of a specific comment
const commentCid = 'Qm...'
const filter = useCallback((edit) => edit.commentCid === commentCid, [commentCid]) // important to use useMemo or the same function or will cause rerenders
const {accountEdits} = useAccountEdits({filter})

// only get account edits in a specific subplebbit
const subplebbitAddress = 'news.eth'
const filter = useCallback((edit) => edit.subplebbitAddress === subplebbitAddress, [subplebbitAddress])
const {accountEdits} = useAccountEdits({filter})

Get replies to a post (nested)

import {useComment, useAccountComments} from '@plebbit/plebbit-react-hooks'

const useRepliesAndAccountReplies = (comment) => {
  // filter only the parent cid
  const filter = useCallback((accountComment) => accountComment.parentCid === (comment?.cid || 'n/a'), [comment?.cid])
  const {accountComments} = useAccountComments({filter})

  // the account's replies have a delay before getting published, so get them locally from accountComments instead
  const accountRepliesNotYetPublished = useMemo(() => {
    const replies = comment?.replies?.pages?.topAll?.comments || []
    const replyCids = new Set( => reply.cid))
    // filter out the account comments already in comment.replies, so they don't appear twice
    return accountComments.filter(accountReply => !replyCids.has(accountReply.cid))
  }, [comment?.replies?.pages?.topAll?.comments, accountComments])

  const repliesAndNotYetPublishedReplies = useMemo(() => {
    return [
      // put the author's unpublished replies at the top, latest first (reverse)
      // put the published replies after,
      ...comment?.replies?.pages?.topAll?.comments || []
  }, [comment?.replies?.pages?.topAll?.comments, accountRepliesNotYetPublished])

  return repliesAndNotYetPublishedReplies

const Reply = ({reply}) => {
  const replies = useRepliesAndAccountReplies(reply)
  return (
      <div>{} {reply.timestamp}</div>
      {reply.state === 'pending' && <div>PENDING</div>}
      {reply.state === 'failed' && <div>FAILED</div>}
      <div style={{marginLeft: 4}}>
        { => <Reply reply={reply}/>))}

// account replies can have reply.state 'pending' or 'failed' when they are not published yet
// it is recommended to add a 'pending' or 'failed' label to these replies
const comment = useComment({commentCid})
const replies = useRepliesAndAccountReplies(comment)
const repliesComponents = => <Reply reply={reply}/>)

Get replies to a post flattened (not nested)

import {useComment, useAccountComments} from '@plebbit/plebbit-react-hooks'
import {flattenCommentsPages} from '@plebbit/plebbit-react-hooks/dist/lib/utils'

// the post
const comment = useComment({commentCid})

// the default way to display replies is nested, flatten (unnest) them instead
const flattenedReplies = useMemo(() => flattenCommentsPages(comment.replies), [comment.replies])

// the account replies to the post (commentCid) and account replies to all the post's replies
const postAndRepliesCids = useMemo(() => new Set([(commentCid || 'n/a'), => reply.cid)]), [commentCid, flattenedReplies])
const filter = useCallback((accountComment) => postAndRepliesCids.has(accountComment.parentCid), [postAndRepliesCids])
const {accountComments} = useAccountComments({filter})

// the account's replies have a delay before getting published, so get them locally from accountComments instead
const accountRepliesNotYetInCommentReplies = useMemo(() => {
  const commentReplyCids = new Set( => reply.cid))
  // filter out the account comments already in comment.replies, so they don't appear twice
  return accountComments.filter(accountReply => !commentReplyCids.has(accountReply.cid))
}, [flattenedReplies, accountComments])

// merge the not yet published account replies and published replies, and sort them by timestamp
const sortedReplies = useMemo(() => [...accountRepliesNotYetInCommentReplies, ...flattenedReplies].sort((a, b) => a.timestamp - b.timestamp), [accountRepliesNotYetInCommentReplies, flattenedReplies])

for (const reply of sortedReplies) {
  // account replies can have reply.state 'pending' or 'failed' when they are not published yet
  // it is recommended to add a 'pending' or 'failed' label to these replies

Get a shortCid or shortAddress

// NOTE: not possible to do from plebbit-react-hooks, needs plebbit-js
import {getShortAddress, getShortCid} from '@plebbit/plebbit-js'

const shortParentCid = getShortAddress(comment.parentCid)
const shortAddress = getShortCid(address)

Get a shortCid or shortAddress

import {useShortAddress, useShortCid} from '@plebbit/plebbit-react-hooks'

const shortParentCid = useShortCid(comment.parentCid)
const shortAddress = useShortAddress(address)

useBufferedFeeds with concurrency

const useBufferedFeedsWithConcurrency = ({feedOptions}) => {

  const subplebbits = useSubplebbits()

  return useBufferedFeeds({feedsOptions})

const feedOptions = [
  {subplebbitAddresses: ['news.eth', 'crypto.eth'], sortType: 'new'},
  {subplebbitAddresses: ['memes.eth'], sortType: 'topWeek'},
  {subplebbitAddresses: ['12D3KooW...', '12D3KooW...', '12D3KooW...', '12D3KooW...'], sortType: 'hot'},
