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File metadata and controls

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Monitoring, Notifications, and Metrics 201

Dataviz & Graphing

Graphite, StatsD

What are Graphite and StatsD?

In order to understand what your application is doing and to get a better overview over key functionality it is indispensable to gather metrics about those areas. A popular combination to achieve this is StatsD with the Graphite storage and graphing backend. This chapter will introduce those tools, how to install and configure them and how they can be used to gather insight into your application's metrics.


The Graphite project is a set of tools for collecting and visualizing data, all written in Python. It consists of a file based database format and tools to work with it called whisper, a set of network daemons to collect data - the carbon daemons - and a Django based web application to display data.

Whisper database format

Graphite at its core uses a disk-based storage system called whisper. Every metric is stored in its corresponding .wsp file. These are fixed sized databases, meaning that the amount of data a file can hold is pre-determined upon creation. In order to achieve this, every database file contains so called archives which store (timestamp, value) pairs with varying granularity and length. For example a possible archive setup could be to store a data point every 10 seconds for 6 hours, after that store 1 minute data for a week and for long time archival use a data point every 10 minutes for 5 years.

This means once your data is older than the time period stored in the archive, a decision has to be made how to fit the data into the coarser slots in the next archive. In our example setup when going from the highest precision (10 seconds) to the next archive (1 minute) we have 6 values at our disposal to aggregate. The database can be configured to aggregate by average, sum, last, max or min functions, which uses the arithmetic mean, the sum of all values, the last one recorded or the biggest or smallest value respectively to fill the value in the next archive. This process is done every time a value is too old to be stored in an archive until it is older than the lowest resolution archive available and isn't stored anymore at all.

An important setting in this context is the x-files-factor you can set on every database. This describes how many of the archives slots have to have a value (as opposed to None which is Python's NULL value and recorded when no value is received for a timestamp) to aggregate the next lower archive to a value and not also insert None instead. The value range for this setting is decimal from 0 to 1 and defaults to 0.5. This means when we use the default setting on our example archives, at least 3 of the 6 values for the first aggregation and 5 of the 10 values for the second one have to have actual values.

The disk format to store all this data is rather simple. Every file has a short header with the basic information about the aggregation function used, the maximum retention period available, the x-files-factor and the number of archives it contains. These are stored as 2 longs, a float and another long thus requiring 16 bytes of storage. After that the archives are appended to the file with their (timestamp, value) pairs stored as a long and a double value consuming 12 bytes per pair.

This design makes it possible to store a lot of datapoints relatively easy and without consuming a lot of disk space (1 year's worth of 1 minute data for a metric can be stored in a little more than 6MB). But it also means that some considerations about usage have to be made upfront. Due to the database's fixed size, the highest resolution archive should match the rate at which you send data. If data is sent at lower intervals the archive ends up with a lot of None values and if more than one metric are received for a timestamp, the last one will always overwrite previous ones. So if a low rate of events during some times is expected, it might make sense to tune down the x-files-factor to aggregate even if only one of ten values is available. And depending on the type of metrics (counters for example) it might also make more sense to aggregate with the sum function instead of the default aggregation by averaging the values. Thinking about this before sending metrics makes things a lot easier since it's possible to change these settings afterwards, however to keep the existing data, the whisper file has to be resized which takes some time and makes the file unavailable for storage during that time.

In order to understand whisper files a little bit better, we can use the set of scripts distributed with whisper to take a look at a database file. First install whisper from the PyPi distribution:

% sudo pip install whisper

And create a whisper database with a 10 second retention for 1 minute by using the command:

% test.wsp 10s:1minute
Created: test.wsp (100 bytes)

% test.wsp
maxRetention: 60
xFilesFactor: 0.5
aggregationMethod: average
fileSize: 100

Archive 0
retention: 60
secondsPerPoint: 10
points: 6
size: 72
offset: 28

% test.wsp
1354509290      None
1354509300      None
1354509310      None
1354509320      None
1354509330      None
1354509340      None

The resulting file has six ten second buckets corresponding to the retention period in the create command. As it is visible from the :file:`` output, the database uses default values for x-files-factor and aggregation method, since we didn't specify anything different. And we also only have one archive which stores data at 10 seconds per value for 60 seconds as we passed as a command argument. By default :file:`` shows timestamps as epoch time. There is also --pretty option to show them in a more human readable format, but since the exact time is not important all examples show epoch time. For updating the database with value there is the handy :file:`` command, which takes a timestamp and a value as arguments:

% test.wsp 1354509710:3
% test.wsp
1354509690      None
1354509700      None
1354509710      3.000000
1354509720      None
1354509730      None
1354509740      None

Notice how the timestamps are not the same as in the example above, because more than a minute has past since then and if we had values stored at those points, they wouldn't be show anymore. However taking a look at the database file with :file:`` reveals a little more information about the storage system:

% test.wsp
Meta data:
aggregation method: average
max retention: 60
xFilesFactor: 0.5

Archive 0 info:
offset: 28
seconds per point: 10
points: 6
retention: 60
size: 72

Archive 0 data:
0: 1354509710,          3
1: 0,          0
2: 0,          0
3: 0,          0
4: 0,          0
5: 0,          0

In addition to the metadata :file:`` already showed, the dump command also tells us that only one slot actually has data. And in this case the time passed doesn't matter. Since slots are only changed when new values need to be written to them, this old value will remain there until then. The reason why :file:`` doesn't show these past values is because it will only show valid data within a given time (default 24h) until max retention from the invoked point in time. And it will also fetch the points from the retention archive that can cover most of the requested time. This becomes a bit more clear when adding a new archive:

% test.wsp 10s:1min 20s:2min
Retrieving all data from the archives
Creating new whisper database: test.wsp.tmp
Created: test.wsp.tmp (184 bytes)
Migrating data...
Renaming old database to: test.wsp.bak
Renaming new database to: test.wsp

% test.wsp
maxRetention: 120
xFilesFactor: 0.5
aggregationMethod: average
fileSize: 184

Archive 0
retention: 60
secondsPerPoint: 10
points: 6
size: 72
offset: 40

Archive 1
retention: 120
secondsPerPoint: 20
points: 6
size: 72
offset: 112

% test.wsp
1354514740      None
1354514760      None
1354514780      None
1354514800      None
1354514820      None
1354514840      None

Now the database has a second archive which stores 20 second data for 2 minutes and :file:`` returns 20 second slots. That's because it tries to retrieve as close to 24h (the default time) as possible and the 20 second slot archive is closer to that. For getting data in 10 second slots, the command has to be invoked with the --from= parameter and an epoch timestamp less than 1 minute in the past.

These commands are a good way to inspect whisper files and to get a basic understanding how data is stored. So it makes sense to experiment with them a bit before going into the rest of the Graphite eco-system.

The carbon daemons

In order to make whisper files accessible to be written to from other network services, the Graphite project includes the carbon daemon suite. The suite consists of a carbon-cache, carbon-relay and carbon-aggregator daemon, which are all based on the Twisted framework for event-driven IO in Python.

The carbon-cache daemon is the most crucial of them as it provides the basic interface to the whisper backend and a scalable and efficient way for a large number of clients to store metrics. In order to minimize write delay for a big number of metrics depending on the disk seek time (each metric has its own file) the daemon employs queuing. Every metric has its own queue and an incoming value for a metric gets appended to it. A background thread then checks the queues for data points and writes them consecutively to the storage file. This way cost of an expensive disk seek gets amortized over several metric values that are written with one seek.

The daemon relies on two config files, :file:`carbon.conf` for general configuration and :file:`storage-schemas.conf` for whisper storage configuration. The general configuration file contains settings like network configuration (carbon-cache can listen on different sockets like plain TCP and UDP or even AMQP), cache sizes and maximum updates per second in its [cache] section. These settings are very useful when tuning the carbon daemon for the hardware it's running on, but to get started the default settings from the example config files will suffice. The storage schemas configuration file contains information about which metrics paths are using which retention archives and aggregation methods. A basic entry looks like this:

pattern = .*
retentions = 60s:1d

Each section has a name and a regex pattern which will be matched on the metrics path sent. The pattern shown above will match any pattern and can be used as a catch-all rule at the end of the configuration to match uncaught metrics. The retentions section is a comma separated list of retention archives to use for the metrics path in the same format that :file:`` expects them.

In order to get a basic carbon cache instance running (default listener is TCP on port 2003), install it from PyPi and copy the example config files:

% cd /opt/graphite/conf
% cp carbon.conf.example carbon.conf
% cp storage-schemas.conf.example storage-schemas.conf
% /opt/graphite/bin/ start
Starting carbon-cache (instance a)

% netstat -an | grep 2003
tcp4       0      0  *.2003                 *.*                    LISTEN

The default installation creates its directories in /opt/graphite but this can also be changed within the configuration. After the carbon daemon has been started, metrics can just be recorded by sending one or more values in the format metric_path value timestamp\n:

% echo "test 10 1354519378" | nc -w1 localhost 2003
% /opt/graphite/storage/whisper/test.wsp |
tail -n 3
1354519260      None
1354519320      10.000000
1354519380      None

All metrics paths that are sent are relative to the /opt/graphite/storage/whisper directory and will be stored there. The interface also supports sub folders, which can be created by separate the metrics path with dots:

% echo " 10 1354519680" | nc -w1 localhost 2003
% /opt/graphite/storage/whisper/this/is/a/test.wsp| tail -n 3
1354519560      None
1354519620      None
1354519680      10.000000

This is all that's needed to collect metrics over the network. As mentioned before, the carbon suite contains two more daemons carbon-relay and carbon-aggregator. These can be used to improve the performance of the system under higher load.

carbon-relay acts as a router between different carbon-cache or carbon-aggregator instances. The daemon reads the [relay] section of the :file:`carbon.conf` configuration file where the most important sections are the interface and TCP port to listen to via the LINE_RECEIVER_* settings, the DESTINATIONS property, a comma separated list of ipaddress:port pairs of available carbon daemons and the type of relaying to use. The carbon-relay can be operated in rule based or consistent hashing based relaying mode. In the second case, consistent hashing is employed to balance the metrics between available destinations. When using the relay based approach, the relay daemon needs a :file:`relay-rules.conf` configuration file of the form:

pattern = <regex>
destinations = <list of destination addresses>

This follows the storage schema configuration file format and will route any metric matching the pattern to the given destinations. There also has to be exactly one section which additionally has the property default = true which is used as the catch all rule if no other rule has matched a metric path.

The Graphite web application


Setting it up and make it show pretty graphs

What have we done and where to go from here

Dashboard: Info for ops and info for the business

Third-party tools



