- Loading incident list from CGI Webservice
- List view with pagination with big area
- Date filter for the list view
- Pie chart organized by project name
- PHP Unit 4
- Composer
- Guzzlehttp via composer
- Javascript
- Jquery
- Kendo UI
- Factory pattern
- Builder pattern
- Repository pattern
- Command pattern (implicit)
- Unit test (Without full coverage, testing only end classess)
- First step: Focus on functionality because I don't have so much time to deliver the solution so I applied the solutions in functional style
- Second step: Apply OOP and design patterns looking for get a higher cohesion and low accomplish, allowing the project to be scalable
- Third step: Add Unit test looking for quality to get scalability
- Fourth step: Look for a framework to apply more functionalities and make the project high manutenable
Read a webservice from the company and show Its data on a list view and on a pie chart