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Artificial Languages

# target instruction output task code output result_Claude_2_1_cedar result_gpt4 result_capybara result_llama_2_70b_chat result_Gemini-1.5-Pro result_chinchilla
1 {ModifiedText} Apply a Caesar cipher with a shift of 5 to the following text. Preserve case, and leave non-alphabetic characters unchanged: "{InputText}" Ymnx nx ozxy f yjxy . Ozxy f yjxy . Caesar cipher with shift 5 ModifiedText = ''.join(chr((ord(char) - 65 + 5) % 26 + 65) if char.isupper() else chr((ord(char) - 97 + 5) % 26 + 97) if char.islower() else char for char in InputText) Ymnx nx ozxy f yjxy . Ozxy f yjxy . 🟢 Ymnx nx ozxy f yjxy . Ozxy f yjxy . 🔴 Ymnx nx ozyx f yjxy . Ozyx f yjxy . 🟢 Ymnx nx ozxy f yjxy . Ozxy f yjxy . 🔴 Sure! Here's the result of applying a Caesar cipher with a shift of 5 to the given text: ↵ ↵ "Gur... 🔴 Ymnx nx mjwj f yjxy . Mjwj f yjxy . ↵ 🟢 Ymnx nx ozxy f yjxy . Ozxy f yjxy .
2 {InputText} Convert the following text from its mirror language back to English: "{ModifiedText}" This is just a test . Just a test . Convert from Mirror Language ModifiedText = ''.join(chr(219 - ord(char)) if 'a' <= char <= 'z' else chr(155 - ord(char)) if 'A' <= char <= 'Z' else char for char in InputText) This is just a test . Just a test . 🟢 This is just a test. Just a test. 🔴 This is the high . High the high . 🔴 This is a mirror language: "This is just a test. Test a is this." 🔴 Sure, I can help you with that! ↵ ↵ The text you provided is a mirrored version of the following s... 🔴 This is a test . Test is a this ↵ 🔴 This is not a valid question as the provided text is not in a mirror language.
3 {InputText} Convert the text from mirror language, where each lowercase letter a-z is mirrored across 'm' and 'n'. Uppercase and non-alphabetic characters remain unchanged. Restore the text to English: {ModifiedText} This is just a test . Just a test . Convert from Mirror Language ModifiedText = ''.join(chr(219 - ord(char)) if 'a' <= char <= 'z' else chr(155 - ord(char)) if 'A' <= char <= 'Z' else char for char in InputText) This is just a test . Just a test . 🟢 This is just a test . Just a test . 🔴 This is just a test. Test a test. 🔴 The text is "This is made by hand. Hand by made." 🔴 Sure, here's the converted text: ↵ ↵ "Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?" 🔴 This is some text. Some is text. ↵ 🔴 The is calm a calm . Calm a calm .
4 {InputText} Convert this Pig Latin text back to English: "{ModifiedText}" This is just a test . Just a test . Convert from Pig Latin ModifiedText = ' '.join(word[-3] + word[:-3] if word.endswith('ay') and len(word) > 2 else word for word in InputText.split()) This is just a test . Just a test . 🔴 "isThay isway ustjay away esttay. Ustjay away esttay." 🟢 This is just a test. Just a test. 🔴 "This is just a test. Just a test." -> "This is just a test. Just a test." 🔴 "This is just a test. Just a test." 🔴 Is response to your message was blocked for potentially violating safety policies. I apologize for... 🟢 This is just a test. Just a test.
5 {InputText} Convert this text from leetspeak to standard English: "{ModifiedText}" This is just a test . Just a test . Convert from leetspeak ModifiedText = InputText.translate(str.maketrans('4310543105', 'AEIOUaeiou')) This is just a test . Just a test . 🟢 This is just a test. Just a test. 🟢 This is just a test. Just a test. 🟢 This is just a test. Just a test. 🔴 Sure! Here's the conversion of the text from leetspeak to standard English: ↵ ↵ "This is just a te... 🟢 This is just a test. Just a test. ↵ 🟢 This is just a test. Just a test.
6 {ModifiedText} Insert 'ithag' after each vowel in the following text: "{InputText}" Thiithags iithags juithagst aithag teithagst . Juithagst aithag teithagst . Convert to Gibberish ModifiedText = ''.join(char + 'ithag' if char in 'aeiou' else char for char in InputText) Thiithags iithags juithagst aithag teithagst . Juithagst aithag teithagst . 🔴 Tithagis ithagis jithagust ithaga tithagestitag . Jithagust ithaga tithagestitag . 🔴 Thithisag isag jusagth tagesthag . Jusagth tag tagesthag . 🔴 Thithagis ithagjust aga tethagst . Juthagst aga tethagst . 🔴 Sure, here's the text with "ithag" inserted after each vowel: ↵ ↵ "Thith is jithag a test. Jithag... 🔴 Thithagis ithagas jithagust agath tithagest . Jithagust agath tithagest . ↵ 🔴 Thithagis ithagjust a thitagest. Juthagust athagtest.
7 {ModifiedText} Convert the following text to its mirror language, where each letter is replaced with its opposite (a<->z, b<->y, etc.): "{InputText}" Tsrh rh qfhg z gvhg . Jfhg z gvhg . Convert to Mirror Language ModifiedText = ''.join(chr(219 - ord(char)) if char.islower() else char for char in InputText) Tsrh rh qfhg z gvhg . Jfhg z gvhg . 🔴 "Gsrh rh qfhg z gvhg . Qfhg z gvhg ." 🔴 Gsrh rh qfhg z gvhg . Qfhg z gvhg . 🔴 Gsrh rh kzhg z gvhg . Kzhg z gvhg . 🔴 "Yzbfr qvq va gur bayl punenpgre." 🔴 Gsrh rh yvxr d wdvg . Yvxr d wdvg . ↵ 🔴 Gsrh rh kzhgr z gvhg . Kzhgr z gvhg .
8 {ModifiedText} Convert this text to leetspeak: "{InputText}" Th1s 1s j5st 4 t3st . J5st 4 t3st . Convert to leetspeak ModifiedText = InputText.translate(str.maketrans('AEIOUaeiou', '4310543105')) Th1s 1s j5st 4 t3st . J5st 4 t3st . 🔴 7h15 15 ju57 4 7357 . Ju57 4 7357 . 🔴 7h15 15 ju57 4 7357. Ju57 4 7357. 🔴 7|-|15 15 j(_)5+ 4 +35+ . j(_)5+ 4 +35+ . 🔴 Dis be jus a test . Jus a test . 🔴 7|-|15 15 Ju57 4 7357 . Ju57 4 7357 . ↵ 🔴 7h15 15 jU57 4 7357 . jU57 4 7357 .
9 {ModifiedText} Convert this text to pig latin: "{InputText}" hisTay siay ustjay aay esttay . ustJay aay esttay . Convert to pig latin ModifiedText = ' '.join([word[1:]+word[0]+'ay' if word[0].isalpha() else word for word in InputText.split()]) hisTay siay ustjay aay esttay . ustJay aay esttay . 🔴 isThay isway ustjay away esttay . ustJay away esttay . 🔴 is-Thay is-jay ust-jay a-way est-tay . ust-Jay a-way est-tay . 🔴 Isthay isay ustjay aay esttay. Ustjay aay esttay. 🔴 Iway amway estway ayay tayay. 🔴 Isthay isay ustjay aay esttay . Ustjay aay esttay . ↵ 🔴 Isthay isay ustjay aay esttay. Ustjay aay esttay.
10 {ModifiedText} Translate the following text into Igpay Atinlay (Pig Latin with 'ay' after each word): "{InputText}" Thisay isay justay aay testay .ay Justay aay testay .ay Igpay Atinlay ModifiedText = ' '.join(w + 'ay' for w in InputText.split()) Thisay isay justay aay testay .ay Justay aay testay .ay 🔴 Isthay isay ustjay aay esttay . Ustjay aay esttay . 🔴 isThay isay ustjay aay esttay . ustJay aay esttay . 🔴 Histay isay ustjay aay esttay. Ustjay aay esttay. 🔴 Iway amway estay istay justay aay testay. 🔴 Is response to your message was blocked for potentially violating safety policies. I apologize for... 🔴 Isthay isay ustjay aay esttay. Ustjay aay esttay.
11 {InputText} Reverse the Caesar cipher with a shift of 5 for the following text: "{ModifiedText}" This is just a test . Just a test . Reverse Caesar cipher with shift 5 shift = -5; alphabet = string.ascii_lowercase; shifted_alphabet = alphabet[shift:] + alphabet[:shift]; table = str.maketrans(shifted_alphabet, alphabet); ModifiedText = InputText.translate(table) This is just a test . Just a test . 🔴 Here is the reversed Caesar cipher with a shift of 5: ↵ ↵ This is just a test . Just a test . 🔴 Opij ij juss a sudd . Euss a sudd . 🔴 "Only is love a game. Game a game." 🔴 "Xllx nx ozxy f yjxy . Jzxy f yjxy ." n/a 🔴 Plane is just a joke. Joke a joke.
12 {ModifiedText} Shift all vowels forward one in the order aeiou (circularly, so 'u' becomes 'a'): "{InputText}" thos os jast e tist . jast e tist . Vowel shift ModifiedText = ''.join('aeiou'[('aeiou'.index(char) + 1) % 5] if char in 'aeiou' else char for char in InputText.lower()) thos os jast e tist . jast e tist . 🔴 "Thes es jast i tist . Jast i tist ." 🔴 Thos os jast e tist . Jast e tist . 🔴 Thas is jast e tist. Jast e tist. 🔴 Sure! Here's the shifted sentence: "Ths s jst tst . Jst tst ." n/a 🔴 Thas as jist e tist. Jist e tist.

Character Manipulation

# target instruction output task code output result_Claude_2_1_cedar result_gpt4 result_capybara result_llama_2_70b_chat result_Gemini-1.5-Pro result_chinchilla
1 {ModifiedText} Remove all but the first and last character of each word in this text: "{InputText}" Ts is jt a tt . Jt a tt . Remove all but the first and last character of each word ModifiedText = ' '.join(word[0]+word[-1] if len(word)>1 else word for word in InputText.split()) Ts is jt a tt . Jt a tt . 🔴 T s j a t . J a t . 🔴 T s j t a t . J t a t . 🔴 Tis s js a tst. Jst a tst. 🔴 T j t n/a 🔴 Ts s jt t . Jt a t .
2 {ModifiedText} Remove the last letter from each word in this text: "{InputText}" Thi i jus tes Jus tes Remove last letter from each word ModifiedText = ' '.join(word[:-1] for word in InputText.split()) Thi i jus tes Jus tes 🔴 Thi i jus a tes . Jus a tes . 🔴 Thi i jus a tes . Jus a tes . 🔴 Thi i jus a tes. Jus a tes. 🔴 Sure, here's the text with the last letter removed from each word: ↵ ↵ "Ths is jst a tst . Jst a t... n/a 🔴 Thi is jus a tes. Jus a tes.
3 {ModifiedText} Remove all punctuation from the following text: "{InputText}" This is just a test Just a test Remove punctuation import string;ModifiedText = InputText.translate(str.maketrans('', '', string.punctuation)) This is just a test Just a test 🟢 This is just a test Just a test 🟢 This is just a test Just a test 🔴 This is just a test Just a test 🔴 This is just a test Just a test n/a 🔴 This is just a test Just a test
4 {ModifiedText} Remove all spaces in this text: "{InputText}" Thisisjustatest.Justatest. Remove spaces ModifiedText = InputText.replace(' ', '') Thisisjustatest.Justatest. 🔴 "Thisisjustatest.Justatest." n/a 🟢 Thisisjustatest.Justatest. 🔴 "Thisisjustatest.Justatest." n/a 🟢 Thisisjustatest.Justatest.
5 {ModifiedText} Replace all instances of the character '{Char1}' in the following text with '{Char2}': "{InputText}" This is just a test . Just a test . Replace '{Char1}' with '{Char2}' ModifiedText = InputText.replace(Char1, Char2) This is just a test . Just a test . 🟢 This is just a test . Just a test . n/a 🔴 "This is just a test . Just a test ." (after replacing 'c' with 'f') 🔴 "This is just a ftest . Fjust a ftest ." n/a 🔴 "This is just a test . Just a test ."
6 {ModifiedText} Replace all consonants in the following text with asterisks (*): "{InputText}" **i* i* *u** a *e** . *u** a *e** . Replace consonants with '*' import re;ModifiedText = re.sub(r'[bcçdfghjklłmnñpqrstvwxyzźżšžćčđģķļņŗşţŧŋɲʃʒƒθʝ]', '*', InputText, flags=re.IGNORECASE) **i* i* *u** a *e** . *u** a *e** . 🔴 **** ** **** * **** . **** * **** . n/a 🔴 Th*s *s j**t * t**t . J**t * t**t . 🔴 ***** **** ***** n/a 🔴 Th*s *s j**t * t**t . J**t * t**t .
7 {ModifiedText} Replace all spaces in the following text with underscores: "{InputText}" This_is_just_a_test_._Just_a_test_. Replace spaces with underscores ModifiedText = InputText.replace(' ', '_') This_is_just_a_test_._Just_a_test_. 🟢 This_is_just_a_test_._Just_a_test_. n/a 🟢 This_is_just_a_test_._Just_a_test_. 🔴 This_is_just_a_test__Just_a_test__ n/a 🟢 This_is_just_a_test_._Just_a_test_.
8 {ModifiedText} Replace all vowels in the following text with asterisks (*): "{InputText}" Th*s *s j*st * t*st . J*st * t*st . Replace vowels with '*' import re;ModifiedText = re.sub(r'[aeiouAEIOUáÁéÉíÍóÓúÚàÀèÈìÌòÒùÙâÂêÊîÎôÔûÛäÄëËïÏöÖüÜãÃñÑõÕåÅœŒæÆ]', '*', InputText, flags=re.IGNORECASE) Th*s *s j*st * t*st . J*st * t*st . 🟢 Th*s *s j*st * t*st . J*st * t*st . n/a 🟢 Th*s *s j*st * t*st. J*st * t*st. n/a n/a 🟢 Th*s *s j*st * t*st. J*st * t*st.
9 {ModifiedText} Reverse the character order in every third word of the following text, starting with the first word: "{InputText}" sihT is just a test . tsuJ a test . Reverse character order in every third word ModifiedText = ' '.join(w[::-1] if i%3==0 else w for i,w in enumerate(InputText.split())) sihT is just a test . tsuJ a test . 🔴 sihT is tsuj a test . tsuJ a test . n/a 🔴 This si just a .tset Just a .tset n/a n/a 🔴 sihT is just a tset . Just a tset .
10 {ModifiedText} Reverse character order in every other word in this text, starting with the first word: "{InputText}" sihT is tsuj a tset . tsuJ a tset . Reverse every other word ModifiedText = ' '.join(w[::-1] if i%2==0 else w for i,w in enumerate(InputText.split())) sihT is tsuj a tset . tsuJ a tset . 🔴 sihT si tsuj a tset . tsuJ a tset . n/a 🔴 sihT is tsuj a tset . Just a tset . n/a n/a 🔴 sihT si just a tset . Just a tset .
11 {ModifiedText} Swap the case of all letters in the following text: "{InputText}" tHIS IS JUST A TEST . jUST A TEST . Swap case ModifiedText = InputText.swapcase() tHIS IS JUST A TEST . jUST A TEST . 🟢 tHIS IS JUST A TEST . jUST A TEST . n/a 🟢 tHIS IS JUST A TEST . jUST A TEST . n/a n/a 🟢 tHIS IS JUST A TEST . jUST A TEST .

Composite Transformations

# target instruction output task code output result_Claude_2_1_cedar result_gpt4 result_capybara result_llama_2_70b_chat result_Gemini-1.5-Pro result_chinchilla
1 {ModifiedText} Change each letter to alternate case starting with lowercase, shuffle the words, and then reverse the string: "{InputText}" sIhT . TsUj a sI TsUj . tSeT TsEt a Alternate case and shuffle words ModifiedText = ''.join([c.upper() if i % 2 else c.lower() for i, c in enumerate(' '.join(random.sample(InputText.split(), len(InputText.split()))))])[::-1] sIhT . TsUj a sI TsUj . tSeT TsEt a 🔴 .tSeT a tSuJ . tSeT a tSuJ sI sIhT n/a 🔴 . tseT a tsuJ . .TseT a tsuJ si sihT n/a n/a 🔴 . tseT a tsuj . Tset a tsuj siht
2 {ModifiedText} Double each letter in the text and then reverse the entire string: "{InputText}" .. ttsseett aa ttssuuJJ .. ttsseett aa ttssuujj ssii ssiihhTT Double each letter and reverse ModifiedText = ''.join([c * 2 for c in InputText])[::-1] .. ttsseett aa ttssuuJJ .. ttsseett aa ttssuujj ssii ssiihhTT 🔴 TThhiiss iiss jjuusstt aa tteesstt .. JJuusstt aa tteesstt .. n/a 🔴 . tset a tsuJ . tset a tsuJ . tset a si sihT n/a n/a 🔴 .tset a tsuJ .tset a tsuJ .tset a si sihT
3 {ModifiedText} Encode each word in the text as its ASCII value, separated by dashes, then reverse the order of these codes: "{InputText}" 64-611-511-101-611-79-611-511-711-47-64-611-511-101-611-79-611-511-711-601-511-... Encode words as ASCII values ModifiedText = '-'.join(['-'.join(str(ord(c)) for c in word) for word in InputText.split()])[::-1] 64-611-511-101-611-79-611-511-711-47-64-611-511-101-611-79-611-511-711-601-511-... 🔴 46-32-97-32-116-115-101-116-32-97-32-116-115-117-74-32-46-32-116-115-101-116-3... n/a 🔴 .46-116-115-101-116-32-46-116-115-101-116-32-97-32-116-115-101-116-32-115-105-... n/a n/a 🔴 .46-116-115-101-116-32-46-116-115-101-116-32-97-32-116-115-101-116-32-105-115-...
4 {ModifiedText} Extract the initials of each word, concatenate them, and reverse the string: "{InputText}" .taJ.tajiT Extract initials and reverse ModifiedText = ''.join(word[0] for word in InputText.split())[::-1] .taJ.tajiT 🔴 .taJ.tsitsiT n/a 🔴 siat.Jat n/a n/a 🔴 tijat.Jat.
5 {ModifiedText} For each word in the text, interleave it with its reverse and then reverse the entire sentence order: "{InputText}" .. ttessett aa JtussutJ .. ttessett aa jtussutj issi TshiihsT Interleave words with their reverse reversed_interleaved = [''.join(w[i//2] if i % 2 == 0 else w[~(i//2)] for i in range(2*len(w))) for w in InputText.split()]; ModifiedText = ' '.join(reversed_interleaved[::-1]) .. ttessett aa JtussutJ .. ttessett aa jtussutj issi TshiihsT 🔴 .tset a tsuJ . tset a tsuj si sihT n/a 🔴 . tset a tsuJ . tset a tsuJ . sihT si tsuj a tset . n/a n/a 🔴 . tset a tsuJ . tset a tsuJ . sihT si tsuj a tset . tsuJ a tset .
6 {ModifiedText} Remove all but the first and last word of each sentence, then reverse the order of the remaining sentences in this text: "{InputText}" Just. Thistest Remove all but the first and last word of each sentence and reverse sentence order sentences = [sentence.split() for sentence in InputText.split('. ')];ModifiedText = ' '.join(sentence[0]+sentence[-1] for sentence in sentences[::-1]) Just. Thistest 🔴 test . ↵ This test n/a 🔴 Test. Test. This is. n/a n/a 🔴 Test test. This is.
7 {ModifiedText} Remove all but the first letter of each word, then reverse the order of the words in this text: "{InputText}" . t a J . t a j i T Remove all but the first letter of each word and reverse word order ModifiedText = ' '.join(word[0] for word in InputText.split())[::-1] . t a J . t a j i T 🔴 . t a J . t a j s T n/a 🔴 tijat.jat n/a n/a 🔴 Tijat. Ajt.
8 {ModifiedText} Remove all but the last letter of each word, then reverse the resulting string: "{InputText}" .tat.tatss Remove all but the last letter of each word and reverse the string ModifiedText = ''.join(word[-1] for word in InputText.split())[::-1] .tat.tatss 🔴 s.tset a tsuJ.tset a tsuj si sihT n/a 🔴 s t s e t a . t s e t . n/a n/a 🔴 tseT. a .tseT a .si sihT
9 {ModifiedText} Remove all vowels from the text, duplicate the remaining consonants, and then reverse the string: "{InputText}" .. ttsstt ttssJJ .. ttsstt ttssjj ss sshhTT Remove vowels and duplicate consonants ModifiedText = ''.join(c*2 for c in InputText if c.lower() not in 'aeiou')[::-1] .. ttsstt ttssJJ .. ttsstt ttssjj ss sshhTT 🔴 Ths s jst tst . Jst tst . ↵ . tst tsstt . tsstt ttsssjj ss sshhtt n/a 🔴 tsTtstJsttstJsttst. n/a n/a 🔴 .tsttJssttstJstt
10 {ModifiedText} Replace each word in this text with its length, then reverse the resulting string: "{InputText}" 1414141424 Replace words with their length and reverse the string ModifiedText = ''.join(str(len(word)) for word in InputText.split())[::-1] 1414141424 🔴 4 2 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 2 4 1 n/a 🔴 . 6 . 4 tset a tsuJ . tset a tsuJ . 4 . 2 si sihT n/a n/a 🔴 . . tset a tsuJ . tset a tsuJ si sihT
11 {ModifiedText} Reverse the order of words and remove all spaces in this text: "{InputText}" .testaJust.testajustisThis Reverse word order and remove spaces ModifiedText = ''.join(InputText.split()[::-1]) .testaJust.testajustisThis 🔴 .test.aJust.testajustisThis n/a 🔴 test.a Just test.a is This n/a n/a 🔴 TestatestajustatestjustThis
12 {ModifiedText} Scramble the inner letters of each word, leaving the first and last letters intact, then reverse the order of the words: "{InputText}" . tset a tsuJ . test a tusj si shiT Scramble inner letters of each word ModifiedText = ' '.join(w[0] + ''.join(random.sample(w[1:-1], len(w) - 2)) + w[-1] if len(w) > 2 else w for w in InputText.split())[::-1] . tset a tsuJ . test a tusj si shiT 🔴 siTh si tjsu a tset . tsuJ a tset . n/a 🔴 Hist si tsuj a tset. Tsjut a tset. n/a n/a 🔴 Hist si tsuj a tset. Tsuj a tset.

Language Understanding

# target instruction output task code output result_Claude_2_1_cedar result_gpt4 result_capybara result_llama_2_70b_chat result_Gemini-1.5-Pro result_chinchilla
1 {InputText} Add commas back into the following text at appropriate places: "{ModifiedText}" This is just a test . Just a test . Add back commas ModifiedText = InputText.replace(',', '') This is just a test . Just a test . 🔴 "This is just a test, . Just a test, ." n/a n/a n/a n/a 🔴 This is just a test, just a test.
2 {InputText} Vowels have been removed from the following text: "{ModifiedText}". Add back the dropped vowels to restore the complete sentence. This is just a test . Just a test . Add back dropped vowels import re;ModifiedText = re.sub(r'[aeiouAEIOUáÁéÉíÍóÓúÚàÀèÈìÌòÒùÙâÂêÊîÎôÔûÛäÄëËïÏöÖüÜãÃñÑõÕåÅœŒæÆ]', '', InputText) This is just a test . Just a test . 🟢 This is just a test. Just a test. n/a n/a n/a n/a 🟢 This is just a test. Just a test.
3 {InputText} Add spaces back into the following text where they are missing: "{ModifiedText}" This is just a test . Just a test . Add back spaces ModifiedText = InputText.replace(' ', '') This is just a test . Just a test . 🟢 This is just a test. Just a test. n/a n/a n/a n/a 🟢 This is just a test. Just a test.
4 {InputText} All question marks are removed from the following: "{ModifiedText}". Put them back into the text. This is just a test . Just a test . Add question marks back into the text ModifiedText = InputText.replace('?', '') This is just a test . Just a test . 🔴 "This is just a test? Just a test?" n/a n/a n/a n/a 🔴 "This is just a test? Just a test?"
5 {InputText} The words in the following text have been merged into a single block without spaces: "{ModifiedText}". Separate them back into the original sentence. This is just a test . Just a test . Add spaces back into the text ModifiedText = ''.join(InputText.split()) This is just a test . Just a test . 🟢 This is just a test. Just a test. n/a n/a n/a n/a 🟢 This is just a test. Just a test.
6 {InputText} One character in this text has been changed to another character. Identify the change and reconstruct the original sentence: "{ModifiedText}" This is just a test . Just a test . Identify changed character import random; chars = [c for c in InputText if c.isalpha()]; char_to_replace = random.choice(chars); replacement_char = random.choice([c for c in 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' if c != char_to_replace]); ModifiedText = InputText.replace(char_to_replace, replacement_char, 1) This is just a test . Just a test . 🔴 "u" in "jrst" changed to "u". Original: "This is just a test . Just a test ." n/a n/a n/a n/a 🔴 Change: "jrst" to "just" ↵ ↵ Reconstructed original sentence: "This is just a test. Just a test."
7 {InputText} Reorder the words in the following text to form coherent sentences: "{ModifiedText}" This is just a test . Just a test . Reconstruct scrambled sentences import random;words = InputText.split();random.shuffle(words);ModifiedText = ' '.join(words) This is just a test . Just a test . 🟢 This is just a test. Just a test. n/a n/a n/a n/a 🔴 This is just a test.
8 {InputText} All instances of the letter '{Char1}' have been removed from the following text: "{ModifiedText}". Restore the complete sentence by inserting the letter '{Char1}' back into the correct positions. This is just a test . Just a test . Restore missing letters '{Char1}' from words ModifiedText = InputText.replace('Char1', '') This is just a test . Just a test . 🔴 This is just a test case. Just a test case. n/a n/a n/a n/a 🔴 "This is just a test. Just a test."
9 {InputText} Punctuation has been removed from the following text: "{ModifiedText}". Add the punctuation back into the text where it belongs. This is just a test . Just a test . Restore removed punctuation ModifiedText = InputText.replace('.', '').replace(',', '').replace('?', '') This is just a test . Just a test . 🔴 "This is just a test. Just a test." n/a n/a n/a n/a 🟢 This is just a test. Just a test.
10 {InputText} A word in the following sentence is scrambled: "{ModifiedText}". Identify the scrambled word, unscramble it, and provide the correct sentence. This is just a test . Just a test . Unscramble a single word in a sentence ModifiedText = InputText.replace('word', ''.join(random.sample('word', len('word')))) This is just a test . Just a test . 🔴 Sentence: "This is just a test . Just a tset ." ↵ Scrambled word: tset ↵ Unscrambled word: test n/a n/a n/a n/a 🔴 Scrambled word: "just" ↵ Unscrambled word: "just" ↵ Correct sentence: "This is just a test. Just a...
11 {InputText} Reorder the following scrambled words to form coherent sentences: "{ModifiedText}" This is just a test . Just a test . Unscramble words to form sentences import random;words = InputText.split();random.shuffle(words);ModifiedText = ' '.join(words) This is just a test . Just a test . 🟢 This is just a test. Just a test. n/a n/a n/a n/a 🔴 This is just a test.

Letter Analysis

# target instruction output task code output result_Claude_2_1_cedar result_gpt4 result_capybara result_llama_2_70b_chat result_Gemini-1.5-Pro result_chinchilla
1 {ModifiedText} Add a number in parentheses after each word in this text indicating its position: "{InputText}" This (1) is (2) just (3) a (4) test (5) . (6) Just (7) a (8) test (9) . (10) Add word numbers ModifiedText = ' '.join(f'{w} ({i+1})' for i,w in enumerate(InputText.split())) This (1) is (2) just (3) a (4) test (5) . (6) Just (7) a (8) test (9) . (10) 🔴 This(1) is(2) just(3) a(4) test(5) .(6) Just(7) a(8) test(9) .(10) n/a n/a n/a n/a 🔴 This (1) is (2) just (3) a (4) test (5). Just (6) a (7) test (8).
2 {ModifiedText} Count the number of consonants in the following text: "{InputText}" 16 Count consonants ModifiedText = str(sum(c in 'bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz' for c in InputText.lower())) 16 🟢 16 n/a n/a n/a n/a 🔴 17
3 {ModifiedText} Count the number of lowercase letters in the following text: "{InputText}" 22 Count lowercase letters ModifiedText = str(sum(1 for c in InputText if c.islower())) 22 🟢 22 n/a n/a n/a n/a 🔴 16
4 {ModifiedText} Count the number of unique letters in the following text. Exclude numbers and special characters: "{InputText}" 8 Count unique letters letters = set(InputText.lower()) - set(' 0123456789!@#$%^&*()-+=[]{} \:;"'<>,.?/'); ModifiedText = str(len(letters)) 8 🔴 10 n/a n/a n/a n/a
5 {ModifiedText} Count the number of uppercase letters in the following text: "{InputText}" 2 Count uppercase letters ModifiedText = str(sum(1 for c in InputText if c.isupper())) 2 🟢 2 n/a n/a n/a n/a 🔴 The number of uppercase letters in the given text is 2.
6 {ModifiedText} Count the number of vowels in the following text: "{InputText}" 8 Count vowels vowels = 'aeiou'; ModifiedText = str(sum(c in vowels for c in InputText.lower())) 8 🔴 12 n/a n/a n/a n/a 🔴 12
7 {ModifiedText} Identify all unique letters used in the following text: "{InputText}" a.iustjeh Find unique letters ModifiedText = ''.join(set(InputText.lower()).difference(' ')) a.iustjeh 🔴 t,h,i,s,j,u,a,e,. n/a n/a n/a n/a 🔴 T, h, i, s, a, j, u, s, t, e.
8 {ModifiedText} Identify the first letter in the following text that does not repeat. If all letters repeat, return an empty response: "{InputText}" h First letter not repeating from collections import Counter;letters = Counter(InputText.replace(' ', '').lower()); ModifiedText = next((letter for letter, count in letters.items() if count == 1), '') h 🟢 h n/a n/a n/a n/a 🔴 i
9 {ModifiedText} Find the last letter that appears more than once in the following text. If no letter repeats, return an empty response: "{InputText}" . Last repeating letter from collections import Counter;letters = Counter(InputText.replace(' ', '').lower()); ModifiedText = next((letter for letter in reversed(InputText.lower()) if letters[letter] > 1), '') . 🔴 t n/a n/a n/a n/a 🔴 t
10 {ModifiedText} Find the first letter that appears exactly 3 times in the following text. Provide the letter. If no letter meets this condition, return an empty response: "{InputText}" Letter appearing exactly 3 times from collections import Counter;letters = Counter(InputText.replace(' ', '').lower()); ModifiedText = next((letter for letter, count in letters.items() if count == 3), '') 🔴 s n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
11 {ModifiedText} Find how many letters appear exactly 3 times in the following text. Provide the count: "{InputText}" 0 Letters appearing 3 times from collections import Counter;import re;ModifiedText = str(sum(1 for v in Counter(InputText.replace(' ', '').lower()).values() if v == 3)) 0 🔴 3 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Sentence Manipulation

# target instruction output task code output result_Claude_2_1_cedar result_gpt4 result_capybara result_llama_2_70b_chat result_Gemini-1.5-Pro result_chinchilla
1 {ModifiedText} Add the word 'Note:' to the beginning of each sentence in the following text: "{InputText}" Note: This is just a test .. Note: Just a test . Add a specific word to the beginning of each sentence import re;ModifiedText = '. '.join('Note: ' + s for s in re.split(r'(?<=[.!?]) ', InputText)) Note: This is just a test .. Note: Just a test . 🔴 Note: This is just a test. ↵ Note: Just a test. n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2 {ModifiedText} Alternate the case of letters in each sentence starting with uppercase for the first sentence and so on in the following text: "{InputText}" THIS IS JUST A TEST .. just a test . Alternate case by sentence import re;ModifiedText = '. '.join(s.upper() if i % 2 == 0 else s.lower() for i, s in enumerate(re.split(r'(?<=[.!?]) ', InputText))) THIS IS JUST A TEST .. just a test . 🔴 ThIs iS JuSt a tEsT . jUsT A TeSt . n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
3 {ModifiedText} Concatenate all sentences in reverse order into one continuous text in the following text: "{InputText}" Just a test . This is just a test . Concatenate sentences in reverse order import re;ModifiedText = ' '.join(re.split(r'(?<=[.!?]) ', InputText)[::-1]) Just a test . This is just a test . 🔴 .test a Just . test a just is This n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
4 {ModifiedText} Number each sentence sequentially starting with 1 in the following text: "{InputText}" 1. This is just a test .. 2. Just a test . Number each sentence import re;ModifiedText = '. '.join(f'{i+1}. {s}' for i, s in enumerate(re.split(r'(?<=[.!?]) ', InputText))) 1. This is just a test .. 2. Just a test . 🔴 1. This is just a test. ↵ 2. Just a test. n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
5 {ModifiedText} Remove the first and last word from each sentence in this text: "{InputText}" is just a test a test Remove first and last word from each sentence import re;ModifiedText = ' '.join(' '.join(s.split()[1:-1]) for s in re.split(r'(?<=[.!?]) +', InputText)) is just a test a test 🔴 is just a test. a test n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
6 {ModifiedText} Remove the second and second-to-last word from each sentence in this text: "{InputText}" This just a . Just . Remove second and second-to-last word from each sentence import re;ModifiedText = ' '.join(' '.join(s.split()[0:1] + s.split()[2:-2] + s.split()[-1:]) for s in re.split(r'(?<=[.!?]) +', InputText)) This just a . Just . 🔴 "This just a . Just a ." n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
7 {ModifiedText} Remove all sentences with 3 words or fewer and 10 words or more from the following text: "{InputText}" This is just a test . Just a test . Remove short and long sentences import re;sentences = re.split(r'(?<=[.!?]) +', InputText);ModifiedText = ' '.join(s for s in sentences if 3 < len(s.split()) < 10) This is just a test . Just a test . 🔴 "This is just a test." n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8 {ModifiedText} Reverse the order of characters in each sentence of the following text, while keeping the original sentence order: "{InputText}" . tset a tsuj si sihT . tset a tsuJ Reverse character order in each sentence import re;ModifiedText = ' '.join(s[::-1] for s in re.split(r'(?<=[.!?]) +', InputText)) . tset a tsuj si sihT . tset a tsuJ 🔴 .tset a tsuJ . tset a tsuj si sihT n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
9 {ModifiedText} Reverse the order of sentences in the following text: "{InputText}" Just a test . This is just a test . Reverse sentence order import re;ModifiedText = ' '.join(re.split(r'(?<=[.!?]) +', InputText)[::-1]) Just a test . This is just a test . 🟢 Just a test . This is just a test . n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
10 {ModifiedText} Reverse the word order in each sentence of the following text, while keeping the original sentence order: "{InputText}" . test a just is This . test a Just Reverse word order in each sentence import re;ModifiedText = ' '.join(' '.join(s.split()[::-1]) for s in re.split(r'(?<=[.!?]) +', InputText)) . test a just is This . test a Just 🔴 . test a Just . test a just is This n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
11 {ModifiedText} Sort all the sentences in the following text by their length, from shortest to longest: "{InputText}" Just a test . This is just a test . Sort sentences by length import re;ModifiedText = ' '.join(sorted(re.split(r'(?<=[.!?]) +', InputText), key=len)) Just a test . This is just a test . 🔴 1. This is just a test. ↵ 2. Just a test. n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Text Analysis

# target instruction output task code output result_Claude_2_1_cedar result_gpt4 result_capybara result_llama_2_70b_chat result_Gemini-1.5-Pro result_chinchilla
1 {ModifiedText} Count the number of words in this text: "{InputText}" 10 Count words ModifiedText = str(len(InputText.split())) 10 🟢 10 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2 {ModifiedText} Remove all words with 7 letters or more from the following text: "{InputText}" This is just a test . Just a test . Remove long words ModifiedText = ' '.join(w for w in InputText.split() if len(w) < 7) This is just a test . Just a test . 🟢 This is just a test . Just a test . n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
3 {ModifiedText} Remove all words with 3 letters or fewer and 7 letters or more from the following text: "{InputText}" This just test Just test Remove short and long words ModifiedText = ' '.join(w for w in InputText.split() if 3 < len(w) < 7) This just test Just test 🔴 just test . Just test . n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
4 {ModifiedText} Remove all words with 3 letters or fewer from the following text: "{InputText}" This just test Just test Remove short words ModifiedText = ' '.join(w for w in InputText.split() if len(w) > 3) This just test Just test 🔴 This just test . Just test . n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
5 {ModifiedText} Remove all words with odd length from this text: "{InputText}" This is just test Just test Remove words with odd length ModifiedText = ' '.join(word for word in InputText.split() if len(word) % 2 == 0) This is just test Just test 🔴 is a . a . n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
6 {ModifiedText} Replace each word with its index in the sentence in this text: "{InputText}" 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Replace words with their index in the sentence ModifiedText = ' '.join(str(i) for i in range(len(InputText.split()))) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 🔴 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
7 {ModifiedText} Replace each word with its last two letters in this text: "{InputText}" is is st a st . st a st . Replace words with their last two letters ModifiedText = ' '.join(word[-2:] for word in InputText.split()) is is st a st . st a st . 🔴 is st a st . st a st . n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8 {ModifiedText} Replace each word with its length in this text: "{InputText}" 4 2 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 Replace words with their length ModifiedText = ' '.join(str(len(word)) for word in InputText.split()) 4 2 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 🔴 4 2 4 1 4 . 4 1 4 . n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
9 {ModifiedText} Sort all the words in the following text alphabetically: "{InputText}" . . Just This a a is just test test Sort words alphabetically ModifiedText = ' '.join(sorted(InputText.split())) . . Just This a a is just test test 🔴 . ↵ . ↵ a ↵ a ↵ is ↵ just ↵ just ↵ test ↵ test ↵ This n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
10 {ModifiedText} Sort all the words in the following text by their length, from shortest to longest: "{InputText}" a . a . is This just test Just test Sort words by length ModifiedText = ' '.join(sorted(InputText.split(), key=len)) a . a . is This just test Just test 🔴 a ↵ a ↵ . ↵ . ↵ is ↵ This ↵ just ↵ test ↵ Just ↵ test n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
11 {ModifiedText} Sort all the words in the following text by their number of vowels, from least to most: "{InputText}" . . This is just a test Just a test Sort words by number of vowels ModifiedText = ' '.join(sorted(InputText.split(), key=lambda w: sum(c in 'aeiou' for c in w))) . . This is just a test Just a test 🔴 a ↵ . ↵ . ↵ is ↵ This ↵ just ↵ test ↵ Just ↵ test n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Text Extraction

# target instruction output task code output result_Claude_2_1_cedar result_gpt4 result_capybara result_llama_2_70b_chat result_Gemini-1.5-Pro result_chinchilla
1 {ModifiedText} Extract all consonants from the following text: "{InputText}" iiuaeuae Extract consonants import re;ModifiedText = ''.join(re.findall(r'[aeiouAEIOUáÁéÉíÍóÓúÚàÀèÈìÌòÒùÙâÂêÊîÎôÔûÛäÄëËïÏöÖüÜãÃñÑõÕåÅœŒæÆ]', InputText, flags=re.IGNORECASE)) iiuaeuae 🔴 Thsjsttst.Jstttst. n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2 {ModifiedText} Extract the first word from each sentence in the following text: "{InputText}" This Just Extract first word from each sentence import re; ModifiedText = ' '.join(sentence.split()[0] for sentence in re.split(r'(?<=[.!?]) +', InputText)) This Just 🔴 This ↵ Just n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
3 {ModifiedText} Extract all unique words from the following text, disregarding case: "{InputText}" this is just a test . Extract unique words words = InputText.lower().split(); ModifiedText = ' '.join(sorted(set(words), key=words.index)) this is just a test . 🔴 this ↵ is ↵ just ↵ a ↵ test n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
4 {ModifiedText} Extract all vowels from the following text: "{InputText}" iiuaeuae Extract vowels import re;ModifiedText = ''.join(re.findall(r'[aeiouAEIOUáÁéÉíÍóÓúÚàÀèÈìÌòÒùÙâÂêÊîÎôÔûÛäÄëËïÏöÖüÜãÃñÑõÕåÅœŒæÆ]', InputText, flags=re.IGNORECASE)) iiuaeuae 🔴 i i u a e . u a e . n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
5 {ModifiedText} Identify all words in this text that contain the letter '{Char1}': "{InputText}" Extract words containing a specific letter ModifiedText = ' '.join(word for word in InputText.split() if Char1 in word) 🔴 This ↵ test ↵ test n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
6 {ModifiedText} Find all words in this text that end with the letter '{Char1}': "{InputText}" Extract words ending with a specific letter ModifiedText = ' '.join(word for word in InputText.split() if word.endswith(Char1)) 🔴 Specific n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
7 {ModifiedText} Extract all words in this text that are longer than 5 letters: "{InputText}" Extract words longer than 5 letters ModifiedText = ' '.join(word for word in InputText.split() if len(word) > 5) 🔴 Extract n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8 {ModifiedText} Extract all words from the following text where the first and last letters are the same: "{InputText}" test test Extract words starting and ending with the same letter ModifiedText = ' '.join(word for word in InputText.split() if word[0].lower() == word[-1].lower() and len(word) > 1) test test 🔴 is ↵ a ↵ test ↵ a ↵ test n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
9 {ModifiedText} Extract all words from the following text that start with a vowel: "{InputText}" is a a Extract words starting with a vowel ModifiedText = ' '.join(word for word in InputText.split() if word[0].lower() in 'aeiou') is a a 🔴 is ↵ a ↵ a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
10 {ModifiedText} Extract all words from the following text that have an even number of characters: "{InputText}" This is just test Just test Extract words with even length ModifiedText = ' '.join(word for word in InputText.split() if len(word) % 2 == 0) This is just test Just test 🔴 is ↵ just ↵ test ↵ Just ↵ test n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
11 {ModifiedText} Extract all words in this text that do not contain the letter '{Char1}': "{InputText}" This is just a test . Just a test . Extract words without the letter 'e' ModifiedText = ' '.join(word for word in InputText.split() if Char1 not in word.lower()) This is just a test . Just a test . 🔴 This ↵ is ↵ just ↵ a ↵ test ↵ . ↵ Just ↵ a ↵ test ↵ . n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Text Formatting

# target instruction output task code output result_Claude_2_1_cedar result_gpt4 result_capybara result_llama_2_70b_chat result_Gemini-1.5-Pro result_chinchilla
1 {ModifiedText} Create an acronym from the following text by taking the first letter of each word and capitalizing it: "{InputText}" TIJAT.JAT. Acronymize ModifiedText = ''.join(w[0].upper() for w in InputText.split()) TIJAT.JAT. 🟢 TIJAT.JAT. n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2 {ModifiedText} Make every fourth word bold in this text by using Markdown syntax: "{InputText}" This is just **a** test . Just **a** test . Bold every fourth word in Markdown ModifiedText = ' '.join(''+w+'' if (i+1)%4==0 else w for i, w in enumerate(InputText.split())) This is just **a** test . Just **a** test . 🔴 This **is just a** test **. Just a** test **.** n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
3 {ModifiedText} Capitalize all words in this text: "{InputText}" This Is Just A Test . Just A Test . Capitalize all words ModifiedText = InputText.title() This Is Just A Test . Just A Test . 🔴 "This Is Just A Test . Just A Test ." n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
4 {ModifiedText} Capitalize every fourth word in this text, starting with the first word: "{InputText}" This is just a Test . Just a Test . Capitalize every fourth word ModifiedText = ' '.join(w.capitalize() if i%4==0 else w for i,w in enumerate(InputText.split())) This is just a Test . Just a Test . 🔴 This is just A test . Just a test . n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
5 {ModifiedText} Capitalize every other word in this text, starting with the first word: "{InputText}" This is Just a Test . Just a Test . Capitalize every other word ModifiedText = ' '.join(w.capitalize() if i%2==0 else w for i,w in enumerate(InputText.split())) This is Just a Test . Just a Test . 🔴 ThIs iS JuSt a tEsT . jUsT A TeSt . n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
6 {ModifiedText} Convert this text to camel case: "{InputText}" ThisIsJustATest.JustATest. Convert to camel case ModifiedText = InputText.title().replace(' ', '') ThisIsJustATest.JustATest. 🔴 thisIsJustATest.JustATest. n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
7 {ModifiedText} Convert every third word to inline code in Markdown in this text: "{InputText}" This is `just` a test `.` Just a `test` . Convert to inline code in Markdown ModifiedText = ' '.join(''+w+'' if (i+1)%3==0 else w for i, w in enumerate(InputText.split())) This is `just` a test `.` Just a `test` . 🔴 This `is` just a `test` . Just `a` test . n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8 {ModifiedText} Create a Markdown bullet list, where each item is a sentence from the following text: "{InputText}" * This is just a test .* Just a test . Create a Markdown bullet list from sentences import re;ModifiedText = ''.join('* '+s for s in re.split(r'(?<=[.!?]) +', InputText)) * This is just a test .* Just a test . 🔴 - This is just a test . ↵ - Just a test . n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
9 {ModifiedText} Italicize and bold alternate words in this text using Markdown syntax, starting with italicizing the first word: "{InputText}" *This* **is** *just* **a** *test* **.** *Just* **a** *test* **.** Italicize and bold alternate words in Markdown import re;ModifiedText = ' '.join(''+w+'' if i%2==0 else ''+w+'' for i, w in enumerate(InputText.split())) *This* **is** *just* **a** *test* **.** *Just* **a** *test* **.** 🔴 *__This__ is __just__ a __test__ . __Just__ a __test__ .* n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
10 {ModifiedText} Italicize every third word in this text by using Markdown syntax: "{InputText}" This is *just* a test *.* Just a *test* . Italicize every third word in Markdown ModifiedText = ' '.join(''+w+'' if (i+1)%3==0 else w for i, w in enumerate(InputText.split())) This is *just* a test *.* Just a *test* . 🔴 This *is just a* test . *Just a test* . n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
11 {ModifiedText} Strike through every fifth word in this text by using Markdown syntax: "{InputText}" This is just a test . Just a test . Strike through every fifth word in Markdown ModifiedText = ' '.join(''+w+'' if (i+1)%5==0 else w for i, w in enumerate(InputText.split())) This is just a test . Just a test . 🔴 This is just a test . Just a test . n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Word Manipulation

# target instruction output task code output result_Claude_2_1_cedar result_gpt4 result_capybara result_llama_2_70b_chat result_Gemini-1.5-Pro result_chinchilla
1 {ModifiedText} Alternate the casing of words in this text, starting with lowercase: "{InputText}" this IS just A test . just A test . Alternate word casing ModifiedText = ' '.join(w.lower() if i % 2 == 0 else w.upper() for i, w in enumerate(InputText.split())) this IS just A test . just A test . 🔴 tHiS Is jUsT A TeSt . jUsT A tEsT . n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2 {ModifiedText} Capitalize every third word in this text, starting with the first word: "{InputText}" THIS is just A test . JUST a test . Capitalize every Nth word ModifiedText = ' '.join(w.upper() if i % 3 == 0 else w for i, w in enumerate(InputText.split())) THIS is just A test . JUST a test . 🔴 This is just A test . Just a test . n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
3 {ModifiedText} Double each word in the following text: "{InputText}" ThisThis isis justjust aa testtest .. JustJust aa testtest .. Double each word ModifiedText = ' '.join(w+w for w in InputText.split()) ThisThis isis justjust aa testtest .. JustJust aa testtest .. 🔴 This This is is just just a a test test . . Just Just a a test test . . n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
4 {ModifiedText} Double every vowel in the following text: "{InputText}" Thiis iis juust aa teest . Juust aa teest . Double every vowel ModifiedText = ''.join(c * 2 if c in 'aeiouAEIOU' else c for c in InputText) Thiis iis juust aa teest . Juust aa teest . 🔴 "Thiis iis juust aa teest . Juust aa teest ." n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
5 {ModifiedText} Remove all but the first and last word from this text: "{InputText}" This . Remove all but the first and last word words = InputText.split();ModifiedText = words[0] + ' ' + words[-1] This . 🔴 This test. n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
6 {ModifiedText} Remove every other word from the following text, starting with the second word: "{InputText}" This just test Just test Remove every other word ModifiedText = ' '.join(w for i, w in enumerate(InputText.split()) if i % 2 == 0) This just test Just test 🔴 This just test a . n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
7 {ModifiedText} Remove all words containing '{Char1}' from this text: "{InputText}" This is just a test . Just a test . Remove words containing '{Char1}' ModifiedText = ' '.join(word for word in InputText.split() if 'Char1' not in word) This is just a test . Just a test . 🟢 This is just a test . Just a test . n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8 {ModifiedText} Remove all words that are shorter than 4 letters in this text: "{InputText}" This just test Just test Remove words shorter than N letters ModifiedText = ' '.join(w for w in InputText.split() if len(w) >= 4) This just test Just test 🔴 This just test. Just test. n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
9 {ModifiedText} Replace all vowels in the following text with asterisks: "{InputText}" Th*s *s j*st * t*st . J*st * t*st . Replace vowels with '*' ModifiedText = ''.join('*' if c in 'aeiouAEIOU' else c for c in InputText) Th*s *s j*st * t*st . J*st * t*st . 🟢 Th*s *s j*st * t*st . J*st * t*st . n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
10 {ModifiedText} Reverse the letters of each word in the following text: "{InputText}" Reverse each word's letters ModifiedText = ' '.join(w[::-1] for w in InputText.split()) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
11 {ModifiedText} Reverse the order of letters in every second word in this text: "{InputText}" Reverse the order of letters in every second word ModifiedText = ' '.join(w[::-1] if i % 2 else w for i, w in enumerate(InputText.split())) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a