diff --git a/src/hydro/hydro_driver.cpp b/src/hydro/hydro_driver.cpp index b0619a51..f01e4c2d 100644 --- a/src/hydro/hydro_driver.cpp +++ b/src/hydro/hydro_driver.cpp @@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ TaskStatus RKL2StepOther(MeshData *md_Y0, MeshData *md_Yjm1, // by enough work over the entire pack and it allows to not use any conditionals. parthenon::par_for( DEFAULT_LOOP_PATTERN, "RKL other step", parthenon::DevExecSpace(), 0, - Y0.GetDim(5) - 1, 0, kb.s, kb.e, jb.s, jb.e, ib.s, ib.e, + Y0.GetDim(5) - 1, kb.s, kb.e, jb.s, jb.e, ib.s, ib.e, KOKKOS_LAMBDA(const int b, const int k, const int j, const int i) { // First calc this step const auto &coords = Yjm1.GetCoords(b);