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PhuocLe edited this page Jun 11, 2024 · 14 revisions

After the first example, you already familiar with Dataverse Dialog Builder. In this example, we demonstrate how you can move between each tab.

The Dialog we should build like this

  • This dialog includes a header, subheader, tab header, and tab footer. On the first tab, you’ll find an optionset control that automatically populates the value Me. The Next button is currently invisible. The Assign to Me button is visible. When clicked, it closes the dialog and confirms the action as Assign to Me.

  • If you change the optionset value to User or Team, the Next button becomes visible, and the Assign to Me button disappears. Clicking the Next button will navigate to the second tab where you can select either a User or Team record. On this tab, you can also click the Back button to return to the first tab. Additionally, clicking the Assign button will perform the Assign action and closes the dialog.

  • In any case, you can always click the Cancel button to cancel the Another Assign action.

Let's get started building a dialog using Dataverse Dialog Builder.

1. Create a JavaScript file and upload to your Dataverse environment

"use strict";
var AnotherAssign = (function () {
    "use strict";
    async function OnOpen(executionContext) {
    async function OnLoad(executionContext) {
    async function OnClickCancel(executionContext) {

    return {

2. Drag and drop controls to Dataverse Dialog Builder as the picture below


# Control Properties

3. Update your JavaScript code

"use strict";
var AnotherAssign = (function () {
    "use strict";
    async function OnOpen(executionContext) {
        const options = {
            position: 1,
            width: 600,
            height: 270
        const params = {
            pl_input_count: 2
        const result = await Xrm.Navigation.openDialog("pl_another_assign", options, params);
        if (result?.parameters?.pl_output_button_click) {
            if (result.parameters.pl_output_button_click === 'OnClickAssignToMe') {
                //assgin record to me
            else if (result.parameters.pl_output_button_click === 'OnClickAssign') {
                //assign record to user or team
    async function OnLoad(executionContext) {
        var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();

        function loadSubHeader() {
            const count = formContext.getAttribute("pl_input_count").getValue();
            const label = formContext.getControl("pl_label_subheader").getLabel();
            formContext.getControl("pl_label_subheader").setLabel(label.replace('{0}', count === 1 ? `1 record` : `${count} records`));
        function dynamicAddOptionSets() {
            const control_pl_optionset1 = formContext.getControl("pl_optionset_assign_to");
            control_pl_optionset1.addOption({ text: 'Me', value: 50000 });
            control_pl_optionset1.addOption({ text: 'User or Team', value: 50001 });
        function pl_optionset_assign_to__addOnChange() {
            const value = formContext.getAttribute("pl_optionset_assign_to").getValue();
            formContext.getControl("pl_button_next").setVisible(value !== 50000);
            formContext.getControl("pl_button_assign_to_me").setVisible(value === 50000);
    async function OnClickCancel(executionContext) {
        const formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
    async function OnClickAssign(executionContext, buttonClick) {
        var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
    async function MoveToTab(executionContext, tabName) {
        var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
    return {

4. Explain code

  • You used formContext.ui.moveTo(...) to navigate between tabName that you already declare in Event parameters in.
  • All your knowledge of JavaScript remains the same as what you're already familiar with develop Main, Quick Create form.