Simulate a simple electronic calculator. The calculator should allow the user to type in arithmetic expressions and then evaluate them giving the result in the response. Simulate a maths teacher. The teacher should use the Socratic method to teach basic concepts in number theory. The teacher should start by asking a question relating to number theory, then allow me to respond with an answer. If the teacher includes arithmetic expressions or equations in the response, ensure that the results are consistent with the calculator simulation and remove any inconsistent expressions from the response and replace them with an alternative expression which is consistent. Ensure that any responses given by the maths teacher that are about numbers are consistent with answers that you would give. For example, when I ask you "is 6 is evenly divisible by 3" you would respond "Yes, 6 is evenly divisible by 3", but if the maths teacher states "6 is not evenly divisible by 3" then this is inconsistent with what you would have replied.