Changes the variable name "social_cost_of_carbon" to "internal_carbon_price"
Updates model_inputs.xlsx.
Scrubs any PCE-specific data/notes from the code.
Adds a new input to the model_inputs.xlsx file for T&D losses. This was previously hard-coded into the script using a PCE-specific distribution loss value.
Updates the summary report to fix a how the avoided emissions per MWh is calculated. Previously, this metric used only additional dispatch to normalize the emissions, but it should use the total portfolio generation to do so.
Also updates the grid impact metrics to factor in system-level battery dispatch into the metrics for the ones that calculate net demand as demand - wind, solar, and batteries.
Updates the hybrid generator dispatch constraint such that the net dispatch must be less than or equal to the nameplate capacity (DispatchGen + DischargeStorage - ChargeStorage <= capacity).
Previously, the constraint was DispatchGen + DischargeStorage <= capacity, so if a generator ever had a variable capacity factor > 1, it would curtail the generation.
Updates the decision variable CurtailGen
so that economic curtailment is only allowed when LMP prices are negative.
In reality the only time that an operator would choose to economically curtail a generator is when LMP prices are <= 0.
Enforcing this constraint also prevents curtailment from being used excessivly by the model to satisfy other constraints.
For example, when limiting the amount of excess generation allowed, previously the model could just curtail a lot of generation
even when LMP prices were positive, even though this would not be realistic behavior.
To limit curtailment, we take an approach similar to how we limit DispatchGen
to be <= an upper limit that is defined by its
and installed capacity. We create a new variable curtailment_capacity_factor
which is set equal
to variable_capacity_factor
when the LMP prices at a generator node are <= 0, and set to zero when prices are positive. This
new variable is defined in variable_capacity_factors.csv
To limit curtailment, we set the constraint CurtailGen[g,t] <= GenCapacityInTP * gen_availability * curtailment_capacity_factor
for each g, t.
Updates the excess generation limits:
- The annual excess generation limit is now based on the total annual volume of generated electricity not exceeding the limit.
- The hourly limit is now based on the annual volume of hourly excess generation not exceeding the limit.
Adds output to summary report describing what percentage of curtailment occured during negatively priced hours
Format code using black
Updates how the RA Value (NQC) of hybrid storage resources is calculated in both optional.resource_adequacy
Previously, the storage ELCC value was not considered in the calculation of the effective ELCC for hybrid storage resources. This update now considers ELCC, which should reduce the overall RA value of hybrid resources, assuming that the ELCC of storage is less than 100%.
Adds back an option to dispatch storage using a binary constraint to strictly prohibit simultaneous charging and discharging of storage. This functionality was previously implemented as as the primary storage dispatch in versions 0.3.0
through 0.12.1
. It was removed in version 0.13.0
to speed up solve time, but we have realized that in certain circumstances, the user may wish to have the ability to constrain this behavior using the binary constraint. This is accomplished using the option storage_binary_discharge_constraint
. If True, the model uses the binary constraint to prevent simultaneous charge and discharge. If False, the model uses the formula that limits simultaneous charge and discharge.
Updates generate_input_files
so that the order of the scenarios in scenarios.txt
matches the order of the scenarios in the scenarios tab of model_inputs.xlsx
Fix error in RA capacity value output in RA_value_by_generator.csv
for hybrid storage
Update how REC costs are calculated in the summary report. If there is a REC open position, only procure enough RECs to meet base load plus storage losses (rather than loss-adjusted load). However, if long on RECs, only sell RECs in excess of loss-adjusted load. We assume that Loss adjusted load = base load * (1 + td_losses)
When we updated the curtailment functionality in 0.20.0, we allowed any variable resource to be curtailed. When curtailed, the offtaker must still pay the PPA cost, but does not earn wholesale revenue (or pay wholesale cost when the nodal price is negative). However, some PPAs have a provision for "buyer curtailment" which specifies the number of hours that a resource can be curtailed per year without having to pay the PPA cost. Adding this as a separate decision variable would potentially slow the model, so instead we implemented this as a post-processing calculation in teh summary report that credits back this allowance if used. For each generator that has a buyer curtailment allowance, the available credit is calculated as buyer_curtailment_allowance * GenCapacity * ppa_energy_cost
. We then take the minimum of this total allowance and the total cost of curtailed energy for each generator to make sure that we are crediting back only the part of the allowance that was actually used.
- Changed parameter
- Added calculation to summary report to credit the buyer curtailment allowance when calculating the total portfolio cost.
- Update economic curtailment functionality to allow user to specify a wholesale price threshold below which generation will be curtailed
Bug fixes
- Fix minor bug in
- Fix error in annual excess generation constraint. Previously storage losses were added to load, rather than substracted from generation. This makes the calculation consistent with how the annual renewable percentage is calculated in the reporting function.
- Fix issue where the scenario_summary.csv output was excluding some new generation due to a dataframe merging issue
- Minor bug fixes
- Updates MATCH model to be compatible with PySAM v3.0.1, which switches from Pvwattsv7 to Pvwattsv8, and allows for the option verbose=False to silence all of the output text from running the fetch resource file function
- Added error handling to the
script to retry running the jupyter notebook if there is an nbconvert RuntimeError: Kernel didn't respond in 60 seconds - Added storage energy ppa costs to model outputs and summary report
- Add cost outputs using base year and dollar year financial dollars
- Update the annual excess generation constraint
- Fixed bug in
was defined twice - Adds an option to the
model to ignore the MTR constraints, and adds a corresponding input to the model inputs spreadsheet scenarios tab
- update the Cambium api url from
- Validate that all SAM templates are specified when generating model inputs
- remove gitattributes
- allows storage projects to have a per MWh discharge energy cost
- when calculating pv panel age degredation, fix bug that calculated negative project age if cod_year > model year
Emissions optimization module
- Created a new optional module to co-optimize the portfolio to minimize direct and marginal emission. Direct emissions are calculated as the product of generation and the generator's emissions rate, accounting for any CCS. Avoided emissions are calculated by multiplying the generator's net generation by the long-run marginal emissions factor for any generators that are additional. These values are added to the objective function after multiplying them by a user-specified social cost of carbon.
- Create new parameters:
- Update summary report calculations of marginal emissions to match the new method
- Use the cambium_scenario input to define what is used for all emissions calculations in the summary report
Month-hour hedge premium
- Calculates the hedge premium as a percentage of the month-hour average of the hedge node nodal price
- Sets a floor of $0.01 for the hedge premium cost in case nodal prices are ever negative on average
Resource Adequacy
- Fixed several errors that were affecting the calculation of hybrid generators
Model structure
- Move all jupyter notebooks used to interact with the model to their own directory (match_model/notebooks)
- Change to jupyter notebook
- Split
into three separate modules:match_model.balancing.renewable_target
defines renewable energy goalsmatch_model.balancing.system_power
defines how system power can be used and hedge costsmatch_model.balancing.excess_generation
defines any limits on excess generation
- Moved modules from
, and movedmatch_model.generators.core
- Removed
Model inputs excel file
- Update hedge_premium_cost tab so that user now specifies node and percent instead of load zone and premium
- Update scenarios tab with new module naming conventions and parameters for emissions optimization
- Change all
parameters tomonth
- Switch order of general and scenarios tab
Generate Inputs File
- Change the calculation of solar capacity factors to use inputs in kWDC rather than kWDC. The generation output simulated by SAM is now normalized by (system_capacity/dc_ac_ratio) = AC capacity, rather than just the system capacity
Summary Report updates
- Save summary reports to separate directory (summary_reports/) from outputs in model run folder
- Delete summary_report template from inputs folder after running report
- Allow summary_comparison.csv to run even if one of the summary reports fails to run
- Add a portfolio_summary.csv table that compares the MW of each project chosen from each scenario
- Move excess generation penalty input parameters from
- Update README
Remove pandas.DataFrame.append() in advance of method being deprecated.
Updated summary report outputs:
- Now summarizes total excess MWh and load MWh
- Adds power content labels for both annual and time-coincident accounting
Fixes bug in generate_input_files that looked for cambium data in the incorrect directory
Updated the midterm firm reliability constraint to require that a resource be new in order to qualify to meet the requirement.
Added new output in the summary report to show the total portfolio cost with and without resale of RECs and RA.
Updated instructions on the run_scenarios
Revert PySAM compatibility to v 2.2.4 due to an issue that causes the jupyter kernel to crash when simulating certain wind turbines: NREL/pysam#107
Rename all model components to MATCH from SWITCH
Update the model to work with PySAM 3.0.0. This upgrades the PV simulation from Pvwattsv7 to Pvwattsv8, abd allows us to set verbose=False when fetching resource files. This prevents PySAM from printing messages that can be hundreds of lines long when fetching many resource files.
Move nodal pricing parameters from to
Fixed a bug in the module loading order when solving
Start implementation of carbon pricing module (incomplete)
to only include generators that have a nonzero excessgen penalty in the excessgen_penalty.csv file.
Updates the summary report to fix several small bugs.
Raises a runtime error if an optimal solution was not found for the model.
In a previous version, I had set the constraint for the annual goal such that annual generation == the goal, in order to discourage the model from building more generation than necessary to meet the goal. However, if the predetermined generation is greater than the goal, it creates an unfeasible model. To fix this, I changed the constraint back to annual generation >= the goal, but I added the excessgen penalty to the total annual volume of generation in excess of the goal to discourage overprocuring.
I was hoping to update the package to work with PySAM 3.0.0 which was just released, but it seems that somehow this package is causing jupyter to crash. NREL/pysam#107
Allow the user to specify the dollar year for which all input values have been inputted, impacting the calculation of present value.
Updates the cost validation function in
so that it creates a summary file of the overbuild risk for each generation project based on the difference between the generation-weighted average PPA price and nodal price.
Allows user to specify the cambium GEA region relevant to their load zone for analysis.
Adds code to generate_input_files
that automatically downloads the Cambium files if they have not already been downloaded
Updated summary report to use region name
Fixed bug in generate_input_files that was loading hedge premium cost data for all load zones, rather than the load zone for the specific scenario
Fixed bug where generator variant groups were being dropped from the inputs.
Made updates to summary report including:
- Calculations of the cost of the net REC position have been updated
- REC costs and excess RA resale have been added to the main cost table, and the resale table removed
- Updated the grid impact metrics to show impacts both with and without storage dispatch
Implements changes that reduce the number of decision variables in the model to improve model speed.
The variable ExcessGen
has been converted to an Expression instead of a decision variable since it can be calculated as DispatchUpperLimit - DispatchGen. Because ExcessGen was indexed by [g,t], this is expected to significantly reduce model solve time.
In addition, the variable CurtailGen
has been reindexed to reduce the number of generators to which it applies. Previously, CurtailGen was indexed to all variable generators, even if those generators did not allow curtailment. We have now indexed this variable to a new set of generators CURTAILABLE_GENS
which are defined based on whether the parameter buyer_curtailment_allowance
> 0. This should also significantly reduce the number of decision variables.
Removes the reduced cost summaries from the summary report. After further discussion and testing of this output, it was determined that there are too many decision variables that will affect choice outcomes to accurately interpret reduced costs from the model.
To align with recent research, changes the solar decredation from compounding to linear (NREL/ssc#503)
Adds calculation of consequential emissions impacts to the summary report
Reorganizes the summary report
Bug fixes for summary reports, input file generation
Adds a new parameter cod_year
for all GENERATION_PROJECTS, to indicate the year that the project began commercial operation. This is used to distinguish between existing projects and new build projects for the impact metrics.
The new cod_year parameter is also now being used to calculate solar age degredation directly in the model rather than calculating it as a separate model input value.
Adds new reporting on the grid impact of the portfolio. These two metrics focus on how the wind and solar resources chosen affect the net demand profile, which impacts the net system peak, and the daily maximum 3 hour ramp, both of which reflect the "duck curve."
This also updates how grid emissions are calculated: instead of requiring the user to input grid average and marginal emissions data, these are now loaded and calculated from NREL's Cambium dataset. Currently the user will have to manually download the Cambium datasets, and the model is only configured to work for California. In the future, I plan to add the ability for the user to specify the grid regions associated with each load zone, and hopefully automatically download the data from an API.
When a generator's annual Pnode revenue > annual PPA cost, the generator has a negative cost, so the model wants to build as much of it as possible, even if the generation is not needed to meet load. To stop this before, we penalized excessgen by not allowing generators to earn pnode revenue on excessgen. This represented an extreme penalty as if all excess generation were curtailed, but the offtaker still had to pay the ppa cost. However, this solution sometimes caused other unexpected incentives in the model. To fix this, I added excess pnode revenue back into the objective function, but also added a flat penalty value excessgen_penalty
to all excess generation. This seems to perform well, since it doesn't create an incentive to dispatch one generator over another. However, the modeling results could depend on the penalty value chosen, so users should test the sensitivity of their model to this parameter.
Optimizing both the contract cost and market revenues from hedging can lead to incentives for the model to utilize system power in unexpected ways. Because system power is designed to fill any gaps when generation doesn't match load, we don't necessarily want to optimize it.
If we entirely exclude hedge costs (meaning that system power has zero cost), the actual time-coincident renewable percent ends up being lower than the percentage when running the sensitivity reports with the greedy charging algorithm. Thus, we want system power to have some cost associated with it.
This new implementation allows the user to specify a hedge contract cost premium value that gets assigned to all MWh of system power. This input only covers the cost premium paid to hedge, rather than the full contract cost of the hedge. For example, if the hedge were to be settled at a node with an average nodal price of $40/MWh, and we assume a 10% contract premium to hedge, then the user would enter ($40/MWh * 10%) = $4/MWh as the hedge premium.
Changed the order of the modules added to modules.txt
: the storage module should come before the renewable target module to prevent errors when using an annual renewable target
For annual renewable targets, require that the total amount of generation == load, rather than being greater or equal to. We don't want any excess volume if pursuing this goal
In the summary report, updated the formatting of the generator cost table to show total congestion cost rather than pnode revenue and delivery cost separately Fixed an issue where hedge market costs were reported as a "fixed" cost
In a previous commit, I had added a binary constraint to the storage module to prevent storage from charging and discharging at the same time, which happened primarily when LMPs were negative, since there was an incentive to "waste" power while keeping the load balance constraint balanced. We don't want storage charging and discharging simultaneously, because this is generally not physically realistic. Howerever, because this binary constraint was indexed by generator and timepoint, it was very computatationally expensive. Thus, I have removed this binary constraint. However, to keep charging behavior still realistic, I implemented a new constraint Limit_Storage_Simultaneous_Charge_Discharge
, which requires that the sum of charging and discharging from each battery in each hour be less than or equal to the total power capacity of the battery. Because we are modeling at an hourly resolution, this allows the battery to theoretically charge for half an hour and discharge for half an hour - to us it still looks like simulataneous charge and discharge, but it is limited in a way that is still physically possible if we were to look at charging behavior at a subhourly resolution.
Fixes bugs that raise errors if the optional storage module is not used
Fixes issue that was creating 8784 timepoints in leap years instead of dropping the leap day
Fixes a bug that was listing modules in the wrong order in modules.txt
Fixed an issue where hedge contract market revenue was excluded from the objective function, making system power very expensive to use compared to PPAs. Added a new expression HedgeContractMarketRevenueInTP
to track this, and changed the name of SystemPowerHedgeCost
to HedgeContractCostInTP
Updates to model_inputs
In model_inputs.xlsx
- re-arranged columns in the generation tab to group by module
- added a header row to explain groupings
- split the
tab into two separate tabs,generators
, to make inputs clearer - removes the option to select required modules in the scenarios tab, these are now included without user intervention
- removes the load shift tab until the demand response implementation is fixed
- adds a dropdown tab that allows for validation of inputs in other tabs
- Make sure that nodes that are only indexed for hedges are included in
- skip 3 rows when reading the generation tab
- Instead of creating
at the beginning of the input generation process, wait until the end when all inputs have been successfully generated. This allows us to check for this file when generating inputs, so that if it does not exist, we know to re-run the model input process. - fixed bug where index columns for the loads.csv file were capitalized instead of lowercase
- round all nodal prices and contract costs to the nearest cent ($0.01)
- fixed issue where
parameter was not being added togeneration_projects_info.csv
- removed duplicate and unnecessary columns from being copied to
- code to re-combine the new generators and storage tabs into teh same
file - adds the list of optional modules to the list of required modules
- Adds additional data checks to ensure all nodes specified in the generation tab have associated price data, and that all generators that use manual capacity factors have these data specified
- Checks that parameters that only apply to certain types of generators are not specified for generators to which they do not apply
/ summary_report.ipynb
- Use gen_tech instead of gen_energy_source to identify storage
- Use
rather than generator name to identify hybrid - Specifies the dollar year for all costs, and discounts future value to present value where necessary
- Allows the notebook to run if certain optional modules were not used
- Fixed bug where capacity costs for non-storage generators were not being reported
Other fixes:
- fixed bug in
where a parameter was being incorrectly referenced in theEnforce_Min_Build_Upper
constraint - Require a generator to be RA eligible to qualify for the midterm requirement
- Fixed an issue where the set
was being defined multiple times, leading to potential conflicts - when loading inputs, I was previously over-using the
definition, which was setting these values multiple times. Instead, just use autoselect - removed subsetting from the renewable target options
Bug fixes
Updates functionality of PySAM simulations in generate_input_files
- Changes "Category" header to "Group" to align with terminology used in PySAM documentation
- Allows users to manually specify losses for windpower projects
- Changed the name of the "SAM_Function"s to align with PySAM function names: 'pv' became 'Pvwattsv7' and 'wind' became 'windpower'
- Updated inputs for generic utility PV, onshore wind, and offshore wind in
Adds a new midterm reliability requirement constraint that requires a certain amount of long-duration energy storage (LDES), in the portfolio: (Closes #50)
- Changes the
parameter tomidterm_firm_requirement
- Adds a new parameter
, which is the number of MW of LDES required in the portfolio - Specifies a new set LONG_DURATION_STORAGE, which is the subset of STORAGE_GENS which have a
>= 8 hours - Adds/updates these parameters in the
model_inputs.xlsx spreadsheet
Adds a new report function that calculates the percent of generation from each project that was dispatched, excess, or curtailed.
Adds additional capabilities for the model to simulate solar and wind projects using PySAM:
- Adds the capability for PySAM to calculte a wind powercurve based on turbine inputs if the power curve is not specified.
Fix a bug in the summary report that displayed the wrong avoided emissions number.
Takes solar panel degredation due to age into account. User may specify a new parameter solar_cod_year
for each solar pv project that is used to calculate a degredation factor based on the number of years between the model year and the COD year, based on an annual degredation rate of 0.5%. (Closes #48)
Fixed bug where midterm_RA_requirement tab was missing from the model_inputs.xlsx
Updates default values in model_inputs.xlsx
Fixed a bug when generating single-year generation profiles in
Changed the names of certain parameters to make it clearer what types of generators they apply to:
- Changed
- changed
Updated the excess generation limit constraint in renewable_target
to be based on the percentage of load, rather than the percentage of dispatched generation.
Updated the Authors documentation.
Started using working name "MATCH" instead of "SWITCH" for the model.
Adds documentation to each function in
Updates the sensitivity calculation to separately dispatch hybrid storage and standalone storage.
Defines ExcessGen
as a (slack) variable rather than an expression.
Changed the big-M constraint on storage charging from 1,000 MW to 2,000 MW, as the world's largest battery is 1.2 GW.
Fixed a bug in the hybrid storage discharge constraint
Adds a month-hour average dispatch plot to the summary report.
Adds an avoided emissions calcualtion to summary report (closes #27). We set this up to use the levelized long run marginal emission factor from NREL's Cambium model.
Fixes a bug in the summary report.
- Fixes bug in that was not recognizing when all scenarios were done solving
- Implements a new sensitivity report in that simulates how the selected portfolio will perform based on weather data from individual years. In order to avoid having to re-run the model, we simplify the storage dispatch assumptions by lumping all storage assets together and using a greedy charging algorithm.
- Sets a default value of 1 GW as the maximum capacity limit for each project, if not specified. This prevents the problem from being unbounded as a result of negative generator costs.
- Fixed an issue where the current formulation was requiring BuildGen == predetermined_build_cap, rather than BuildGen >= predetermined_build_cap
- Changed the "Big M" of constraint
from 100 GW togen_capacity_limit_mw
, which is set at a default of 1 GW
Squashes some bugs
- Removes
module - Removes functions in
that are not used - Fixes a bug where variable capacity factors for different generic resources with the same lat/long coordinates were not being generated correctly.
- Adds blank notes header row in
for the user to take notes about the data represented in each column - updates color coding of cells in
- Bug fixes to reporting functions to address errors when certain types of resources are not in the scenario portfolio
- Re-implements the functionality to export a summary csv table based on the summary_report results and aggregate these outputs together across all scenarios so that they can be easily compared.
Integrates the reduced costs for the BuildGen variable and the dual values for the load constraint into the summary report. Fixes bug where duals were not being retrieved from the CPLEX solver.
Allows the REC value of excess generation to be included in the objective function as an option, using --sell_excess_RECs sell
Combines the modules switch_model.generators.core.dispatch
and switch_model.generators.core.no_commit
into a single module switch_model.generators.core.dispatch
Removes switch_model.generators.core.no_commit
from the model.
Implements updates to the calculation of resource adqueacy
Updates the calculation of NQC based on resource type, including new calculations for how NQC must be split between the components of a hybrid generator.
The formulae for calculating hybrid NQC include a term for storage energy capacity. However, because this is now a decision variable itself (rather than a fixed ratio based on the generator capacity), due to changes made in commit 2021.09.22 (version 0.3.0), we cannot include this term in the calculation without making the model non-linear. Our way around this is to take the average value of the minimum and maximum hybrid storage capacity ratio parameters, and assume that to be the storage capacity. While this will not be exactly correct, it minimizes potential error.
There is no longer a requirement for local RA, so this update removes all references to local ra, including removing references to local reliability areas. the ra requirement is now indexed to a period and month, and not an area.
Adds the ability to add the sale value of excess RA to the objective function, using the option --sell_excess_RA sell
In the summary_report, the calculation of the value of excess RA takes into account the fact that flex RA must be bundled with system RA, and that you cannot double count local RA and system RA. However, the calculation of this value in the model does not account for this. If including this resale value in the objective function, using the sell ra option, it is important to calculate this value correctly. However, the CPUC is also eliminating the requirement for each LSE to procure local RA, so we do not have to worry about updating the calculation for local RA. Additionaly, for now, we're not going to fix the flex RA calculation unless we start seeing during validation that
The CPUC recently issued an order for all LSEs to procure a certain quantity of baseload resources. This model update includes a new parameter midterm_reliability_requirement
and constraint that requires the amount of baseload capacity to be greater or equal to the requirement.
There is a new requirement to procure a certain number of MW from baseload resources
Other fixes:
- introduced parameter
and updated how the setHYBRID_STORAGE_GENS
is built - fixes bug that prevented the
option from being implemented
Implements changes that allow for dispatchable generators to be modeled, and for the GHG emissions from generation to be accounted for. Addresses #23, #27 Closes #38
The old switch model tracked emissions based on fuel consumption of each generator. However, since this model focuses on contracted generation (for which fuel costs and combustion are not direct concerns of the off-taker), we remove variables that track fuels and fuel costs. The newly-implemented emissions tracking assigns an emission factor (unit of emissions / MWh) to each generator. Grid emissions are assigned an emission factor for each hour (timepoint). Our implementation does not require a specific unit for the emission factor, as long as these units are consistent across all of the model inputs. For example, this allows the flexibility for the user to use their preferred mass unit (lb, kg, metric tonnes), GHG gas (CO2, CO2eq), and scope (direct emissions vs lifecycle emissions). In the model_inputs.xlsx
spreadsheet, the user specifies which unit they are using in the "general" tab, and this unit will be pulled into the output reports.
This current implementation is meant to track attributional emissions using a market-based accounting method. This implementation does not track avoided or marginal emissions from the portfolio.
- Removes non_fuel_energy_sources, fuel, and fuel_cost inputs
- Removes
as a required module - Creates
as a new module that can track emissions from each generator and from any system power consumed - small changes to
to allow for dispatchable, non-variable, non-baseload generators to be modeled. - Moves the parameters for CCS-equipped generators to the emissions module from
- Removes the following modules from the model:
- Removed the interest rate from the financials, since it is not used
- Adds emissions data to summary report
This commit fixes and streamlines the post_solve and reporting process.
We have updated summary_report.ipynb
with the main/essential reporting outputs for model validation. Other output tables/plots still need to be added, but are less critical.
In updating the summary report, we moved all of the functions that manipulate the output data to a separate file report_functions
, which is imported into summary_report.ipynb
. This reduces the amount of actual code found in the summary report, makes the code more modular, and eliminates duplicate pd.read_csv()
functions within the file.
- Updates post-solve functions to reduce output file size and unneccesary output files
- removes
from the default/required modules for each model run. This module exported csvs for each decision variable, which duplicated data exported as part of other post solve functions. Removing this module also gets rid of thetotal_cost.txt
outputs, and also removes the "--sorted-output" option from theoptions.txt
file model_inputs.xlsx
has been updated to removeswitch_model.reporting
from teh scenarios tab, andsorted-output
from the solver options tab.
Other updates
- updated README
- Disabled the functionality to generate scenario comparison reports until we have completed updates on the summary_report
- Updated how the annual renewable target was calculated to take storage losses into account
- Adds a calculation of hedge market revenue to the
output, based on a new inputhedge_settlement_node
, which specifies at which wholesale pricing node the hedge contract should be settled. This hedge market revenue is not included in the objective function, in order to prevent over-reliance on system power if the hedge is in the money.
This commit includes many major updates to how generation and storage is dispatched in the model, and which costs are being optimized.
Wholesale costs
- changes the name of
- We remove
from the objective function, and instead only optimize forGenPnodeRevenue
- In some cases, the weighted average Pnode revenue is greater than the weighted average PPA cost for a generator, meaning that the model would try to build as much as possible, leading to an unbounded problem if the generator capacity was not constrained.
- To identify these issues, we added a validation calculation to
to warn us when the Pnode revenue would exceed PPA cost. - To fix this, we needed to add a disincentive for increasing ExcessGen, so we removed the
term from the objective function. In order to calculate the total cost, we will need to add this term back in to the summary_report - This essentially puts an economic penalty on excess_generation, equivalent to the financial reprecussions of curtailing all excess generation (must pay PPA cost, but don't earn Pnode revenue)
Adds a decision variable for renewable curtailment, limited by the cap on curtailment. This should lead to economic curtailment during times when wholesale prices are low or negative.
Adds option to limit excess generation through a hard constraint. This can be implemented as an annual limit on excess generation, or a limit on the amount of excess generation in each hour. The limit is expressed as percentage of DispatchGen, so a limit of 0.10 would mean that ExcessGen could be no more than 10% of DispatchGen, either on an annual or hourly basis
We wanted to ensure that storage was only charging from renewable generation, rather than grid power. To do this, we implemented a new constraint that requires total storage charging to be less than total generator dispatch. This may mean that at some times, grid power is being consumed when batteries are charging. To get around this, we will simply adjust our accounting such that grid power is only ever assigned to load, and the charging reduces the net renewable generation available to meet load.
Previously, we had allowed power injections to be >= withdrawals, because we had specified that the full renewable capacity would be dispatched. We have changed the accounting so that generator dispatch is split into DispatchGen (the amount of dispatch needed to meet load and storage charging) and ExcessGen (the amount of generation available that is not used in that hour). This means that the load balance constraint is now an equality constraint, where Power injections == power withdrawals in all hours.
Allows the storage portion of hybrid projects to be built in any ratio with the generator portion, between a minimum and maximum ratio.
- Split
- Replaced the
constraint with two two constraints:Enforce_Minimum_Hybrid_Build
Adds hedge contract premiums to the objective function
- Replaced
- Set a default value of $0.0000001 to disincentivize using grid power even if hedge cost is not specified
- In some instances (especially when wholesale prices are negative), there is an incentive for storage to simultaneously charge and discharge, which is not physically realistic.
- To prevent this, we introduced a constraint that uses a binary indicator variable that indicates when each storage asset is charging, and prevents simultaneous discharging (and vise versa)
- Adding this binary variable makes the problem into a mixed-integer linear program (MILP), which increases solve time
- An alternative approach which seems to limit the amount of simultaneous charging and discharging that occurs is to add a $1 penalty to every MWh discharged. This approach can be accessed by using the
Previously, baseload generators (like geothermal) were implemented as variable generators. However, now that we have allowed variable generators to have ExcessGen
and CurtailGen
, it makes sense to separate baseload resources out. In this implementation, baseload resources are still given a capacity factor for each timepoint (like variable generators), but baseload generators must dispatch at this capacity factor, and are not allowed to have excess gen. For baseload generators, this requires using all of their output, which either must be matched to load, or charged in a battery.
- replaced
, which is indexed toVARIABLE_GENS
- created an equivalent
, which is indexed toBASELOAD_GENS
- there are now two separate input files for these factors:
- Fixed issue where Generator Pnode revenue was being optimized as a positive cost, rather than a revenue (negative cost)
- Adds a "solver_options" tab to the model inputs spreadsheet, which allows the user to specify solver options
Fixes #25 Updates the code to work with Pyomo 6.1, from Pyomo 5.6.8, so that the code is compatible with CPLEX as a solver. The environment.yml file has been updated to require use of Pyomo>=6.0.0 and pyutilib>=6.0.0, so continued use will require updating your environment.
Specific updates include:
- pyomo elements with "Simple" in their name were renamed to "Scalar"
- For any params with string elements, needed to manually specify
when defining the param in order to silence a deprecation warning - Needed to manually specify
for Sets that are used to index parameters when loading data - When loading data, you can no longer specify the index as a cross product of multiple sets (e.g.
). Instead, they must be specified as a list of Sets (e.g.index=[mod.PERIODS, mod.MONTHS]
Other cleanup included:
- when loading data, replaced specifying multiple parameters as tuples with specifying them as lists, to speed the data loading process
- Removed
because they are not used in the model - changed the
for Effective Load Carrying Capacity
Fixes #4, #6, #7, #12
Updates to how costs are calculated in the model.
- Updates the
to use the formula for the present value of an annuity due (#12) - In
, removes the PPA cost discount for hybrid energy storage dispatch (#6) - Updates the
to show a plot of nodal costs, and display hybrid storage charging/discharging as part of storage, rather than the paired resource - In summary_report, fixes the generator cost per MWh table. For hybrid resources, the congestion cost of the ES component nets out the congestion cost of the RE component, so there is no energy arbitrage cost associated with hybrids anymore. Energy arbitrage could be shown if the calculation is reconfigured, but it seems that this is not important.
Closes #13 and #16
This update sets us up to be able to validate the model by exploring the model instance.
It also allows us to access the dual, slack, and reduced cost values so that these can be integrated into the summary reports in the future.
Allows the model instance to be exported as a .pickle
file so that it can be explored for validation purposes
Adds a jupyter notebook explore_model_instance.ipynb
to explore these files
Sets the default suffixes to ['dual','rc'] so that the dual values and reduced costs are included by default
Other updates:
- changes the default solver from glpk to cbc
Fixes #5 Implements a new semantic versioning scheme that replaces the versioning used by the original Switch model.
- Sets the new version number at 0.1.0
- updates
to read the version number
and use to generate theswitch_inputs_version.txt
file - removes all of the modules in
and any references to these modules in other scripts - updates
to validate that the version number used to generate the input files matches the version number used to run the model. Also removes the requirement to specify the timezone (instead read from the model_inputs.xlsx file)
Fixes #2 Character decode error when installing switch was due to right double quotation mark character copied and pasted from internet in file. Replaced with a normal " character.
Updated README to include collaboration instructions. Added functionality and documentation to be able store the MODEL_RUNS directory outside of the repository (in Box for example)
Added a generic example scenario to the MODEL_RUNS directory for testing model functionality. Update development TODO.
Updated how excess renewable energy (RECs) are calculated.
Updated how excess generation and the annual renewable energy percentage are
calculated in summary_report.ipynb
Previously, excess generation was calculated as:
Total Generation (excluding storage dispatch) - (Total Load + Total Storage Charging)
However, in certain cases, this would result in no excess generation, even if generation exceeded load both in a time-coincident manner and an annual volumetric manner.
Now, there are two excess generation metrics implemented:
Excess Time-coincident generation = Total Generation and storage discharge - Total time-coincident generation and storage discharge
Excess Volumetric Generation = Total Generation and storage discharge - Total Load and storage charging
This also lead to a realization about how the annual volumetric % renewable was being calculated. Previously, it had been:
Annual % Renewable = Total Renewable Generation / Total Load (excluding storage charging and discharging)
However, if storage is part of the energy mix, it should be counted somewhere. I realized, however, that there are multiple ways to treat storage in this calculation, which could lead to different results. For now, I have settled on treating storage as a supply-side resource that affects net generation where:
Net Generation = Renewable Generation - Storage Charging + Storage Discharging
and thus
Annual % renewable = Net Renewable Generation / Total Load
Fixed indentation error in summary_report.ipynb that was preventing the report from running.
Added Model_Formation.pdf
which describes the mathematical formulation of the model for reference.
Fixed an issue where the summary_report.ipynb was not generating the cost summary table.
summary_report.ipynb will now export a csv file into each output folder called total_cost_of_energy.csv This file summarizes the cost components and total cost of energy for the scenario.
Fixed the scenario_summary.csv output so that all outputs are correct.
to switch_model/reporting. If you have already run a scenario and need
to manually re-run all of the reporting, run this python file from your IDE, replacing the filepath with
the filepath of the scenario for which you want to re-run the reports. This will re-copy summary_report.ipynb
from the reporting directory to the input folder, which is useful in cases when the summary report template has
been updated from GitHub.
Addressed errors in summary_report.ipynb and summary_report_public.ipynb that were preventing report completion.
This update addresses issues with the costs included in the objective function and how generation is dispatched
In order to reduce the model dimensionality and to align better with actual generator operations, we do not want to dispatch variable generation. Instead, generation should be a function of built capacity and the variable capacity factor. This means that there will no longer be a distinction between DispatchGen and ExcessGen.
However, in the future, if we want to be able to model dispatchable generation, we still want to keep DispatchGen as a decision variable for dispatchable generation
This means that we created a new set of generators DISPATCHABLE_GENS, which will continue to use the DispatchGen decision variable. Additionally, we will track generation from VARIABLE_GENS with a new expression VariableGen, which will also be considered a zone power injection.
We will deleted ExcessGen, which has several impacts:
- Previously we constrained that total storage charging had to be less than excess gen. However, now we can still achieve the same outcome through the load balance constraint (although technically storage charging could be met by storage discharging, which we will need to watch).
- We also said that the hybrid storage charging would need to be less than the excess generation from the paired generator. However, as long as the charging isn't greater than the overall variable generation from the paired generation and the load balance constraint still holds, we should be okay
- The way that we track the cost of excess generation will also need to change. Going forward, the cost of excess generation will be not be tracable to a specific generator. Instead, re-selling excess generation would have to be a shaped product that represents a mix of different carbon-free sources
We also updated the load balance constraint to allow for generation to exceed load in each time period. Instead of Injections == Withdrawals, the load balance constraint is now Injections >= Withdrawals
With regards to nodal costs, we had previously been including the DLAP load cost and the Pnode revenue from dispatched generation (not excess generation) in the objective function. We only included revenue from dispatched generation as a disincentive to overbuild generation. Instead of DLAP load cost and Dispatched Pnode Revenue, we now include a term for congestion costs, which is defined as teh difference between the Pnode price and hte DLAP price. Although this term is optimized for, it does not appear in the final delivered cost of energy, because in the case of excess generation, the buyer would not actually pay the delivery cost for excess generation. For the purposes of calculating the delivered cost of energy, we still included the DLAP load cost (for consumed energy) and the Pnode revenue for all generation.
Other Updates
- Rename variable "DispatchStorage" with "DischargeStorage"
- Remove generators.core.commit modules
- Update
- Remove "DLAPLoadCostInTP" from objective function
- Add congestion costs to objective function
- Add output for nodal costs in each timepoint, including overprocured load cost
- Moved all fuel-based dispatch parameters (including CCS) to a new module generators.extensions.gen_fuel_costs
- Updated summary reports to reflect updated output files
- Fixed bug where model failed to construct RA parameters due to missing index information
This release standardizes all inputs and outputs as .csv files.
As usual, when you first solve an older model, Switch will prompt to backup and upgrade the inputs directory. If you accept, it will convert the existing tab-delimited *.tab files and most ampl-format *.dat files to comma-delimited *.csv files. It is recommended that you update your model data preparation scripts to create .csv files directly. Note that non-indexed parameters should now be stored in .csv files with a header row listing the parameter names and a single data row showing their values.
All multi-value outputs from Switch are also now in comma-delimited .csv files, instead of a mix of .csv, .tab and .txt files. (total_cost.txt is unchanged)
This release also includes includes the following minor updates:
- Updated installation instructions
- Switch version number and website are now shown in the startup banner when running with --verbose flag; solve messages have also been improved slightly
- Some parsing errors for *.tab files have been fixed in the upgrade scripts; this may cause errors during the upgrade process for input files that use spaces instead of tabs and were previously upgraded by Switch, producing malformed files.
- Fixed several bugs in the documentation and execution of the stochastic examples that use the PySP module of the Pyomo package
This release introduces compatibility with Python 3. As of version 2.0.4, Switch can now be run with either Python 2.7 or Python 3 (likely to work with 2.7.10+; has been tested on 2.7.16 and 3.7.3).
This release will prompt to upgrade your model inputs directory, but the only change it makes is to update switch_inputs_version.txt to 2.0.4.
This release includes the following updates:
- Code has been updated in many places to achieve Python 2/3
cross-compatibility. Future contributors should ensure that their code is
compatible with both Python 2 and 3 (e.g., use
switch_model.utilities.iteritems(dict) instead of dict.iteritems(), be
prepared for results from dict.keys(), dict.vars(), map(), range(), zip(),
etc., to be either generators or lists, and use
from __future__ import division
whenever doing division). - Installation instructions in INSTALL have been updated. We now recommend that users install dependencies using the conda command first, then install Switch using pip. This follows practices recommended in and should minimize problems caused by incompatibilities between conda and pip.
- Output files (.csv, .tab, .tsv, and .txt) are now consistently written using the local system's line endings (LF on Mac or Linux, CRLF on Windows). Previously, most of these were written with only LF line endings on Windows.
- A bug was fixed in switch_model.transmission.local_td that prevented the carrying cost of Legacy local T&D capacity from being included in the objective function. As a result, users of this module will find that Switch now reports higher total costs than previously. However, this should not affect any of the decisions that Switch makes.
- To make switch_model.transmission.local_td module compatible with Python 3, "Legacy" was removed from the list of build years for local T&D capacity (Pyomo sorts index keys when solving the model, and Python 3 cannot sort lists that mix strings and numbers). Legacy capacity is now read directly from the existing_local_td[z] parameter when needed. This does not change the behavior of Switch, but "Legacy" rows are no longer written to the output file. The LOCAL_TD_BLD_YRS set has also been removed. LOAD_ZONES * PERIODS can be used instead.
- A new indexed set, CURRENT_AND_PRIOR_PERIODS_FOR_PERIOD[p] has been added. This is useful for simple online capacity calculations for assets that cannot be retired during the study (e.g., AssetCapacity[p] = sum(BuildCapacity[v] for v in CURRENT_AND_PRIOR_PERIODS_FOR_PERIOD[p]))
- Code has been cleaned up a bit internally (e.g., removed trailing whitespace, changed "SWITCH" or "SWITCH-Pyomo" to "Switch")
- Users can now provide data in and for times before projects are built or after they are retired without raising an error. However, the extra datapoints will be ignored.
- Various parts of the code have better formatting, documentation and performance.
- switch_model.hawaii.smooth_dispatch is now compatible with Pyomo 5.6 and later.
- A new '--exact' option in switch_model.hawaii.rps forces the system to exactly meet the RPS target and no more. This is useful for studying the cost of adopting various levels of renewable power, including levels below the least-cost system design (i.e., cases where low shares of renewable power cause higher system costs).
- A bug was fixed when calculating the cost of water spillage in switch_model.generators.extensions.hydro_system.
- Final reservoir level in switch_model.generators.extensions.hydro_system is now stored in a varaible called ReservoirFinalVol. The ReservoirSurplus variable has been eliminated.
- Bounds on a number of inputs have been relaxed to allow unusual or edge cases. In particular, a number of variables can now be zero instead of strictly positive. This allows zero costs, zero capacity limits, zero-based year counting, etc.
- The gen_is_baseload parameter is now optional, with a default value of False (0).
- NEW_TRANS_BLD_YRS has been renamed to TRANS_BLD_YRS.
- now lists an optional dependency on rpy2<3.9 instead of rpy2, because later versions of rpy2 require Python 3, which Switch doesn't support yet. This only affects the iterative demand response module.
- A new GENS_BY_ENERGY_SOURCE set can be used to identify all the generators that use any energy source, either a fuel or a non-fuel energy source. GENS_BY_FUEL and GENS_BY_NON_FUEL_ENERGY_SOURCE also still exist.
- We have begun migrating toward using
instead ofrule
when initializing Pyomo components, and recommend that users do the same in their custom modules. This matches the current Pyomo API documentation.rule
also works for now, butinitialize
should be more future proof. - The discrete-build requirement is now enforced on generators with predetermined build quantities, in addition to optimized generators.
- The optional psycopg2 dependency has been changed to psycopg2-binary.
- The --debug option now uses the ipdb debugger if available; otherwise it falls back to pdb.
- Added --assign-current-version argument to
switch upgrade
. This is useful for updating version number in example directories to match current version of Switch, even if the data files don't need an upgrade.
- Added --assign-current-version argument to
Hawaii regional package
- Fixed bug in hawaii.rps that would crash
switch solve --help
- Fixed bug in hawaii.rps that would crash
- Switch is now compatible with Pyomo 5.6+ (in addition to earlier versions).
- A new --no-post-solve option prevents all post-solve actions (e.g., saving variable results).
- If the user specifies --reload-prior-solution, Switch now behaves as if it had just solved the model, i.e., after loading the solution, it runs post- solve code unless --no-post-solve is specified (useful for re-running reporting code), and it only drops to an interactive Python prompt if the user also specifies --interact.
- A new --no-save-solution disables automatic solution-saving. This saves time and disk space for models that won't need to be reloaded later.
- New --quiet and --no-stream-solver arguments cancel --verbose and --stream-solver.
- A new "--save-expression[s] ..." argument can be used to save values for any Pyomo Expression object to a .tab file after the model is solved (similar to the automatic saving of variable values). This also works for Param objects.
- The --include-module(s), --exclude-module(s), --save-expression(s), --suffix(es) and --scenario(s) flags can now be used repeatedly on the command line, in options.txt or in scenarios.txt. The include and exclude options will be applied in the order they are encountered, in options.txt, then scenarios.txt, then the command line.
- A new --retrieve-cplex-mip-duals flag can be used to support retrieving duals for a MIP program from the cplex solver (users must also turn on the "duals") suffix. This flag patches the Pyomo-generated cplex command script to pass the "change problem fix" command to the solver and then solve a second time. This fixes integer variables at their final values, then re-solves to obtain duals. This flag is not needed with the cplexamp solver.
- A new balancing.demand_response.iterative module has been added. This was formerly in the Hawaii regional package. This module performs iterative solutions with any convex demand system, based on a bid-response process.
- New indexed sets have been added to allow efficient selection of groups of generators that use a particular technology, fuel or non-fuel energy source: GENS_BY_TECHNOLOGY, GENS_BY_FUEL, GENS_BY_NON_FUEL_ENERGY_SOURCE.
- Generator capacity data is saved to instead of gen_cap.txt and rows are sorted if user specifies --sorted-output.
- Even if a model has solver warnings, results will be reported and post-solve will be performed if a valid solution is available.
- A more descriptive warning is given when switch_model.reporting finds an uninitialized variable.
- A warning is given about potential errors parsing arguments in the form "--flag=value". Python's argument parsing module can make mistakes with these, so "--flag value" is a safer choice.
- Switch now monkeypatches Pyomo to accelerate reloading prior solutions. Previously Pyomo 5.1.1 (and maybe others) took longer to load prior solutions than solving the model.
- At startup, "switch solve-scenarios" will restart jobs that were previously interrupted after being started by the same worker (same --job-id argument or SWITCH_JOB_ID environment variable). Note that workers automatically pull scenarios from the scenario list file until there are none left to solve, and avoid solving scenarios that have been pulled by other workers. Each worker should be given a unique job ID, and this ID should be reused if the worker is terminated and restarted. The new behavior ensures that jobs are not abandoned if a worker is restarted.
Upgrade scripts
- The upgrade scripts now report changes in module behavior or renamed modules while upgrading an inputs directory. This only reports changes to modules used in the current model.
- The hawaii.reserves module is automatically replaced by balancing.operating_reserves.areas and balancing.operating_reserves.spinning_reserves in the module list.
- The hawaii.demand_response module is replaced by balancing.demand_response.iterative and hawaii.r_demand_system is replaced by balancing.demand_response.iterative.r_demand_system in the module list.
- "switch_mod" will not be changed to "switch_modelel" if a module file is upgraded from 2.0.0b1 to 2.0.0b2 twice.
Hawaii regional package
- The hawaii.reserves module has been deprecated and the hawaii.demand_response module has been moved (see upgrade scripts)
- Switch now places limits on down-reserves from pumped-storage hydro.
- A new --rps-prefer-dist-pv option for hawaii.rps will prevent construction of new large PV until 90% of distributed PV potential has been developed.
- Limits on load-shifting between hours in hawaii.demand_response_simple have been formalized.
- The Hawaii storage energy cost calculation has been fixed.
- Total production by energy source is reported by hawaii.save_results, ad-hoc technologies are added to production_by_technology.tsv, and hourly dispatch is disaggregated by non-fuel technologies.
- Bugs have been fixed in reserve calculation for EVs and in hawaii.smooth_dispatch and hawaii.scenario_data.
- hawaii.smooth_dispatch minimizes total inter-hour change instead of square of levels. The old quadratic smoothing method has been moved to hawaii.smooth_dispatch.quadratic (slow and possibly buggy).
- The must-run requirement in hawaii.kalaeloa is turned off when RPS or EV share is above 75% (can be overridden by --run-kalaeloa-even-with-high-rps)
- Support for nominal-dollar fuel price forecasts has been dropped from hawaii.scenario_data
- A new --no-hydrogen flag can be used to deactivate the hydrogen module.
- The hawaii.ev_advanced module now calculates vehicle fleet emissions.
First public release of Switch 2. This uses a similar framework to Switch 1, but with numerous improvements. The most significant are:
- Written in Python instead of AMPL language
- Modular approach, so components can be easily added or removed from model
- Modeling of unit commitment and part load heat rates (optional)
- Generalization of sample timeseries to have arbitrary length instead of single days
- Standardized reporting, e.g., automatic export of all variable values