Get network device state, run diff against device state versions
This playbook uses NAPALM library to communicate to FortiOS devices. The "tweaked" library can get the following FortiOS state data:
- interfaces (MAC @, Speed, ...),
- IPsec tunnels (local gw, remote gw, state)
- interfaces_ip (IP @),
- BGP neighbors,
- OSPF neigbors,
- routing table
Collect state before changes to the network devices are made (backup!)
ansible-playbook get-state.yml -e output=backups/today
Make changes to the network device (for instance, make FortiOS upgrade)
ansible-playbook get-state.yml -e output=backups/later_today
Use diff to see what has changed
colordiff -au backups/today backups/later_today | less -r
For FortiGate devices with VDOMs specify one device per each VDOM. Please see hosts file example below:
mogilev-utm.nb1 ansible_host=mogilev-utm.nb ansible_os=fortios ansible_user=admin fortios_vdom=root
mogilev-utm.nb2 ansible_host=mogilev-utm.nb ansible_os=fortios ansible_user=admin fortios_vdom=BN
Idea and source code are taken from