Thanks for your interest in Phosphor Icons! This release contains the raw SVGs, PNGs, and Icon Font implementations of our family of 772 icons in 6 weights. 89 new icons added in this release:
, anchor-simple
, app-window
, armchair
, arrow-square-in
, arrow-square-out
, article-medium
, article-ny-times
, atom
, bag-simple
, bell-ringing
, bell-z
, bell-simple-ringing
, bell-simple-z
, bookmarks-simple
, briefcase-metal
, bug
, bug-beetle
, bug-droid
, cardholder
, chalkboard
, chalkboard-simple
, chalkboard-teacher
, circle-dashed
, circle-wavy
, circle-wavy-check
, circle-wavy-question
, circle-wavy-warning
, coin
, cpu
, crown
, crown-simple
, currency-btc
, discord-logo
, door
, file-arrow-up
, fire-simple
, flag-banner
, flame
, frame-corners
, gauge
, ghost
, graduation-cap
, hand-soap
, handbag-simple
, highlighter-circle
, infinity
, knife
, lamp
, lifebuoy
, lightbulb-filament
, magnet
, magnet-straight
, marker-circle
, megaphone-simple
, mouse-simple
, notepad
, ny-times-logo
, paw-print
, pen-nib
, picture-in-picture
, pinterest-logo
, placeholder
, planet
, presentation
, presentation-chart
, projector-screen
, projector-screen-chart
, push-pin-simple
, push-pin-simple-slash
, quotes
, scribble-loop
, sim-card
, smiley-wink
, snapchat-logo
, spinner
, spinner-gap
, spotify-logo
, t-shirt
, tag-chevron
, toggle-left
, toggle-right
, traffic-sign
, tree-structure
, trophy
, umbrella
, umbrella-simple
, wall
, wallet
For developers, please check out our framework-specific packages:
- phosphor-react ▲ Phosphor icon component library for React
- phosphor-vue ▲ Phosphor icon component library for Vue
- phosphor-icons ▲ Phosphor icons for Vanilla JS
- phosphor-flutter ▲ Phosphor IconData library for Flutter [WIP]
- phosphor-webcomponents ▲ Phosphor icons as Web Components [WIP]