diff --git a/_sources/geant4-jl-intro.ipynb b/_sources/geant4-jl-intro.ipynb index b4d120e..fc426e2 100644 --- a/_sources/geant4-jl-intro.ipynb +++ b/_sources/geant4-jl-intro.ipynb @@ -690,60 +690,6 @@ "@show GetCubicVolume(union) # G4BooleanSolid cashes the volume\n", "@show DistanceToIn(union, G4ThreeVector(10,10,10)); # this will probabluy crash the program" ] - }, - { - "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": 13, - "metadata": { - "editable": true, - "slideshow": { - "slide_type": "" - }, - "tags": [ - "scroll-output" - ] - }, - "outputs": [ - { - "name": "stdout", - "output_type": "stream", - "text": [ - "\u001b[32m\u001b[1mStatus\u001b[22m\u001b[39m `~/.julia/environments/v1.10/Project.toml`\n", - " \u001b[90m[861a8166] \u001b[39mCombinatorics v1.0.2\n", - "\u001b[33m⌅\u001b[39m \u001b[90m[1f15a43c] \u001b[39mCxxWrap v0.14.2\n", - " \u001b[90m[a93c6f00] \u001b[39mDataFrames v1.6.1\n", - " \u001b[90m[eb32b910] \u001b[39mEDM4hep v0.3.1 `~/Development/EDM4hep.jl`\n", - " \u001b[90m[559df036] \u001b[39mGeant4 v0.1.13\n", - " \u001b[90m[7073ff75] \u001b[39mIJulia v1.24.2\n", - " \u001b[90m[f612022c] \u001b[39mLorentzVectorHEP v0.1.6\n", - "\u001b[32m⌃\u001b[39m \u001b[90m[98572fba] \u001b[39mParquet2 v0.2.20\n", - "\u001b[32m⌃\u001b[39m \u001b[90m[91a5bcdd] \u001b[39mPlots v1.40.1\n", - " \u001b[90m[90137ffa] \u001b[39mStaticArrays v1.9.3\n", - "\u001b[32m⌃\u001b[39m \u001b[90m[3cd96dde] \u001b[39mUnROOT v0.10.22\n", - " \u001b[90m[2e619515] \u001b[39mExpat_jll v2.5.0+0\n", - " \u001b[90m[872b6946] \u001b[39mGeant4_jll v11.2.0+0\n", - " \u001b[90m[637d83c4] \u001b[39mXerces_jll v3.2.4+0\n", - "\u001b[36m\u001b[1mInfo\u001b[22m\u001b[39m Packages marked with \u001b[32m⌃\u001b[39m and \u001b[33m⌅\u001b[39m have new versions available. Those with \u001b[32m⌃\u001b[39m may be upgradable, but those with \u001b[33m⌅\u001b[39m are restricted by compatibility constraints from upgrading. To see why use `status --outdated`\n" - ] - } - ], - "source": [ - "using Pkg\n", - "Pkg.status()" - ] - }, - { - "cell_type": "code", - "execution_count": null, - "metadata": { - "editable": true, - "slideshow": { - "slide_type": "" - }, - "tags": [] - }, - "outputs": [], - "source": [] } ], "metadata": { diff --git a/examples/HBC30.html b/examples/HBC30.html index 55d2a6c..dc4aed2 100644 --- a/examples/HBC30.html +++ b/examples/HBC30.html @@ -417,9 +417,7 @@
✓ IteratorInterfaceExtensions
✓ WorkerUtilities
+ ✓ WorkerUtilities
✓ IterTools
@@ -432,21 +430,25 @@ CERN Liquid Hydrogen Bubble Chamber ✓ OrderedCollections
- ✓ SentinelArrays
✓ Requires
✓ SentinelArrays
✓ DataValueInterfaces
✓ Requires
+ ✓ IntervalSets
✓ Extents
- ✓ IntervalSets
- ✓ ConstructionBase
- ✓ TranscodingStreams
+ ✓ TranscodingStreams
+ ✓ ConstructionBase
✓ DataAPI
@@ -458,14 +460,14 @@ CERN Liquid Hydrogen Bubble Chamber ✓ Xorg_libXau_jll
- ✓ Statistics
+ ✓ libcxxwrap_julia_jll
- ✓ MacroTools
- ✓ EarCut_jll
+ ✓ Statistics
- ✓ libcxxwrap_julia_jll
+ ✓ EarCut_jll
+ ✓ MacroTools
✓ Xorg_libXdmcp_jll
@@ -484,16 +486,16 @@ CERN Liquid Hydrogen Bubble Chamber ✓ Libgpg_error_jll
+ ✓ TableTraits
✓ Xorg_libpthread_stubs_jll
- ✓ TableTraits
- ✓ Compat → CompatLinearAlgebraExt
+ ✓ InlineStrings
- ✓ InlineStrings
+ ✓ Compat → CompatLinearAlgebraExt
✓ Adapt
@@ -511,26 +513,28 @@ CERN Liquid Hydrogen Bubble Chamber ✓ GeoInterface
- ✓ XML2_jll
- ✓ Libgcrypt_jll
+ ✓ Libgcrypt_jll
+ ✓ XML2_jll
✓ Tables
- ✓ ChainRulesCore
✓ WeakRefStrings
- ✓ FilePathsBase
✓ CodecZlib
+ ✓ FilePathsBase
✓ XSLT_jll
+ ✓ ChainRulesCore
✓ ChainRulesCore → ChainRulesCoreSparseArraysExt
@@ -555,25 +559,27 @@ CERN Liquid Hydrogen Bubble Chamber ✓ StaticArrays
- ✓ ConstructionBase → ConstructionBaseStaticArraysExt
+ ✓ Geant4_jll
- ✓ Geant4_jll
- ✓ StaticArrays → StaticArraysStatisticsExt
+ ✓ ConstructionBase → ConstructionBaseStaticArraysExt
✓ Adapt → AdaptStaticArraysExt
- ✓ Geant4_julia_jll
+ ✓ StaticArrays → StaticArraysStatisticsExt
- ✓ ConstructionBase → ConstructionBaseIntervalSetsExt
+ ✓ Geant4_julia_jll
✓ StaticArrays → StaticArraysChainRulesCoreExt
+ ✓ ConstructionBase → ConstructionBaseIntervalSetsExt
✓ StructArrays
@@ -589,6 +595,271 @@ CERN Liquid Hydrogen Bubble Chamber ✓ CxxWrap
+ ✓ GeometryBasics
+ ✓ CSV
+ ✓ Geant4
+ 66 dependencies successfully precompiled in 65 seconds. 8 already precompiled.
+Precompiling CairoMakie
+ ✓ RangeArrays
+ ✓ LaTeXStrings
+ ✓ AbstractFFTs
+ ✓ Calculus
+ ✓ IndirectArrays
+ ✓ Combinatorics
+ ✓ PositiveFactorizations
+ ✓ PolygonOps
+ ✓ TensorCore
+ ✓ StatsAPI
+ ✓ AbstractLattices
+ ✓ Contour
+ ✓ CEnum
+ ✓ TriplotBase
+ ✓ UnPack
+ ✓ IntegerMathUtils
+ ✓ OffsetArrays
+ ✓ CompilerSupportLibraries_jll
+ ✓ Format
+ ✓ FillArrays
+ ✓ PkgVersion
+ ✓ Reexport
+ ✓ Observables
+ ✓ Grisu
+ ✓ EnumX
+ ✓ DocStringExtensions
+ ✓ RoundingEmulator
+ ✓ AbstractTrees
+ ✓ ProgressMeter
+ ✓ NaNMath
+ ✓ LazyModules
+ ✓ IrrationalConstants
+ ✓ Ratios
+ ✓ RingLists
+ ✓ Multisets
+ ✓ UnicodeFun
+ ✓ Inflate
+ ✓ Mods
+ ✓ Scratch
+ ✓ MappedArrays
+ ✓ Missings
+ ✓ CommonSubexpressions
+ ✓ SimpleTraits
+ ✓ SuiteSparse
+ ✓ WoodburyMatrices
+ ✓ DiffResults
+ ✓ DataStructures
+ ✓ RecipesBase
+ ✓ OpenSSL_jll
+ ✓ Graphite2_jll
+ ✓ Libmount_jll
+ ✓ LLVMOpenMP_jll
+ ✓ Rmath_jll
+ ✓ Bzip2_jll
+ ✓ libpng_jll
+ ✓ FileIO
+ ✓ Imath_jll
+ ✓ libfdk_aac_jll
+ ✓ IntelOpenMP_jll
+ ✓ LAME_jll
+ ✓ CRlibm_jll
+ ✓ JpegTurbo_jll
+ ✓ Ogg_jll
+ ✓ x264_jll
+ ✓ x265_jll
+ ✓ libaom_jll
+ ✓ LZO_jll
+ ✓ Opus_jll
+ ✓ Libffi_jll
+ ✓ isoband_jll
+ ✓ FFTW_jll
+ ✓ Libuuid_jll
+ ✓ FriBidi_jll
+ ✓ SignedDistanceFields
+ ✓ LightXML
+ ✓ Xorg_libXrender_jll
+ ✓ Setfield
+ ✓ AbstractFFTs → AbstractFFTsChainRulesCoreExt
+ ✓ Packing
+ ✓ Parameters
+ ✓ Permutations
+ ✓ Primes
+ ✓ OffsetArrays → OffsetArraysAdaptExt
+ ✓ FixedPointNumbers
+ ✓ Gettext_jll
+ ✓ OpenSpecFun_jll
+ ✓ FilePaths
+ ✓ Showoff
+ ✓ MakieCore
+ ✓ LogExpFunctions
+ ✓ RelocatableFolders
+ ✓ PDMats
+ ✓ ArrayInterface
+ ✓ AxisAlgorithms
+ ✓ SortingAlgorithms
+ ✓ IntervalSets → IntervalSetsRecipesBaseExt
diff --git a/geant4-jl-applications.html b/geant4-jl-applications.html
index 9a43255..674fd22 100644
--- a/geant4-jl-applications.html
+++ b/geant4-jl-applications.html
@@ -409,81 +409,6 @@ Basic/B1 Example
- ✓ GeometryBasics
- ✓ CSV
- Info Given Geant4 was explicitly requested, output will be shown live
-[3329] signal (2): Interrupt
-in expression starting at /home/runner/.julia/packages/Geant4/PERab/src/Geant4.jl:8
-_ZN4llvm16MCObjectStreamer24emitDwarfAdvanceLineAddrElPKNS_8MCSymbolES3_j at /opt/hostedtoolcache/julia/1.10.2/x64/bin/../lib/julia/libLLVM-15jl.so (unknown line)
-unknown function (ip: (nil))
-Allocations: 4908038 (Pool: 4906977; Big: 1061); GC: 7
- ✗ Geant4
- 2 dependencies successfully precompiled in 23 seconds. 71 already precompiled.
-The following 1 direct dependency failed to precompile:
-Geant4 [559df036-b7a0-42fd-85df-7d5dd9d70f44]
-Failed to precompile Geant4 [559df036-b7a0-42fd-85df-7d5dd9d70f44] to "/home/runner/.julia/compiled/v1.10/Geant4/jl_98y96K".
-[3329] signal (2): Interrupt
-in expression starting at /home/runner/.julia/packages/Geant4/PERab/src/Geant4.jl:8
-_ZN4llvm16MCObjectStreamer24emitDwarfAdvanceLineAddrElPKNS_8MCSymbolES3_j at /opt/hostedtoolcache/julia/1.10.2/x64/bin/../lib/julia/libLLVM-15jl.so (unknown line)
-unknown function (ip: (nil))
-Allocations: 4908038 (Pool: 4906977; Big: 1061); GC:
- [1] pkgerror(msg::String)
- @ Pkg.Types /opt/hostedtoolcache/julia/1.10.2/x64/share/julia/stdlib/v1.10/Pkg/src/Types.jl:70
- [2] precompile(ctx::Pkg.Types.Context, pkgs::Vector{Pkg.Types.PackageSpec}; internal_call::Bool, strict::Bool, warn_loaded::Bool, already_instantiated::Bool, timing::Bool, _from_loading::Bool, kwargs::@Kwargs{io::IJulia.IJuliaStdio{Base.PipeEndpoint}})
- @ Pkg.API /opt/hostedtoolcache/julia/1.10.2/x64/share/julia/stdlib/v1.10/Pkg/src/API.jl:1659
- [3] precompile(pkgs::Vector{Pkg.Types.PackageSpec}; io::IJulia.IJuliaStdio{Base.PipeEndpoint}, kwargs::@Kwargs{_from_loading::Bool})
- @ Pkg.API /opt/hostedtoolcache/julia/1.10.2/x64/share/julia/stdlib/v1.10/Pkg/src/API.jl:159
- [4] precompile
- @ /opt/hostedtoolcache/julia/1.10.2/x64/share/julia/stdlib/v1.10/Pkg/src/API.jl:147 [inlined]
- [5] #precompile#114
- @ /opt/hostedtoolcache/julia/1.10.2/x64/share/julia/stdlib/v1.10/Pkg/src/API.jl:146 [inlined]
- [6] #invokelatest#2
- @ ./essentials.jl:894 [inlined]
- [7] invokelatest
- @ ./essentials.jl:889 [inlined]
- [8] _require(pkg::Base.PkgId, env::String)
- @ Base ./loading.jl:1963
- [9] __require_prelocked(uuidkey::Base.PkgId, env::String)
- @ Base ./loading.jl:1812
- [10] #invoke_in_world#3
- @ ./essentials.jl:926 [inlined]
- [11] invoke_in_world
- @ ./essentials.jl:923 [inlined]
- [12] _require_prelocked(uuidkey::Base.PkgId, env::String)
- @ Base ./loading.jl:1803
- [13] macro expansion
- @ ./loading.jl:1790 [inlined]
- [14] macro expansion
- @ ./lock.jl:267 [inlined]
- [15] __require(into::Module, mod::Symbol)
- @ Base ./loading.jl:1753
- [16] #invoke_in_world#3
- @ ./essentials.jl:926 [inlined]
- [17] invoke_in_world
- @ ./essentials.jl:923 [inlined]
- [18] require(into::Module, mod::Symbol)
- @ Base ./loading.jl:1746
Define the function that will construct the detector geometry.#
@@ -508,7 +433,7 @@ Define the function that will construct the detector geometry.<<< Reference Physics List QBBC
-Geant4.QBBCAllocated(Ptr{Nothing} @0x0000000146846b00)
+Geant4.QBBCAllocated(Ptr{Nothing} @0x0000000001652190)
@@ -536,7 +461,7 @@ User Actions
-Geant4.G4JLActionInitializationAllocated(Ptr{Nothing} @0x0000000146a1d780)
+Geant4.G4JLActionInitializationAllocated(Ptr{Nothing} @0x0000000001819060)
diff --git a/geant4-jl-geometry.html b/geant4-jl-geometry.html
index 1b269fb..8fb46f7 100644
--- a/geant4-jl-geometry.html
+++ b/geant4-jl-geometry.html
@@ -416,7 +416,265 @@ Defining Geant4.jl Geometries
-Precompiling Geant4
+ ✓ PaddedViews
+ ✓ StackViews
+ ✓ OpenEXR_jll
+ ✓ Pixman_jll
+ ✓ libvorbis_jll
+ ✓ libsixel_jll
+ ✓ LogExpFunctions → LogExpFunctionsChainRulesCoreExt
+ ✓ SimplePartitions
+ ✓ FreeType2_jll
+ ✓ QuadGK
+ ✓ AbstractFFTs → AbstractFFTsTestExt
+ ✓ Rmath
+ ✓ Isoband
+ ✓ FillArrays → FillArraysPDMatsExt
+ ✓ IntervalArithmetic
+ ✓ Ratios → RatiosFixedPointNumbersExt
+ ✓ ArrayInterface → ArrayInterfaceStaticArraysCoreExt
+ ✓ IntervalSets → IntervalSetsStatisticsExt
+ ✓ Glib_jll
+ ✓ ColorTypes
+ ✓ MosaicViews
+ ✓ StatsBase
+ ✓ SpecialFunctions
+ ✓ FreeType
+ ✓ GridLayoutBase
+ ✓ Fontconfig_jll
+ ✓ FillArrays → FillArraysSparseArraysExt
+ ✓ Automa
+ ✓ AxisArrays
+ ✓ FiniteDiff
+ ✓ Interpolations
+ ✓ ShaderAbstractions
+ ✓ QOI
+ ✓ ColorVectorSpace
+ ✓ Colors
+MKL_jll Waiting for background task / IO / timer.
+[pid 4304] waiting for IO to finish:
+ Handle type uv_handle_t->data
+ timer 0x166fa10->0x7f129c0c66b0
+This means that a package has started a background task or event source that has not finished running. For precompilation to complete successfully, the event source needs to be closed explicitly. See the developer documentation on fixing precompilation hangs for more help.
+ ✓ Cairo_jll
+ ✓ FillArrays → FillArraysStatisticsExt
+ ✓ SpecialFunctions → SpecialFunctionsChainRulesCoreExt
+ ✓ ColorVectorSpace → SpecialFunctionsExt
+ ✓ FiniteDiff → FiniteDiffStaticArraysExt
+ ✓ Graphics
+ ✓ Animations
+ ✓ ColorBrewer
+ ✓ OpenEXR
+ ✓ HarfBuzz_jll
+ ✓ DualNumbers
+ ✓ DiffRules
+ ✓ ColorSchemes
+[pid 4304] waiting for IO to finish:
+ Handle type uv_handle_t->data
+ timer 0x166fa10->0x7f129c0c66b0
+This means that a package has started a background task or event source that has not finished running. For precompilation to complete successfully, the event source needs to be closed explicitly. See the developer documentation on fixing precompilation hangs for more help.
+ ✓ FreeTypeAbstraction
+ ✓ libass_jll
+ ✓ Polynomials
+ ✓ Pango_jll
+ ✓ HypergeometricFunctions
+ ✓ MKL_jll
+ ✓ ForwardDiff
+ ✓ FFMPEG_jll
+ ✓ Cairo
+ ✓ MathTeXEngine
+ ✓ StatsFuns
+ ✓ ForwardDiff → ForwardDiffStaticArraysExt
+ ✓ IntervalArithmetic → IntervalArithmeticForwardDiffExt
+ ✓ StatsFuns → StatsFunsChainRulesCoreExt
+ ✓ NLSolversBase
+ ✓ IntervalArithmetic → IntervalArithmeticRecipesBaseExt
+ ✓ PlotUtils
+ ✓ ImageCore
+ ✓ IntervalArithmetic → IntervalArithmeticDiffRulesExt
+ ✓ LineSearches
+ ✓ ImageBase
+ ✓ FFTW
+ ✓ Distributions
+ ✓ JpegTurbo
+ ✓ Sixel
+ ✓ PNGFiles
+ ✓ Polynomials → PolynomialsFFTWExt
+ ✓ ImageAxes
+ ✓ Optim
+ ✓ Distributions → DistributionsTestExt
+ ✓ ExactPredicates
+ ✓ Polynomials → PolynomialsChainRulesCoreExt
+ ✓ Distributions → DistributionsChainRulesCoreExt
+ ✓ ImageMetadata
diff --git a/geant4-jl-intro.html b/geant4-jl-intro.html
index 6551b5a..fbe7bd9 100644
--- a/geant4-jl-intro.html
+++ b/geant4-jl-intro.html
@@ -436,7 +436,7 @@ Object instantiation
-Precompiling Geant4
+Geant4.G4BoxAllocated(Ptr{Nothing} @0x0000000002246dd0)
@@ -521,7 +521,7 @@ Calling object methods
-# 58 methods for generic function GetCubicVolume from [35mGeant4[39m:- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, CxxPtr{<:G4SubtractionSolid}}) in Geant4 at /Users/mato/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, CxxPtr{<:G4UnionSolid}}) in Geant4 at /Users/mato/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, CxxPtr{<:G4TwistedTubs}}) in Geant4 at /Users/mato/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, CxxPtr{<:G4BooleanSolid}}) in Geant4 at /Users/mato/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, CxxPtr{<:G4GenericTrap}}) in Geant4 at /Users/mato/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, CxxPtr{<:G4TwistedTrd}}) in Geant4 at /Users/mato/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, CxxPtr{<:G4TwistedBox}}) in Geant4 at /Users/mato/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, CxxPtr{<:G4Tet}}) in Geant4 at /Users/mato/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, CxxPtr{<:G4Paraboloid}}) in Geant4 at /Users/mato/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, CxxPtr{<:G4EllipticalCone}}) in Geant4 at /Users/mato/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, CxxPtr{<:G4EllipticalTube}}) in Geant4 at /Users/mato/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, CxxPtr{<:G4CutTubs}}) in Geant4 at /Users/mato/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, CxxPtr{<:G4Tubs}}) in Geant4 at /Users/mato/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, CxxPtr{<:G4Hype}}) in Geant4 at /Users/mato/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, CxxPtr{<:G4Para}}) in Geant4 at /Users/mato/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, CxxPtr{<:G4Torus}}) in Geant4 at /Users/mato/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, CxxPtr{<:G4Ellipsoid}}) in Geant4 at /Users/mato/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, CxxPtr{<:G4Orb}}) in Geant4 at /Users/mato/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, CxxPtr{<:G4Sphere}}) in Geant4 at /Users/mato/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, CxxPtr{<:G4Cons}}) in Geant4 at /Users/mato/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, CxxPtr{<:G4Trap}}) in Geant4 at /Users/mato/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, CxxPtr{<:G4Trd}}) in Geant4 at /Users/mato/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, CxxPtr{<:G4MultiUnion}}) in Geant4 at /Users/mato/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, CxxPtr{<:G4Box}}) in Geant4 at /Users/mato/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, CxxPtr{<:G4DisplacedSolid}}) in Geant4 at /Users/mato/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, CxxPtr{<:G4Polyhedra}}) in Geant4 at /Users/mato/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, CxxPtr{<:G4Polycone}}) in Geant4 at /Users/mato/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, CxxPtr{<:G4VCSGfaceted}}) in Geant4 at /Users/mato/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, CxxPtr{<:G4VSolid}}) in Geant4 at /Users/mato/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{G4SubtractionSolid, CxxRef{<:G4SubtractionSolid}}) in Geant4 at /Users/mato/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{G4UnionSolid, CxxRef{<:G4UnionSolid}}) in Geant4 at /Users/mato/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{G4TwistedTubs, CxxRef{<:G4TwistedTubs}}) in Geant4 at /Users/mato/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{G4BooleanSolid, CxxRef{<:G4BooleanSolid}}) in Geant4 at /Users/mato/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{G4GenericTrap, CxxRef{<:G4GenericTrap}}) in Geant4 at /Users/mato/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{G4TwistedTrd, CxxRef{<:G4TwistedTrd}}) in Geant4 at /Users/mato/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{G4TwistedBox, CxxRef{<:G4TwistedBox}}) in Geant4 at /Users/mato/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{G4Tet, CxxRef{<:G4Tet}}) in Geant4 at /Users/mato/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{G4Paraboloid, CxxRef{<:G4Paraboloid}}) in Geant4 at /Users/mato/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{G4EllipticalCone, CxxRef{<:G4EllipticalCone}}) in Geant4 at /Users/mato/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{G4EllipticalTube, CxxRef{<:G4EllipticalTube}}) in Geant4 at /Users/mato/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{G4CutTubs, CxxRef{<:G4CutTubs}}) in Geant4 at /Users/mato/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{G4Tubs, CxxRef{<:G4Tubs}}) in Geant4 at /Users/mato/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{G4Hype, CxxRef{<:G4Hype}}) in Geant4 at /Users/mato/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{G4Para, CxxRef{<:G4Para}}) in Geant4 at /Users/mato/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{G4Torus, CxxRef{<:G4Torus}}) in Geant4 at /Users/mato/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{G4Ellipsoid, CxxRef{<:G4Ellipsoid}}) in Geant4 at /Users/mato/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{G4Orb, CxxRef{<:G4Orb}}) in Geant4 at /Users/mato/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{G4Sphere, CxxRef{<:G4Sphere}}) in Geant4 at /Users/mato/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{G4Cons, CxxRef{<:G4Cons}}) in Geant4 at /Users/mato/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{G4Trap, CxxRef{<:G4Trap}}) in Geant4 at /Users/mato/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{G4Trd, CxxRef{<:G4Trd}}) in Geant4 at /Users/mato/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{G4MultiUnion, CxxRef{<:G4MultiUnion}}) in Geant4 at /Users/mato/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{G4Box, CxxRef{<:G4Box}}) in Geant4 at /Users/mato/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{G4DisplacedSolid, CxxRef{<:G4DisplacedSolid}}) in Geant4 at /Users/mato/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{G4VCSGfaceted, CxxRef{<:G4VCSGfaceted}}) in Geant4 at /Users/mato/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{G4Polycone, CxxRef{<:G4Polycone}}) in Geant4 at /Users/mato/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{G4Polyhedra, CxxRef{<:G4Polyhedra}}) in Geant4 at /Users/mato/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{G4VSolid, CxxRef{<:G4VSolid}}) in Geant4 at /Users/mato/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
+# 58 methods for generic function GetCubicVolume from [35mGeant4[39m:- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, CxxPtr{<:G4SubtractionSolid}}) in Geant4 at /home/runner/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, CxxPtr{<:G4UnionSolid}}) in Geant4 at /home/runner/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, CxxPtr{<:G4TwistedTubs}}) in Geant4 at /home/runner/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, CxxPtr{<:G4BooleanSolid}}) in Geant4 at /home/runner/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, CxxPtr{<:G4GenericTrap}}) in Geant4 at /home/runner/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, CxxPtr{<:G4TwistedTrd}}) in Geant4 at /home/runner/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, CxxPtr{<:G4TwistedBox}}) in Geant4 at /home/runner/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, CxxPtr{<:G4Tet}}) in Geant4 at /home/runner/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, CxxPtr{<:G4Paraboloid}}) in Geant4 at /home/runner/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, CxxPtr{<:G4EllipticalCone}}) in Geant4 at /home/runner/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, CxxPtr{<:G4EllipticalTube}}) in Geant4 at /home/runner/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, CxxPtr{<:G4CutTubs}}) in Geant4 at /home/runner/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, CxxPtr{<:G4Tubs}}) in Geant4 at /home/runner/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, CxxPtr{<:G4Hype}}) in Geant4 at /home/runner/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, CxxPtr{<:G4Para}}) in Geant4 at /home/runner/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, CxxPtr{<:G4Torus}}) in Geant4 at /home/runner/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, CxxPtr{<:G4Ellipsoid}}) in Geant4 at /home/runner/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, CxxPtr{<:G4Orb}}) in Geant4 at /home/runner/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, CxxPtr{<:G4Sphere}}) in Geant4 at /home/runner/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, CxxPtr{<:G4Cons}}) in Geant4 at /home/runner/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, CxxPtr{<:G4Trap}}) in Geant4 at /home/runner/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, CxxPtr{<:G4Trd}}) in Geant4 at /home/runner/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, CxxPtr{<:G4MultiUnion}}) in Geant4 at /home/runner/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, CxxPtr{<:G4Box}}) in Geant4 at /home/runner/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, CxxPtr{<:G4DisplacedSolid}}) in Geant4 at /home/runner/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, CxxPtr{<:G4Polyhedra}}) in Geant4 at /home/runner/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, CxxPtr{<:G4Polycone}}) in Geant4 at /home/runner/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, CxxPtr{<:G4VCSGfaceted}}) in Geant4 at /home/runner/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, CxxPtr{<:G4VSolid}}) in Geant4 at /home/runner/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{G4SubtractionSolid, CxxRef{<:G4SubtractionSolid}}) in Geant4 at /home/runner/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{G4UnionSolid, CxxRef{<:G4UnionSolid}}) in Geant4 at /home/runner/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{G4TwistedTubs, CxxRef{<:G4TwistedTubs}}) in Geant4 at /home/runner/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{G4BooleanSolid, CxxRef{<:G4BooleanSolid}}) in Geant4 at /home/runner/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{G4GenericTrap, CxxRef{<:G4GenericTrap}}) in Geant4 at /home/runner/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{G4TwistedTrd, CxxRef{<:G4TwistedTrd}}) in Geant4 at /home/runner/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{G4TwistedBox, CxxRef{<:G4TwistedBox}}) in Geant4 at /home/runner/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{G4Tet, CxxRef{<:G4Tet}}) in Geant4 at /home/runner/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{G4Paraboloid, CxxRef{<:G4Paraboloid}}) in Geant4 at /home/runner/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{G4EllipticalCone, CxxRef{<:G4EllipticalCone}}) in Geant4 at /home/runner/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{G4EllipticalTube, CxxRef{<:G4EllipticalTube}}) in Geant4 at /home/runner/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{G4CutTubs, CxxRef{<:G4CutTubs}}) in Geant4 at /home/runner/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{G4Tubs, CxxRef{<:G4Tubs}}) in Geant4 at /home/runner/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{G4Hype, CxxRef{<:G4Hype}}) in Geant4 at /home/runner/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{G4Para, CxxRef{<:G4Para}}) in Geant4 at /home/runner/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{G4Torus, CxxRef{<:G4Torus}}) in Geant4 at /home/runner/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{G4Ellipsoid, CxxRef{<:G4Ellipsoid}}) in Geant4 at /home/runner/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{G4Orb, CxxRef{<:G4Orb}}) in Geant4 at /home/runner/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{G4Sphere, CxxRef{<:G4Sphere}}) in Geant4 at /home/runner/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{G4Cons, CxxRef{<:G4Cons}}) in Geant4 at /home/runner/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{G4Trap, CxxRef{<:G4Trap}}) in Geant4 at /home/runner/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{G4Trd, CxxRef{<:G4Trd}}) in Geant4 at /home/runner/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{G4MultiUnion, CxxRef{<:G4MultiUnion}}) in Geant4 at /home/runner/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{G4Box, CxxRef{<:G4Box}}) in Geant4 at /home/runner/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{G4DisplacedSolid, CxxRef{<:G4DisplacedSolid}}) in Geant4 at /home/runner/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{G4VCSGfaceted, CxxRef{<:G4VCSGfaceted}}) in Geant4 at /home/runner/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{G4Polycone, CxxRef{<:G4Polycone}}) in Geant4 at /home/runner/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{G4Polyhedra, CxxRef{<:G4Polyhedra}}) in Geant4 at /home/runner/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
- GetCubicVolume(arg1::Union{G4VSolid, CxxRef{<:G4VSolid}}) in Geant4 at /home/runner/.julia/packages/CxxWrap/5IZvn/src/CxxWrap.jl:624
@@ -642,34 +642,6 @@ Object ownership
-using Pkg
-Status `~/.julia/environments/v1.10/Project.toml`
- [861a8166] Combinatorics v1.0.2
-⌅ [1f15a43c] CxxWrap v0.14.2
- [a93c6f00] DataFrames v1.6.1
- [eb32b910] EDM4hep v0.3.1 `~/Development/EDM4hep.jl`
- [559df036] Geant4 v0.1.13
- [7073ff75] IJulia v1.24.2
- [f612022c] LorentzVectorHEP v0.1.6
-⌃ [98572fba] Parquet2 v0.2.20
-⌃ [91a5bcdd] Plots v1.40.1
- [90137ffa] StaticArrays v1.9.3
-⌃ [3cd96dde] UnROOT v0.10.22
- [2e619515] Expat_jll v2.5.0+0
- [872b6946] Geant4_jll v11.2.0+0
- [637d83c4] Xerces_jll v3.2.4+0
-Info Packages marked with ⌃ and ⌅ have new versions available. Those with ⌃ may be upgradable, but those with ⌅ are restricted by compatibility constraints from upgrading. To see why use `status --outdated`
diff --git a/reports/examples/HBC30.err.log b/reports/examples/HBC30.err.log
index 710ccd3..54674e7 100644
--- a/reports/examples/HBC30.err.log
+++ b/reports/examples/HBC30.err.log
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/runner/micromamba/envs/julia-intro/lib/python3.12/site-packages/nbclient/client.py", line 856, in _async_handle_timeout
raise CellTimeoutError.error_from_timeout_and_cell(
-nbclient.exceptions.CellTimeoutError: A cell timed out while it was being executed, after 30 seconds.
+nbclient.exceptions.CellTimeoutError: A cell timed out while it was being executed, after 100 seconds.
The message was: Cell execution timed out.
Here is a preview of the cell contents:
diff --git a/reports/geant4-jl-applications.err.log b/reports/geant4-jl-applications.err.log
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d062ca..0000000
--- a/reports/geant4-jl-applications.err.log
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/home/runner/micromamba/envs/julia-intro/lib/python3.12/site-packages/nbclient/client.py", line 782, in _async_poll_for_reply
- msg = await ensure_async(self.kc.shell_channel.get_msg(timeout=new_timeout))
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- File "/home/runner/micromamba/envs/julia-intro/lib/python3.12/site-packages/jupyter_core/utils/__init__.py", line 198, in ensure_async
- result = await obj
- ^^^^^^^^^
- File "/home/runner/micromamba/envs/julia-intro/lib/python3.12/site-packages/jupyter_client/channels.py", line 315, in get_msg
- raise Empty
-During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
-Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/home/runner/micromamba/envs/julia-intro/lib/python3.12/site-packages/jupyter_cache/executors/utils.py", line 58, in single_nb_execution
- executenb(
- File "/home/runner/micromamba/envs/julia-intro/lib/python3.12/site-packages/nbclient/client.py", line 1314, in execute
- return NotebookClient(nb=nb, resources=resources, km=km, **kwargs).execute()
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- File "/home/runner/micromamba/envs/julia-intro/lib/python3.12/site-packages/jupyter_core/utils/__init__.py", line 165, in wrapped
- return loop.run_until_complete(inner)
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- File "/home/runner/micromamba/envs/julia-intro/lib/python3.12/asyncio/base_events.py", line 685, in run_until_complete
- return future.result()
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- File "/home/runner/micromamba/envs/julia-intro/lib/python3.12/site-packages/nbclient/client.py", line 709, in async_execute
- await self.async_execute_cell(
- File "/home/runner/micromamba/envs/julia-intro/lib/python3.12/site-packages/nbclient/client.py", line 1005, in async_execute_cell
- exec_reply = await self.task_poll_for_reply
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- File "/home/runner/micromamba/envs/julia-intro/lib/python3.12/site-packages/nbclient/client.py", line 806, in _async_poll_for_reply
- error_on_timeout_execute_reply = await self._async_handle_timeout(timeout, cell)
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- File "/home/runner/micromamba/envs/julia-intro/lib/python3.12/site-packages/nbclient/client.py", line 856, in _async_handle_timeout
- raise CellTimeoutError.error_from_timeout_and_cell(
-nbclient.exceptions.CellTimeoutError: A cell timed out while it was being executed, after 30 seconds.
-The message was: Cell execution timed out.
-Here is a preview of the cell contents:
-using Geant4
-using Geant4.SystemOfUnits
diff --git a/reports/geant4-jl-geometry.err.log b/reports/geant4-jl-geometry.err.log
index 7a6a2ab..ccf818a 100644
--- a/reports/geant4-jl-geometry.err.log
+++ b/reports/geant4-jl-geometry.err.log
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/runner/micromamba/envs/julia-intro/lib/python3.12/site-packages/nbclient/client.py", line 856, in _async_handle_timeout
raise CellTimeoutError.error_from_timeout_and_cell(
-nbclient.exceptions.CellTimeoutError: A cell timed out while it was being executed, after 30 seconds.
+nbclient.exceptions.CellTimeoutError: A cell timed out while it was being executed, after 100 seconds.
The message was: Cell execution timed out.
Here is a preview of the cell contents:
diff --git a/reports/geant4-jl-intro.err.log b/reports/geant4-jl-intro.err.log
deleted file mode 100644
index 9002280..0000000
--- a/reports/geant4-jl-intro.err.log
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/home/runner/micromamba/envs/julia-intro/lib/python3.12/site-packages/nbclient/client.py", line 782, in _async_poll_for_reply
- msg = await ensure_async(self.kc.shell_channel.get_msg(timeout=new_timeout))
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- File "/home/runner/micromamba/envs/julia-intro/lib/python3.12/site-packages/jupyter_core/utils/__init__.py", line 198, in ensure_async
- result = await obj
- ^^^^^^^^^
- File "/home/runner/micromamba/envs/julia-intro/lib/python3.12/site-packages/jupyter_client/channels.py", line 315, in get_msg
- raise Empty
-During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
-Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/home/runner/micromamba/envs/julia-intro/lib/python3.12/site-packages/jupyter_cache/executors/utils.py", line 58, in single_nb_execution
- executenb(
- File "/home/runner/micromamba/envs/julia-intro/lib/python3.12/site-packages/nbclient/client.py", line 1314, in execute
- return NotebookClient(nb=nb, resources=resources, km=km, **kwargs).execute()
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- File "/home/runner/micromamba/envs/julia-intro/lib/python3.12/site-packages/jupyter_core/utils/__init__.py", line 165, in wrapped
- return loop.run_until_complete(inner)
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- File "/home/runner/micromamba/envs/julia-intro/lib/python3.12/asyncio/base_events.py", line 685, in run_until_complete
- return future.result()
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- File "/home/runner/micromamba/envs/julia-intro/lib/python3.12/site-packages/nbclient/client.py", line 709, in async_execute
- await self.async_execute_cell(
- File "/home/runner/micromamba/envs/julia-intro/lib/python3.12/site-packages/nbclient/client.py", line 1005, in async_execute_cell
- exec_reply = await self.task_poll_for_reply
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- File "/home/runner/micromamba/envs/julia-intro/lib/python3.12/site-packages/nbclient/client.py", line 806, in _async_poll_for_reply
- error_on_timeout_execute_reply = await self._async_handle_timeout(timeout, cell)
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- File "/home/runner/micromamba/envs/julia-intro/lib/python3.12/site-packages/nbclient/client.py", line 856, in _async_handle_timeout
- raise CellTimeoutError.error_from_timeout_and_cell(
-nbclient.exceptions.CellTimeoutError: A cell timed out while it was being executed, after 30 seconds.
-The message was: Cell execution timed out.
-Here is a preview of the cell contents:
-using Geant4
-box = G4Box("MyBox", 1, 2, 3) # the C++ contructor called G4Box (const G4String &pName, G4double pX, G4double pY, G4double pZ)
diff --git a/searchindex.js b/searchindex.js
index e54eb7a..10882ea 100644
--- a/searchindex.js
+++ b/searchindex.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
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"basic-b1-example"]], "Define the function that will construct the detector geometry.": [[1, "define-the-function-that-will-construct-the-detector-geometry"]], "User Actions": [[1, "user-actions"]], "Instantiate RunManager and initialize": [[1, "instantiate-runmanager-and-initialize"]], "Execute the commands to initialize and run few events": [[1, "execute-the-commands-to-initialize-and-run-few-events"]], "Defining Geant4.jl Geometries": [[2, "defining-geant4-jl-geometries"]], "Defining Solids": [[2, "defining-solids"]], "Building Boolean solids": [[2, "building-boolean-solids"]], "Defining Materials": [[2, "defining-materials"]], "Defining Logical Volumes": [[2, "defining-logical-volumes"]], "Placing Logical Volumes": [[2, "placing-logical-volumes"]], "Building the full detector": [[2, "building-the-full-detector"]], "Introduction to Geant4.jl": [[3, "introduction-to-geant4-jl"], [4, null]], "Installation": [[3, "installation"]], "Interacting with the wrapped classes": [[3, "interacting-with-the-wrapped-classes"]], "Object instantiation": [[3, "object-instantiation"]], "Calling object methods": [[3, "calling-object-methods"]], "Calling static class methods": [[3, "calling-static-class-methods"]], "Working in the inheritance": [[3, "working-in-the-inheritance"]], "Object ownership": [[3, "object-ownership"]], "Welcome to Geant4.jl Tutorial": [[4, "welcome-to-geant4-jl-tutorial"]], "Geant4.jl: Particle transport in Julia": [[4, "geant4-jl-particle-transport-in-julia"]], "Building Simulation Applications": [[4, null]], "Complete Examples": [[4, null]]}, "indexentries": {}})
\ No newline at end of file
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Example": [[1, "basic-b1-example"]], "Define the function that will construct the detector geometry.": [[1, "define-the-function-that-will-construct-the-detector-geometry"]], "User Actions": [[1, "user-actions"]], "Instantiate RunManager and initialize": [[1, "instantiate-runmanager-and-initialize"]], "Execute the commands to initialize and run few events": [[1, "execute-the-commands-to-initialize-and-run-few-events"]], "Defining Geant4.jl Geometries": [[2, "defining-geant4-jl-geometries"]], "Defining Solids": [[2, "defining-solids"]], "Building Boolean solids": [[2, "building-boolean-solids"]], "Defining Materials": [[2, "defining-materials"]], "Defining Logical Volumes": [[2, "defining-logical-volumes"]], "Placing Logical Volumes": [[2, "placing-logical-volumes"]], "Building the full detector": [[2, "building-the-full-detector"]], "Introduction to Geant4.jl": [[3, "introduction-to-geant4-jl"], [4, null]], "Installation": [[3, "installation"]], "Interacting with the wrapped classes": [[3, "interacting-with-the-wrapped-classes"]], "Object instantiation": [[3, "object-instantiation"]], "Calling object methods": [[3, "calling-object-methods"]], "Calling static class methods": [[3, "calling-static-class-methods"]], "Working in the inheritance": [[3, "working-in-the-inheritance"]], "Object ownership": [[3, "object-ownership"]], "Welcome to Geant4.jl Tutorial": [[4, "welcome-to-geant4-jl-tutorial"]], "Geant4.jl: Particle transport in Julia": [[4, "geant4-jl-particle-transport-in-julia"]], "Building Simulation Applications": [[4, null]], "Complete Examples": [[4, null]]}, "indexentries": {}})
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