A sample microservice with CQRS and Event Sourcing architecture. Implemented in Java and Spring Boot.
For this sample application, we will work in an operations team domain. Our focus will be on the concept of a Runbook which tracks Tasks.
A Runbook is used to track all the tasks to be completed in order for a new system deployment or maintenance operation to be done. Operations planner can: create a runbook for a project, add a task to the runbook, assign a task to an operator, reassign a task. A task can be marked in progress only by the task assignee. An in-progress task can be completed or rejected. When all tasks in the runbook are completed and/or rejected, a runbook can be marked as completed. To keep it simple, there are no dependencies between tasks thus can be completed in any order.
CQRS and Event Sourcing architecture
Start your server as an simple java application
You can view the api documentation in swagger-ui by pointing to
Links to some of the articles and documentation used to implement this project:
- Edument CQRS Tutorial http://cqrs.nu/Tutorial
- Implementing Domain-Driven Design, Vaughn Vernon.
- IDDD Samples https://github.com/VaughnVernon/IDDD_Samples
- Why do commands include the entity tabId when creating entities? gregoryyoung/m-r#17
- Should Aggregates be Event Handlers https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26876757/should-aggregates-be-event-handlers
- Should getters from domain classes not be prefixed with “get” in DDD, and why? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46139501/should-getters-from-domain-classes-not-be-prefixed-with-get-in-ddd-and-why/46141986#46141986
- CQRS + Event Sourcing – A Step by Step Overview, Daniel Whittaker http://danielwhittaker.me/2014/10/02/cqrs-step-step-guide-flow-typical-application/
- Aggregate Root – How to Build One for CQRS and Event Sourcing, Daniel Whittaker http://danielwhittaker.me/2014/11/15/aggregate-root-cqrs-event-sourcing/
- How To Validate Commands in a CQRS Application, Daniel Whittaker http://danielwhittaker.me/2016/04/20/how-to-validate-commands-in-a-cqrs-application/
- CQRS Commands and Queries - Do they belong in the domain? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32216408/cqrs-commands-and-queries-do-they-belong-in-the-domain
- Implementing an Event Sourced Aggregate, Nick Chamberlain https://buildplease.com/pages/fpc-9/