Last edited: 2013-06-18 Pascal Naidon, chchwy
bug: memory leaks??
bug when closing a curve -> straight line or even nothing
bug selected point moved --->
bug: strange long things protruding out
bug when variable width and zoom - FIXED
bug when adding point -> area shrinks - FIXED
bug : new file --> bus error (FIXED?)
bug : when deleting/adding layers - FIXED
bug : when drawing 2nd vec layer - FIXED
bug : when moving a bitmap selection with transparent colour (FIXED?)
compress the Pencil files (XML + data (images)) into a single ZIP archive - similarly to Open Office Documents. implement a open and save function for these ZIP archives
improve movie export (get a QuickTime dialog, AVI on Windows , MPEG...)
fast gaussian blur for smooth shading
- duplicate frames - DONE
- rotate - DONE ---> but bug when drawing upside down and very slow
- free selection tool
- animate selection, and disable selection
- save colour palettes
- shortcuts in the menus - DONE
- customise hotkeys
- import a sequence of images - DONE (drag and drop only)
- operate on several (selected?) images at a time
- morphing/tweening...?
- multiple documents
- Flood fill:
- problem if a corner is too sharp ---> increase tolerance? temporarily change width? DONE (but for very sharp? DONE! (up to 3 points) )
- problem: sometimes the final leaves are not next to each other - OBSOLETE
- reduce contour pixels to pixels which are in the rectangular area - DONE
- improve intersections!
- test if the initial point is contained in the area - DONE
- update areas when adding a point - DONE
- remove points
- bug when remove colour - DONE
manage colours ----> "transparent" colour; for shade contour interactive change of colour - DONE??
write/read vectorial data - DONE
better eraser vectorial
several layers - DONE
eraser tool for vectorial - DONE
separate bitmap / vectorial - DONE
improve timeline management - DONE
warn when using a tool on hidden layer - DONE
improve the "cancel" function - DONE
blur tool, spray
improve simplification/inerpolation of curves
copy/paste - DONE
import sound - DONE
reestablish export movie - DONE
mirror option - flip horizontal - DONE
double-click on hand to re-establish - DONE
implement paint bucket, polyline for bitmap - DONE
preferences - DONE
accelerate : when moving the mouse, cache the background and draw only the modified element - DONE (but memory leaks?)
change structure??? -> intersections re-calculated dynamically?
use the OS clipboard for pasting - DONE
CREATE a class "Image" --> BITMAP, VECTORIAL... - DONE
add attribute for thin lines - DONE
add attribute for transparency - DONE
implement eyedropper - DONE
improve selection of one curve
improve selection of frames in timeline - DONE
suppress areas - DONE
============= WIN XP ============ implement export movie - DONE implement export flash - DONE flash compression
bug grey border - FIXED bug export jpeg - FIXED bug file extension - FIXED
bug release - FIXED bug with tablet - CIRCUMVENTED with option bug - tablet doesn't work??