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File metadata and controls

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Environment variables

The following environment variables can be set:

Name Description Default
PORT Relay's server port 8008
DB_HOST PostgresSQL Hostname
DB_PORT PostgreSQL Port
DB_USER PostgreSQL Username
DB_PASSWORD PostgreSQL Password
DB_NAME PostgreSQL Database name
NOSTR_CONFIG_DIR Configuration directory ~/.nostr/


Running nostr-ts-relay for the first time creates the settings file in ~/.nostr/settings.json. If the file is not created and an error is thrown ensure that the ~/.nostr folder exists. The configuration directory can be changed by setting the NOSTR_CONFIG_DIR environment variable.

Name Description
info.relay_url Public-facing URL of your relay. (e.g. wss:// Public name of your relay. (e.g. TBG's Public Relay)
info.description Public description of your relay. (e.g. Toronto Bitcoin Group Public Relay)
info.pubkey Relay operator's Nostr pubkey in hex format. Relay operator's contact. (e.g. mailto:[email protected])
workers.count Number of workers to spin up to handle incoming connections.
Spin workers as many CPUs are available when set to zero. Defaults to zero.
limits.event.eventId.minLeadingZeroBits Leading zero bits required on every incoming event for proof of work.
Defaults to zero. Disabled when set to zero.
limits.event.kind.whitelist List of event kinds to allow. Leave empty to allow any.
limits.event.kind.blacklist List of event kinds to reject. Leave empty to allow any.
limits.event.pubkey.minLeadingZeroBits Leading zero bits required on the public key of incoming events for proof of work.
Defaults to zero. Disabled when set to zero.
limits.event.pubkey.whitelist List of public keys to allow. Only public keys in this list will be able to post to this relay.
limits.event.pubkey.blacklist List of public keys to reject. Public keys in this list will not be able to post to this relay.
limits.event.createdAt.maxPositiveDelta Maximum number of seconds an event's created_at can be in the future. Defaults to 900 (15 minutes). Disabled when set to zero.
limits.event.createdAt.minNegativeDelta Maximum number of secodns an event's created_at can be in the past. Defaults to zero. Disabled when set to zero.
limits.event.rateLimits[].kinds List of event kinds rate limited. Use [min, max] for ranges. Optional.
limits.event.rateLimits[].period Rate limiting period in milliseconds.
limits.event.rateLimits[].rate Maximum number of events during period.
limits.client.subscription.maxSubscriptions Maximum number of subscriptions per connected client. Defaults to 10. Disabled when set to zero.
limits.client.subscription.maxFilters Maximum number of filters per subscription. Defaults to 10. Disabled when set to zero.
limits.message.rateLimits[].period Rate limit period in milliseconds.
limits.message.rateLimits[].rate Maximum number of messages during period.
limits.message.ipWhitelist List of IPs (IPv4 or IPv6) without rate limit.