The following learning pathway will help you get started building rich, interactive charts in Sencha Touch 1.x using Sencha Touch Charts.
- (Download) Download Sencha Touch — Sencha
(Video) Sencha Touch Charts (1:16) — on July 19, 2011
Introducing Sencha Touch Charts — the world's first HTML5-based, mobile charting and drawing product. Sencha Touch Charts enables you to build complex radar, bar, line, stacked, and pie charts with stunning interactivity and incredible ease of use. Visualizing rich data on the mobile web has never been easier. -
(Tutorial) Learning Sencha Touch Charts — Jamie Avins on March 13, 2012
Graphics Team Lead Jamie Avins goes over the basics of getting started with Sencha Touch Charts. Sencha Touch Charts is a data visualization package for Sencha Touch, allowing developers to build rich interactive charts and graphics on the mobile web. -
(Tutorial) Touch Drawing and Charting — Sencha on March 5, 2012
This document is intended to guide you through the overall design and implementation details of the Drawing and Charting packages, as used by Sencha Touch Charts (as well as Ext JS). The drawing and charting packages enable you to create cross browser and cross device graphics in a versatile way. -
(Tutorial) Touch Charts Interactions — Sencha on March 5, 2012
This guide introduces the advanced interaction features in Sencha Touch Charts. By taking advantage of these features, you can create highly interactive charts that allow your users to visualize and easily navigate complex data sets. -
(Documentation) Sencha Touch Charts 1.0 Documentation —
(Examples) Sencha Touch Charts Demos and Examples (WebKit required) — Sencha on July 15, 2011
(Forums) Sencha Touch 1.x Charts Forums —
(Tutorial) Touch Charts Styling — Sencha on March 5, 2012
This guide describes the styling system used in Touch Charts, and provides an overview of how you can customize the look and feel of your charts to truly make them yours.