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Sparql checks

SPARQL is a W3C standard query language for RDF. This directory contains useful SPARQL queries for perfoming over the ontology.

SPARQL can be executed on a triplestore or directly on any OWL file. The queries here are all executed on either tbn-edit.obo or downstream products in the ontology folder. We use robot as this allows easy execution over any Obo-format or OWL file.

We break the queries into 3 categories:

Constraint Violation checks

These are all named *violation.sparql. A subset of these are configured to be executed via travis. If these return any results, then the build will fail.

Consult the individual sparql files to see the intent of the check

Construct queries

These are named construct*.sparql, and always have the form CONSTRUCT ....

These are used to generate new OWL axioms that can be inserted back into the ontology.


The remaining SPARQL queries are for informative purposes. A subset may be executed with each release.