You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.Dismiss alert
Error: ```
/home/elyon/athenapk/src/pgen/cluster/agn_triggering.cpp(428): error: no instance of function template "cluster::AGNTriggering::ReduceColdMass" matches the argument list and object (the object has type qualifiers that prevent a match)
argument types are: (parthenon::Real, parthenon::Real, parthenon::MeshDataparthenon::Real *, const parthenon::Real, const AdiabaticGLMMHDEOS)
object type is: const cluster::AGNTriggering
agn_triggering.ReduceColdMass(cold_mass, total_mass,md, dt,
/home/elyon/athenapk/src/pgen/cluster/agn_triggering.cpp(532): error: expression must be a modifiable lvalue
agn_triggering.inflow_cold_ = (cold_mass - hydro_pkg->Param("agn_triggering_prev_cold_mass")) / tm.dt;
/home/elyon/athenapk/src/pgen/cluster/agn_triggering.cpp(533): error: expression must be a modifiable lvalue
agn_triggering.inflow_tot_ = (total_mass - hydro_pkg->Param("agn_triggering_prev_total_mass")) / tm.dt;
4 errors detected in the compilation of "/home/elyon/athenapk/src/pgen/cluster/agn_triggering.cpp".
make[2]: *** [src/CMakeFiles/athenaPK.dir/build.make:342: src/CMakeFiles/athenaPK.dir/pgen/cluster/agn_triggering.cpp.o] Error 2
```//! \file agn_triggering.cpp
// \brief Class for computing AGN triggering from Bondi-like and cold gas accretion
#include <cmath>
#include <fstream> // for ofstream
#include <limits>
// Parthenon headers
#include <coordinates/uniform_cartesian.hpp>
#include <globals.hpp>
#include <interface/params.hpp>
#include <interface/state_descriptor.hpp>
#include <mesh/domain.hpp>
#include <parameter_input.hpp>
#include <parthenon/package.hpp>
// Athena headers
#include "../../eos/adiabatic_glmmhd.hpp"
#include "../../eos/adiabatic_hydro.hpp"
#include "../../main.hpp"
#include "../../units.hpp"
#include "agn_feedback.hpp"
#include "agn_triggering.hpp"
#include "cluster_utils.hpp"
namespace cluster {
using namespace parthenon;
AGNTriggeringMode ParseAGNTriggeringMode(const std::string &mode_str) {
if (mode_str == "COLD_GAS") {
return AGNTriggeringMode::COLD_GAS;
} else if (mode_str == "BOOSTED_BONDI") {
return AGNTriggeringMode::BOOSTED_BONDI;
} else if (mode_str == "BOOTH_SCHAYE") {
return AGNTriggeringMode::BOOTH_SCHAYE;
} else if (mode_str == "NONE") {
return AGNTriggeringMode::NONE;
} else {
std::stringstream msg;
msg << "### FATAL ERROR in function [ParseAGNTriggeringMode]" << std::endl
<< "Unrecognized AGNTriggeringMode: \"" << mode_str << "\"" << std::endl;
return AGNTriggeringMode::NONE;
AGNTriggering::AGNTriggering(parthenon::ParameterInput *pin,
parthenon::StateDescriptor *hydro_pkg,
const std::string &block)
: gamma_(pin->GetReal("hydro", "gamma")),
ParseAGNTriggeringMode(pin->GetOrAddString(block, "triggering_mode", "NONE"))),
accretion_radius_(pin->GetOrAddReal(block, "accretion_radius", 0)),
cold_temp_thresh_(pin->GetOrAddReal(block, "cold_temp_thresh", 0)),
cold_t_acc_(pin->GetOrAddReal(block, "cold_t_acc", 0)),
bondi_alpha_(pin->GetOrAddReal(block, "bondi_alpha", 0)),
bondi_M_smbh_(pin->GetOrAddReal("problem/cluster/gravity", "m_smbh", 0)),
bondi_n0_(pin->GetOrAddReal(block, "bondi_n0", 0)),
bondi_beta_(pin->GetOrAddReal(block, "bondi_beta", 0)),
accretion_cfl_(pin->GetOrAddReal(block, "accretion_cfl", 1e-1)),
remove_accreted_mass_(pin->GetOrAddBoolean(block, "removed_accreted_mass", true)),
write_to_file_(pin->GetOrAddBoolean(block, "write_to_file", false)),
pin->GetOrAddString(block, "triggering_filename", "agn_triggering.dat")) {
const auto units = hydro_pkg->Param<Units>("units");
const parthenon::Real He_mass_fraction = pin->GetReal("hydro", "He_mass_fraction");
const parthenon::Real H_mass_fraction = 1.0 - He_mass_fraction;
const parthenon::Real mu =
1 / (He_mass_fraction * 3. / 4. + (1 - He_mass_fraction) * 2);
mean_molecular_mass_ = mu * units.atomic_mass_unit();
if (triggering_mode_ == AGNTriggeringMode::NONE) {
hydro_pkg->AddParam<bool>("agn_triggering_reduce_accretion_rate", false);
} else {
hydro_pkg->AddParam<bool>("agn_triggering_reduce_accretion_rate", true);
switch (triggering_mode_) {
case AGNTriggeringMode::COLD_GAS: {
hydro_pkg->AddParam<Real>("agn_triggering_cold_mass", 0, Params::Mutability::Restart);
hydro_pkg->AddParam<Real>("agn_triggering_total_mass", 0,
case AGNTriggeringMode::BOOSTED_BONDI:
case AGNTriggeringMode::BOOTH_SCHAYE: {
hydro_pkg->AddParam<Real>("agn_triggering_total_mass", 0,
hydro_pkg->AddParam<Real>("agn_triggering_mass_weighted_density", 0,
hydro_pkg->AddParam<Real>("agn_triggering_mass_weighted_velocity", 0,
hydro_pkg->AddParam<Real>("agn_triggering_mass_weighted_cs", 0,
case AGNTriggeringMode::NONE: {
// Set up writing the triggering to file, used for debugging and regression
// testing. Note that this is written every timestep, which is more
// frequently than history outputs. It is also not reduced across ranks and
// so is only valid without MPI
if (write_to_file_ && parthenon::Globals::my_rank == 0) {
// Clear the triggering_file
std::ofstream triggering_file;, std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::trunc);
hydro_pkg->AddParam<AGNTriggering>("agn_triggering", *this);
// Compute Cold gas accretion rate within the accretion radius for cold gas triggering
// and simultaneously remove cold gas (updating conserveds and primitives)
template <typename EOS>
void AGNTriggering::ReduceColdMass(parthenon::Real &cold_mass,
parthenon::Real &total_mass,
parthenon::MeshData<parthenon::Real> *md,
const parthenon::Real dt, const EOS eos) {
using parthenon::IndexDomain;
using parthenon::IndexRange;
using parthenon::Real;
Real md_cold_mass = 0;
Real md_total_mass = 0;
auto hydro_pkg = md->GetBlockData(0)->GetBlockPointer()->packages.Get("Hydro");
// Grab some necessary variables
const auto &prim_pack = md->PackVariables(std::vector<std::string>{"prim"});
const auto &cons_pack = md->PackVariables(std::vector<std::string>{"cons"});
IndexRange ib = md->GetBlockData(0)->GetBoundsI(IndexDomain::entire);
IndexRange jb = md->GetBlockData(0)->GetBoundsJ(IndexDomain::entire);
IndexRange kb = md->GetBlockData(0)->GetBoundsK(IndexDomain::entire);
IndexRange int_ib = md->GetBlockData(0)->GetBoundsI(IndexDomain::interior);
IndexRange int_jb = md->GetBlockData(0)->GetBoundsJ(IndexDomain::interior);
IndexRange int_kb = md->GetBlockData(0)->GetBoundsK(IndexDomain::interior);
const auto nhydro = hydro_pkg->Param<int>("nhydro");
const auto nscalars = hydro_pkg->Param<int>("nscalars");
const Real accretion_radius2 = pow(accretion_radius_, 2);
// Reduce just the cold gas
const auto units = hydro_pkg->Param<Units>("units");
const Real mean_molecular_mass_by_kb = mean_molecular_mass_ / units.k_boltzmann();
const Real cold_temp_thresh = cold_temp_thresh_;
const Real cold_t_acc = cold_t_acc_;
const bool remove_accreted_mass = remove_accreted_mass_;
parthenon::loop_pattern_mdrange_tag, "AGNTriggering::ReduceColdGas",
parthenon::DevExecSpace(), 0, cons_pack.GetDim(5) - 1, kb.s, kb.e, jb.s, jb.e, ib.s,
KOKKOS_LAMBDA(const int &b, const int &k, const int &j, const int &i,
Real &team_cold_mass, Real &team_total_mass) {
auto &cons = cons_pack(b);
auto &prim = prim_pack(b);
const auto &coords = cons_pack.GetCoords(b);
const parthenon::Real r2 =
pow(coords.Xc<1>(i), 2) + pow(coords.Xc<2>(j), 2) + pow(coords.Xc<3>(k), 2);
if (r2 < accretion_radius2) {
const Real cell_total_mass = prim(IDN, k, j, i) * coords.CellVolume(k, j, i);
team_total_mass += cell_total_mass;
const Real temp =
mean_molecular_mass_by_kb * prim(IPR, k, j, i) / prim(IDN, k, j, i);
if (temp <= cold_temp_thresh) {
const Real cell_cold_mass = prim(IDN, k, j, i) * coords.CellVolume(k, j, i);
if (k >= int_kb.s && k <= int_kb.e && j >= int_jb.s && j <= int_jb.e &&
i >= int_ib.s && i <= int_ib.e) {
// Only reduce the cold gas that exists on the interior grid
team_cold_mass += cell_cold_mass;
const Real cell_delta_rho = -prim(IDN, k, j, i) / cold_t_acc * dt;
if (remove_accreted_mass) {
AddDensityToConsAtFixedVelTemp(cell_delta_rho, cons, prim, eos.GetGamma(),
k, j, i);
// Update the Primitives
eos.ConsToPrim(cons, prim, nhydro, nscalars, k, j, i);
Kokkos::Sum<Real>(md_cold_mass), Kokkos::Sum<Real>(md_total_mass));
cold_mass += md_cold_mass;
total_mass += md_total_mass;
// Compute Mass-weighted total density, velocity, and sound speed and total mass
// for Bondi accretion
void AGNTriggering::ReduceBondiTriggeringQuantities(
parthenon::Real &total_mass, parthenon::Real &mass_weighted_density,
parthenon::Real &mass_weighted_velocity, parthenon::Real &mass_weighted_cs,
parthenon::MeshData<parthenon::Real> *md) const {
using parthenon::IndexDomain;
using parthenon::IndexRange;
using parthenon::Real;
auto hydro_pkg = md->GetBlockData(0)->GetBlockPointer()->packages.Get("Hydro");
// Grab some necessary variables
const auto &prim_pack = md->PackVariables(std::vector<std::string>{"prim"});
IndexRange ib = md->GetBlockData(0)->GetBoundsI(IndexDomain::interior);
IndexRange jb = md->GetBlockData(0)->GetBoundsJ(IndexDomain::interior);
IndexRange kb = md->GetBlockData(0)->GetBoundsK(IndexDomain::interior);
const Real accretion_radius2 = pow(accretion_radius_, 2);
// Reduce Mass-weighted total density, velocity, and sound speed and total
// mass (in that order). Will need to divide the three latter quantities by
// total mass in order to get their mass-weighted averaged values
Real total_mass_red, mass_weighted_density_red, mass_weighted_velocity_red,
const parthenon::Real gamma = gamma_;
DevExecSpace(), {0, kb.s, jb.s, ib.s},
{prim_pack.GetDim(5), kb.e + 1, jb.e + 1, ib.e + 1},
{1, 1, 1, ib.e + 1 - ib.s}),
KOKKOS_LAMBDA(const int &b, const int &k, const int &j, const int &i,
Real <otal_mass_red, Real &lmass_weighted_density_red,
Real &lmass_weighted_velocity_red, Real &lmass_weighted_cs_red) {
if (k >= kb.s && k <= kb.e && j >= jb.s && j <= jb.e && i >= ib.s && i <= ib.e) {
auto &prim = prim_pack(b);
const auto &coords = prim_pack.GetCoords(b);
const parthenon::Real r2 =
pow(coords.Xc<1>(i), 2) + pow(coords.Xc<2>(j), 2) + pow(coords.Xc<3>(k), 2);
if (r2 < accretion_radius2) {
const Real cell_mass = prim(IDN, k, j, i) * coords.CellVolume(k, j, i);
const Real cell_mass_weighted_density = cell_mass * prim(IDN, k, j, i);
const Real cell_mass_weighted_velocity =
cell_mass * sqrt(pow(prim(IV1, k, j, i), 2) + pow(prim(IV2, k, j, i), 2) +
pow(prim(IV3, k, j, i), 2));
const Real cell_mass_weighted_cs =
cell_mass * sqrt(gamma * prim(IPR, k, j, i) / prim(IDN, k, j, i));
ltotal_mass_red += cell_mass;
lmass_weighted_density_red += cell_mass_weighted_density;
lmass_weighted_velocity_red += cell_mass_weighted_velocity;
lmass_weighted_cs_red += cell_mass_weighted_cs;
total_mass_red, mass_weighted_density_red, mass_weighted_velocity_red,
// Save the reduction results to triggering_quantities
total_mass += total_mass_red;
mass_weighted_density += mass_weighted_density_red;
mass_weighted_velocity += mass_weighted_velocity_red;
mass_weighted_cs += mass_weighted_cs_red;
// Remove gas consistent with Bondi accretion
/// i.e. proportional to the accretion rate, weighted by the local gas mass
template <typename EOS>
void AGNTriggering::RemoveBondiAccretedGas(parthenon::MeshData<parthenon::Real> *md,
const parthenon::Real dt,
const EOS eos) const {
using parthenon::IndexDomain;
using parthenon::IndexRange;
using parthenon::Real;
auto hydro_pkg = md->GetBlockData(0)->GetBlockPointer()->packages.Get("Hydro");
// Grab some necessary variables
// FIXME(forrestglines) When reductions are called, is `prim` up to date?
const auto &prim_pack = md->PackVariables(std::vector<std::string>{"prim"});
const auto &cons_pack = md->PackVariables(std::vector<std::string>{"cons"});
IndexRange ib = md->GetBlockData(0)->GetBoundsI(IndexDomain::entire);
IndexRange jb = md->GetBlockData(0)->GetBoundsJ(IndexDomain::entire);
IndexRange kb = md->GetBlockData(0)->GetBoundsK(IndexDomain::entire);
const auto nhydro = hydro_pkg->Param<int>("nhydro");
const auto nscalars = hydro_pkg->Param<int>("nscalars");
const Real accretion_radius2 = pow(accretion_radius_, 2);
const Real accretion_rate = GetAccretionRate(hydro_pkg.get());
const Real total_mass = hydro_pkg->Param<Real>("agn_triggering_total_mass");
parthenon::loop_pattern_mdrange_tag, "AGNTriggering::RemoveBondiAccretedGas",
parthenon::DevExecSpace(), 0, cons_pack.GetDim(5) - 1, kb.s, kb.e, jb.s, jb.e, ib.s,
ib.e, KOKKOS_LAMBDA(const int &b, const int &k, const int &j, const int &i) {
auto &cons = cons_pack(b);
auto &prim = prim_pack(b);
const auto &coords = cons_pack.GetCoords(b);
const parthenon::Real r2 =
pow(coords.Xc<1>(i), 2) + pow(coords.Xc<2>(j), 2) + pow(coords.Xc<3>(k), 2);
if (r2 < accretion_radius2) {
const Real cell_delta_rho =
-prim(IDN, k, j, i) / total_mass * accretion_rate * dt;
AddDensityToConsAtFixedVelTemp(cell_delta_rho, cons, prim, eos.GetGamma(), k, j,
// Update the Primitives
eos.ConsToPrim(cons, prim, nhydro, nscalars, k, j, i);
// Compute and return the current AGN accretion rate from already globally
// reduced quantities
AGNTriggering::GetAccretionRate(parthenon::StateDescriptor *hydro_pkg) const {
switch (triggering_mode_) {
case AGNTriggeringMode::COLD_GAS: {
// Test the Cold-Gas-like triggering methods
const parthenon::Real cold_mass = hydro_pkg->Param<Real>("agn_triggering_cold_mass");
return cold_mass / cold_t_acc_;
case AGNTriggeringMode::BOOSTED_BONDI:
case AGNTriggeringMode::BOOTH_SCHAYE: {
// Test the Bondi-like triggering methods
auto units = hydro_pkg->Param<Units>("units");
const Real total_mass = hydro_pkg->Param<Real>("agn_triggering_total_mass");
const Real mean_mass_weighted_density =
hydro_pkg->Param<Real>("agn_triggering_mass_weighted_density") / total_mass;
const Real mean_mass_weighted_velocity =
hydro_pkg->Param<Real>("agn_triggering_mass_weighted_velocity") / total_mass;
const Real mean_mass_weighted_cs =
hydro_pkg->Param<Real>("agn_triggering_mass_weighted_cs") / total_mass;
Real alpha = 0;
if (triggering_mode_ == AGNTriggeringMode::BOOSTED_BONDI) {
alpha = bondi_alpha_;
} else if (triggering_mode_ == AGNTriggeringMode::BOOTH_SCHAYE) {
const Real mean_mass_weighted_n = mean_mass_weighted_density / mean_molecular_mass_;
alpha = (mean_mass_weighted_n <= bondi_n0_)
? 1
: pow(mean_mass_weighted_n / bondi_n0_, bondi_beta_);
} else {
PARTHENON_FAIL("### FATAL ERROR in AGNTriggering::AccretionRate unsupported "
"Bondi-like triggering");
const Real mdot =
alpha * 2 * M_PI * pow(units.gravitational_constant(), 2) *
pow(bondi_M_smbh_, 2) * mean_mass_weighted_density /
(pow(pow(mean_mass_weighted_velocity, 2) + pow(mean_mass_weighted_cs, 2),
3. / 2.));
return mdot;
case AGNTriggeringMode::NONE: {
return 0;
//return 0;
AGNTriggeringResetTriggering(parthenon::StateDescriptor *hydro_pkg) {
auto &agn_triggering = hydro_pkg->Param<AGNTriggering>("agn_triggering");
hydro_pkg->UpdateParam<Real>("agn_triggering_prev_cold_mass", hydro_pkg->Param<Real>("agn_triggering_cold_mass"));
hydro_pkg->UpdateParam<Real>("agn_triggering_prev_total_mass", hydro_pkg->Param<Real>("agn_triggering_total_mass"));
switch (agn_triggering.triggering_mode_) {
case AGNTriggeringMode::COLD_GAS: {
hydro_pkg->UpdateParam<Real>("agn_triggering_cold_mass", 0);
hydro_pkg->UpdateParam<Real>("agn_triggering_total_mass", 0);
case AGNTriggeringMode::BOOSTED_BONDI:
case AGNTriggeringMode::BOOTH_SCHAYE: {
hydro_pkg->UpdateParam<Real>("agn_triggering_total_mass", 0);
hydro_pkg->UpdateParam<Real>("agn_triggering_mass_weighted_density", 0);
hydro_pkg->UpdateParam<Real>("agn_triggering_mass_weighted_velocity", 0);
hydro_pkg->UpdateParam<Real>("agn_triggering_mass_weighted_cs", 0);
case AGNTriggeringMode::NONE: {
return TaskStatus::complete;
AGNTriggeringReduceTriggering(parthenon::MeshData<parthenon::Real> *md,
const parthenon::Real dt) {
auto hydro_pkg = md->GetBlockData(0)->GetBlockPointer()->packages.Get("Hydro");
auto &agn_triggering = hydro_pkg->Param<AGNTriggering>("agn_triggering");
const parthenon::Real pre_accretion_cold_mass = hydro_pkg->Param<Real>("agn_triggering_cold_mass");
const parthenon::Real pre_accretion_total_mass = hydro_pkg->Param<Real>("agn_triggering_total_mass");
switch (agn_triggering.triggering_mode_) {
case AGNTriggeringMode::COLD_GAS: {
Real cold_mass = hydro_pkg->Param<parthenon::Real>("agn_triggering_cold_mass");
Real total_mass = hydro_pkg->Param<parthenon::Real>("agn_triggering_total_mass");
auto fluid = hydro_pkg->Param<Fluid>("fluid");
if (fluid == Fluid::euler) {
agn_triggering.ReduceColdMass(cold_mass, total_mass,md, dt,
} else if (fluid == Fluid::glmmhd) {
agn_triggering.ReduceColdMass(cold_mass, total_mass,md, dt,
} else {
PARTHENON_FAIL("AGNTriggeringReduceTriggeringQuantities: Unknown EOS");
hydro_pkg->UpdateParam("agn_triggering_cold_mass", cold_mass);
hydro_pkg->UpdateParam("agn_triggering_total_mass", total_mass);
case AGNTriggeringMode::BOOSTED_BONDI:
case AGNTriggeringMode::BOOTH_SCHAYE: {
Real total_mass = hydro_pkg->Param<parthenon::Real>("agn_triggering_total_mass");
Real mass_weighted_density =
Real mass_weighted_velocity =
Real mass_weighted_cs =
total_mass, mass_weighted_density, mass_weighted_velocity, mass_weighted_cs, md);
hydro_pkg->UpdateParam("agn_triggering_total_mass", total_mass);
hydro_pkg->UpdateParam("agn_triggering_mass_weighted_density", mass_weighted_density);
hydro_pkg->UpdateParam("agn_triggering_mass_weighted_cs", mass_weighted_cs);
case AGNTriggeringMode::NONE: {
if (agn_triggering.triggering_mode_ == AGNTriggeringMode::COLD_GAS) {
auto &agn_triggering = hydro_pkg->Param<AGNTriggering>("agn_triggering"); // Make it non-const
const parthenon::Real cold_mass = hydro_pkg->Param<Real>("agn_triggering_cold_mass");
const parthenon::Real total_mass = hydro_pkg->Param<Real>("agn_triggering_total_mass");
hydro_pkg->UpdateParam<Real>("agn_triggering_prev_cold_mass", cold_mass); //Move from AGNTriggeringFinalizeTriggering
hydro_pkg->UpdateParam<Real>("agn_triggering_prev_total_mass", total_mass);
hydro_pkg->UpdateParam<AGNTriggering>("agn_triggering", agn_triggering);
return TaskStatus::complete;
AGNTriggeringMPIReduceTriggering(parthenon::StateDescriptor *hydro_pkg) {
auto &agn_triggering = hydro_pkg->Param<AGNTriggering>("agn_triggering");
switch (agn_triggering.triggering_mode_) {
case AGNTriggeringMode::COLD_GAS: {
Real accretion_rate = hydro_pkg->Param<Real>("agn_triggering_cold_mass");
PARTHENON_MPI_CHECK(MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, &accretion_rate, 1,
hydro_pkg->UpdateParam("agn_triggering_cold_mass", accretion_rate);
Real total_mass = hydro_pkg->Param<Real>("agn_triggering_total_mass");
PARTHENON_MPI_CHECK(MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, &total_mass, 1,
hydro_pkg->UpdateParam("agn_triggering_total_mass", total_mass);
case AGNTriggeringMode::BOOSTED_BONDI:
case AGNTriggeringMode::BOOTH_SCHAYE: {
Real triggering_quantities[] = {
PARTHENON_MPI_CHECK(MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, &triggering_quantities, 4,
hydro_pkg->UpdateParam("agn_triggering_total_mass", triggering_quantities[0]);
hydro_pkg->UpdateParam("agn_triggering_mass_weighted_cs", triggering_quantities[3]);
case AGNTriggeringMode::NONE: {
return TaskStatus::complete;
AGNTriggeringFinalizeTriggering(parthenon::MeshData<parthenon::Real> *md,
const parthenon::SimTime &tm) {
auto hydro_pkg = md->GetBlockData(0)->GetBlockPointer()->packages.Get("Hydro");
auto &agn_triggering = hydro_pkg->Param<AGNTriggering>("agn_triggering");
parthenon::Real cold_mass = 0.0; // Declare outside the if block
parthenon::Real total_mass = 0.0; // Declare outside the if block
if (agn_triggering.triggering_mode_ == AGNTriggeringMode::COLD_GAS) {
cold_mass = hydro_pkg->Param<Real>("agn_triggering_cold_mass"); // Assign here
total_mass = hydro_pkg->Param<Real>("agn_triggering_total_mass");
agn_triggering.inflow_cold_ = (cold_mass - hydro_pkg->Param<Real>("agn_triggering_prev_cold_mass")) / tm.dt; //Now this is the only place to calculate inflow rates
agn_triggering.inflow_tot_ = (total_mass - hydro_pkg->Param<Real>("agn_triggering_prev_total_mass")) / tm.dt; //Now this is the only place to calculate inflow rates
hydro_pkg->UpdateParam<AGNTriggering>("agn_triggering", agn_triggering);
hydro_pkg->UpdateParam<Real>("agn_triggering_prev_cold_mass", cold_mass);
hydro_pkg->UpdateParam<Real>("agn_triggering_prev_total_mass", total_mass);
// Append quantities to file if applicable
if (agn_triggering.write_to_file_ && parthenon::Globals::my_rank == 0) {
std::ofstream triggering_file;, std::ofstream::app);
triggering_file << tm.time << " | " << tm.dt << " | "
<< agn_triggering.GetAccretionRate(hydro_pkg.get()) << " | "
<< cold_mass << " | "
<< total_mass << " | "
<< agn_triggering.inflow_cold_ << " | "
<< agn_triggering.inflow_tot_ << " ";
switch (agn_triggering.triggering_mode_) {
case AGNTriggeringMode::COLD_GAS: {
triggering_file << hydro_pkg->Param<Real>("agn_triggering_cold_mass");
case AGNTriggeringMode::BOOSTED_BONDI:
case AGNTriggeringMode::BOOTH_SCHAYE: {
const auto &total_mass = hydro_pkg->Param<Real>("agn_triggering_total_mass");
const auto &avg_density =
hydro_pkg->Param<Real>("agn_triggering_mass_weighted_density") / total_mass;
const auto &avg_velocity =
hydro_pkg->Param<Real>("agn_triggering_mass_weighted_velocity") / total_mass;
const auto &avg_cs =
hydro_pkg->Param<Real>("agn_triggering_mass_weighted_cs") / total_mass;
triggering_file << total_mass << " " << avg_density << " " << avg_velocity << " "
<< avg_cs;
case AGNTriggeringMode::NONE: {
triggering_file << std::endl;
// Remove accreted gas if using a Bondi-like mode
if (agn_triggering.remove_accreted_mass_) {
switch (agn_triggering.triggering_mode_) {
case AGNTriggeringMode::BOOSTED_BONDI:
case AGNTriggeringMode::BOOTH_SCHAYE: {
auto fluid = hydro_pkg->Param<Fluid>("fluid");
if (fluid == Fluid::euler) {
agn_triggering.RemoveBondiAccretedGas(md, tm.dt,
} else if (fluid == Fluid::glmmhd) {
md, tm.dt, hydro_pkg->Param<AdiabaticGLMMHDEOS>("eos"));
} else {
PARTHENON_FAIL("AGNTriggeringFinalizeTriggering: Unknown EOS");
case AGNTriggeringMode::COLD_GAS: // Already removed during reduction
case AGNTriggeringMode::NONE: {
return TaskStatus::complete;
// Limit timestep to a factor of the cold gas accretion time for Cold Gas
// triggered cooling, or a factor of the time to accrete the total mass for
// Bondi-like accretion
AGNTriggering::EstimateTimeStep(parthenon::MeshData<parthenon::Real> *md) const {
auto hydro_pkg = md->GetBlockData(0)->GetBlockPointer()->packages.Get("Hydro");
switch (triggering_mode_) {
case AGNTriggeringMode::COLD_GAS: {
return accretion_cfl_ * cold_t_acc_;
case AGNTriggeringMode::BOOSTED_BONDI:
case AGNTriggeringMode::BOOTH_SCHAYE: {
// Test the Bondi-like triggering methods
const Real total_mass = hydro_pkg->Param<Real>("agn_triggering_total_mass");
if (total_mass == 0) {
// TODO(forrestglines)During the first timestep, the total mass and
// accretion rate has not yet been reduced. However, since accreted mass is
// removed during that reduction, the timestep is needed to execute that
// reduction. As a compromise, we ignore the timestep constraint during the
// first timestep, assuming that accretion is slow initially
return std::numeric_limits<Real>::max();
const Real mdot = GetAccretionRate(hydro_pkg.get());
return accretion_cfl_ * total_mass / mdot;
case AGNTriggeringMode::NONE: {
return std::numeric_limits<Real>::max();
//return std::numeric_limits<Real>::max();
} // namespace cluster
// AthenaPK - a performance portable block structured AMR astrophysical MHD code.
// Copyright (c) 2021-2023, Athena-Parthenon Collaboration. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the 3-clause BSD License, see LICENSE file for details
//! \file agn_triggering.hpp
// \brief Class for computing AGN triggering from Bondi-like and cold gas accretion
// parthenon headers
#include <basic_types.hpp>
#include <interface/state_descriptor.hpp>
#include <mesh/domain.hpp>
#include <mesh/mesh.hpp>
#include <parameter_input.hpp>
#include <parthenon/package.hpp>
#include <string>
// AthenaPK headers
#include "../../units.hpp"
#include "jet_coords.hpp"
#include "utils/error_checking.hpp"
namespace cluster {
AGNTriggeringMode ParseAGNTriggeringMode(const std::string &mode_str);
* AGN Triggering class : For computing the mass triggering the AGN
class AGNTriggering {
const parthenon::Real gamma_;
parthenon::Real mean_molecular_mass_;
const AGNTriggeringMode triggering_mode_;
parthenon::Real inflow_cold_=0.0; // Cold mass inflow rate
parthenon::Real inflow_tot_=0.0; // Total gas mass inflow rate
const parthenon::Real accretion_radius_;
// Parameters for cold-gas triggering
const parthenon::Real cold_temp_thresh_;
const parthenon::Real cold_t_acc_;
// Parameters necessary for Boosted Bondi accretion
const parthenon::Real bondi_alpha_; //(Only for boosted Bondi)
const parthenon::Real bondi_M_smbh_;
// Additional parameters for Booth Schaye
const parthenon::Real bondi_n0_;
const parthenon::Real bondi_beta_;
// Used in timestep estimation
const parthenon::Real accretion_cfl_;
// Useful for debugging
const bool remove_accreted_mass_;
// Write triggering quantities (accretion rate or Bondi quantities) to file at
// every timestep. Intended for testing quantities at every timestep, since
// this file does not work across restarts, and since these quantities are
// included in Parthenon phdf outputs.
const bool write_to_file_;
const std::string triggering_filename_;
AGNTriggering(parthenon::ParameterInput *pin, parthenon::StateDescriptor *hydro_pkg,
const std::string &block = "problem/cluster/agn_triggering");
// Compute Cold gas accretion rate within the accretion radius for cold gas triggering
// and simultaneously remove cold gas (updating conserveds and primitives)
template <typename EOS>
void ReduceColdMass(parthenon::Real &cold_mass,parthenon::Real &total_mass,
parthenon::MeshData<parthenon::Real> *md, const parthenon::Real dt,
const EOS eos) ;
// Compute Mass-weighted total density, velocity, and sound speed and total mass
// for Bondi accretion
void ReduceBondiTriggeringQuantities(parthenon::Real &total_mass,
parthenon::Real &mass_weighted_density,
parthenon::Real &mass_weighted_velocity,
parthenon::Real &mass_weighted_cs,
parthenon::MeshData<parthenon::Real> *md) const;
// Remove gas consistent with Bondi accretion
/// i.e. proportional to the accretion rate, weighted by the local gas mass
template <typename EOS>
void RemoveBondiAccretedGas(parthenon::MeshData<parthenon::Real> *md,
const parthenon::Real dt, const EOS eos) const;
// Compute and return the current AGN accretion rate from already globally
// reduced quantities
parthenon::Real GetAccretionRate(parthenon::StateDescriptor *hydro_pkg) const;
friend parthenon::TaskStatus
AGNTriggeringResetTriggering(parthenon::StateDescriptor *hydro_pkg);
friend parthenon::TaskStatus
AGNTriggeringReduceTriggering(parthenon::MeshData<parthenon::Real> *md,
const parthenon::Real dt);
friend parthenon::TaskStatus
AGNTriggeringMPIReduceTriggering(parthenon::StateDescriptor *hydro_pkg);
friend parthenon::TaskStatus
AGNTriggeringFinalizeTriggering(parthenon::MeshData<parthenon::Real> *md,
const parthenon::SimTime &tm);
// Limit timestep to a factor of the cold gas accretion time for Cold Gas
// triggered cooling, or a factor of the time to accrete the total mass for
// Bondi-like accretion
parthenon::Real EstimateTimeStep(parthenon::MeshData<parthenon::Real> *md) const;
parthenon::TaskStatus AGNTriggeringResetTriggering(parthenon::StateDescriptor *hydro_pkg);
AGNTriggeringReduceTriggering(parthenon::MeshData<parthenon::Real> *md,
const parthenon::Real dt);
AGNTriggeringMPIReduceTriggering(parthenon::StateDescriptor *hydro_pkg);
AGNTriggeringFinalizeTriggering(parthenon::MeshData<parthenon::Real> *md,
const parthenon::SimTime &tm);
} // namespace cluster
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
Hi @epanini
thanks for moving the discussion to github.
To make it even more easier, I'd be great if you could open a PR from your repository/branch to this repository (or to your own main branch).
This would tremendously simplify reviewing code changes as they're automatically highlighted, see, e.g., and also allows to reply in the code directly.
Regarding the issue, I still think it's because objects in Params are non-mutable by default.
Therefore, we have separate variable (that are mutable) to save (and restore) changes, e.g., check how the "agn_triggering_cold_mass" is being added to Params and modified through UpdateParams.
On Tue, 17 Dec 2024 at 14:55, Philipp Grete ***@***.***> wrote:
Hi @epanini <>
thanks for moving the discussion to github.
To make it even more easier, I'd be great if you could open a PR from your
repository/branch to this repository (or to your own main branch).
This would tremendously simplify reviewing code changes as they're
automatically highlighted, see, e.g., and also
allows to reply in the code directly.
Regarding the issue, I still think it's because objects in Params are
non-mutable by default.
Therefore, we have separate variable (that are mutable) to save (and
restore) changes, e.g., check how the "agn_triggering_cold_mass" is being
added to Params and modified through UpdateParams.
Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub
<#131 (comment)>,
or unsubscribe
You are receiving this because you were mentioned.Message ID:
/home/elyon/athenapk/src/pgen/cluster/agn_triggering.cpp(532): error: expression must be a modifiable lvalue
agn_triggering.inflow_cold_ = (cold_mass - hydro_pkg->Param("agn_triggering_prev_cold_mass")) / tm.dt;
/home/elyon/athenapk/src/pgen/cluster/agn_triggering.cpp(533): error: expression must be a modifiable lvalue
agn_triggering.inflow_tot_ = (total_mass - hydro_pkg->Param("agn_triggering_prev_total_mass")) / tm.dt;
4 errors detected in the compilation of "/home/elyon/athenapk/src/pgen/cluster/agn_triggering.cpp".
make[2]: *** [src/CMakeFiles/athenaPK.dir/build.make:342: src/CMakeFiles/athenaPK.dir/pgen/cluster/agn_triggering.cpp.o] Error 2
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: