What is a 'user'?
- the unique identifier is the email address
- it is created automatically when a new initiative is approved
- the email address of the new initiative is the one used to create the user
- when it is created, it will have a random unknown password - the person must reset it using the 'reset password' page (or acessing the 'reset link' that is sent directly when the initiative is approved)
Here is the flow:
the initiative is submitted; it is in pending status; the user has not been created yet
the initiative is approved; the user will be created (upsert)
id email - the email of the initiative (must be unique) created_at updated_at
password - when creating a new, use some random garbage recover_code
if the user already exists, no nothing
in the initiatives table, add the foreign key
if the user is new, the email has a link to reset the password for this user (already showing the form that allows the user to reset it); if the user already exists, don't show the link