A pretty jQuery plugin search box for blogs that works with lunr.js. Demo here (hint: press Shift + Space to see it).
- Bootstrap CSS (including glyphicons)
- jQuery
- Lunr.js
- jQuery UI (OPTIONAL: You really only need "draggable")
####Bower (recommended)
bower install searchy.js
Grab the css and the js and include them on your page. Be sure you meet all the other dependencies have the script load after jQuery.
##Use: It's really simple to use. If you are already using Lunr.js just pass in your index and an array of all your posts. Here's what it might look like:
$(document).ready(function() {
var my_posts = [ // create an array of blog posts
title: "My Blog Post", // REQUIRED
url : "/my_blog_post.html", // REQUIRED
html : "<p>This is my blog post...</p>", // REQUIRED (just an exerpt of the post)
date: new Date("2016-06-23T12:45:37-06:00"), // OPTIONAL (date will show underneath preview)
category: ["welcome","searchyMcSearchBox"], // OPTIONAL (allows for searching by category)
content: "This is my blog post..." // OPTIONAL (basically the same as html but with the tags removed)
// you can add any other items you'd like and include them in the index for searching
var my_lunr_index = lunr(function () { // create the index
this.field('id'); // REQUIRED
this.field('title', { boost: 10 }); // REQUIRED
this.field('category', { boost: 7}); // OPTIONAL
this.field('content'); // OPTIONAL
for (var key in my_posts) { // load the index with your posts.
'id': key,
'title': my_posts[key].title,
'category': my_posts[key].category,
'content': my_posts[key].content
$(document).searchyBox({ // initialize
posts: my_posts,
idx: my_lunr_index,
dates: true,
draggable: true,
placeHolder: "Search Posts",
- posts (array; Required; Default: none):
- An array of each of the posts in the blog
- index (object; Required; Default: none):
- A Lunr.js index with your posts added
- appendTo (string; Optional; Default: "body"):
- The element to which you want the search box appended. Unless you have some specific reason, probably leave this one alone.
- draggable (bool; Optional; Default: false):
- Whether or not you want the search box to be draggable using a mouse
- NOTE: requires jQuery UI
- dates (bool; Optional; Default: false):
- Whether or not to show dates under the post preview
- floatingBtn (bool; Optional; Default: false):
- Adds a floating button fixed to the bottom right corner that opens the search box
- Recommended if you want mobile users to be able to search
- placeHolder (string; Optional; Default: "Search Blog"):
- The placeholder you want for the input box
- style (object; Optional; Default: {background: "#579A00",text: "#eee"}):
- Determined the background and text colors of a selected post, as well as the floating button
- Any valid CSS color is allowed
- if you provide this option, give values to both "background" and "text"
- shortcut (object; Optional; Default: {key:32,modifier: "shiftKey"}):
- The keycode and modifier that trigger the search-box
- Valid modifiers are "ctrlKey", "altKey", and "shiftKey"
- Any valid keycode is allowed (key must be int)
##Using with Jekyll
Assuming your front matter looks something like this...
layout: post
title: "My First Post!"
date: 2016-06-23 12:45:37 -0600
categories: welcome searchyMcSearchBox
You can use the below javascript to create the array of posts and add them to a Lunr.js index.
var posts = [
{% for post in site.posts %}
"title": "{{ post.title | xml_escape }}",
"category": {{ post.categories | jsonify }} ,
"content": {{ post.content | strip_html | strip_newlines | jsonify }},
"html": {{ post.excerpt | jsonify }},
"url": "{{ post.url | xml_escape }}",
"date": new Date( "{{ post.date | date_to_xmlschema }}" )
{% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %}
{% endfor %}
var idx = lunr(function () {
this.field('title', { boost: 10 });
this.field('category', { boost: 7});
for (var key in posts) {
'id': key,
'title': posts[key].title,
'category': posts[key].category,
'content': posts[key].content
##Development 1 Fork the repo using the button at the top^.
2 Clone the repo to your machine:
git clone https://github.com/{{ yourUserNameHere }}/searchy.js.git
3 Make your changes, then run:
gulp // this will minify your js and sass into the "dist/" directory
4 Commit and push your changes back to your repo:
git add *
git commit -m "Description of my changes"
git push
5 Click "New Pull Request" at the top of your repository!
##Final Thoughts If you're using this anywhere let me know on twitter.
Also if you could provide a link to my site pjtatlow.me that would be awesome!