Create secrets:
kubectl create secret generic shipanaro-secrets \
--from-literal database_url="postgres://shipanaro:${POSTGRESS_PASSWORD}@postgres-postgresql/shipanaro" \
--from-literal secret_key="${SECRET_KEY}" \
--from-literal email_url='console://'
kubectl create secret generic ldap-secrets \
--from-literal url='ldap://openldap' \
--from-literal user_dn='cn=admin,dc=pirata,dc=cat' \
--from-literal password="${LDAP_ADMIN_PASSWORD}"
Deploy all resources:
kubectl apply -f k8s
...wait until everything is up:
kubectl get pods -w
Connect to ldapadmin using port forwarding:
kubectl port-forward service/ldapadmin 7777:https
(browse to https://localhost:7777 to log in to the LDAP admin)