AWS CloudFormation template for static site hosting with AWS S3, AWS CloudFront and AWS Route 53.
static_site.json contains following resources:
- AWS S3 Bucket ( and public access policy for this bucket.
- AWS CloudFront Distribution for this bucket
- AWS Route 53 record sets for both and
- Hosted Zone created for given domain name in the AWS Route 53 in region of your choice
- Private certificate created and verified for the given domain in AWS Certificate Manager in the same region
Template parameters
- DomainName - name of the domain without leading www (eg.
- AcmCertificateArn - ARN of the certificate which will be used for CloudFront distribution and HTTPS
How to create all resources
- Log into AWS console
- Select service AWS CloudFormation
- Click on the Create stack button
- Select Upload a template to AWS, choose static_site.json and press Next.
- Put name of your stack (eg. site-com-static-site).
- Fill in all the values for parameters.
- Press Next on the Options page.
- Click on the Create button.
After a while (CloudFront distribution take ~10 minutes to create) you should see a new stack in the state CREATE_COMPLETE.
How to deploy the content of the website
AWS cli is installed and configured properly - see the documentation.
Uploading content to AWS S3
Given the following sample project path
From the directory src run following command:
aws s3 sync website s3://
Invalidate CloudFront distribution cache
aws cloudfront create-invalidation --distribution-id DISTRIBUTION_ID --paths "/*"