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The SVI-2017 board is the recreation of the interface board for the RobotArm SVI 2000.
The functional board in version 1.1 is compatible with MSX computers.
The original project dates from 2017.
The KiCad folder contains the project migrated to KiCad 8.0.4.
The original archive SVI-2017-201711091030.zip contains the Gerber files needed to produce the PCB. The build has been successfully tested by Seeedstudio.
An interactive BOM is available to view the list of required components and help with assembly.
You can order PCB directly from shared project on PCBWay.
The ROGO.ROM file is the image needed to program the EEPROM of the board.
The file combines the following elements:
- The ROGO ROM for MSX.
- The modified ROGO ROM for MSX 2, MSX 2+ and MSX TurboR.
The DIP switch on the board selects the operating mode of the board.
Switch 1 selects the ROGO ROM or PIO mode.
Switch 2 selects the model of the computer used to activate the compatible ROM.
The ROGO language, similar to the Logo language, allows the robot to be controlled using commands.
A drawing of the robot on the screen reproduces the movements made.
In PIO mode, the robot's movements are made by directly activating the motors, in one direction or another. Ports 0 and 1 are used. A movement is activated by setting the corresponding bit to 1. The movement stops when the bit is set to 0.
Port 0
Bit | Movement |
0 | Axis 2, arm forward |
1 | Axis 2, arm back |
2 | Axis 1, left rotation |
3 | Axis 1, right rotation |
4 | Axis 5, clamp closing |
5 | Axis 5, clamp opening |
Port 1
Bit | Movement |
0 | Axis 3, arm down |
1 | Axis 3, arm up |
2 | Axis 1, clamp rotation left |
3 | Axis 1, clamp rotation right |
Never activate the 2 movements of an axis simultaneously, otherwise you risk damaging the electronics of the card.
This project could not have been completed without the invaluable help of the members of the MSX Village website.
There is a dedicated topic on the site's forum: Robotarm SVI the diagram.