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PgTestCase is a small utility to manage the data lifecycle during tests

The module creates a temporary postgres server for your test session, runs your Ecto migrations, and finally deletes the postgres server after all the tests have completed.

This module is meant to be used with ExUnit and Ecto, and specifically Ecto backed by postgres. It will restart the Ecto Repo with the temporary database configuration, so that tests can use Ecto.Repo just like normal.


Add pg_test_case to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:pg_test_case, "~> 0.1.0"}

Note that PgTestCase will create a temporary postgres server, which requires PostgreSQL (and related utils) to be installed on your machine. Specifically, it may use the following executables: initdb, postgres, and pg_ctl.


To get started, simply use the module and tell it about your application and Ecto.Repo. It will in turn use ExUnit.Case, which allows you to define test cases using setup and/or setup_all.

In this example we will tell ExUnit.Case to run :initdb and :migrations, to start the temporary database and run the migrations, respectively.

defmodule MyAppTest do
  use PgTestCase,
    otp_app: :my_app,
    repo: MyApp.Repo

  setup_all [:initdb, :migrations]

  test "validates database model" do
    assert true