v2.4.0 (2018-12-09)
v2.3.1-1 (2018-12-09)
v2.3.1-0 (2018-12-09)
Implemented enhancements:
- Bundle and expose as ES module #221
v2.3.0-0 (2018-12-09)
v2.2.5-0 (2018-12-09)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add support for specifying Font-weight #227
- Point annotation marker offsetX/Y #226
- Multiple track Colors in Radialbar Chart Multiple #224
- Expose svgUrl and imgURI as outputfunction for reuse in jPDF #222
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- expose svgUrl method - fixes #222 #229 (junedchhipa)
- Feature/legend html #228 (junedchhipa)
v2.2.4 (2018-12-01)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- Yaxis Label color is not applied in responsive mode #212
- tooltip.y.formatter and yaxis.labels.formatter not working #46
Closed issues:
- X-axis labels don't show the same values. #217
- Bug after update #216
- Cannot read property 'setAttribute' of undefined #215
- Problem performance #214
- Dynamic yaxis max value #211
- Reset toggleSeries changes #206
v2.2.3 (2018-11-21)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- Multi-Axis 4 series : second axis scale issue #203
- Trying to destroy chart second time gives TypeError: this.zoomPanSelection is null #202
- Change color of yaxis labels at horizontal bar chart don't work #201
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
v2.2.2 (2018-11-16)
Fixed bugs:
- showing NaN% on donut chart, top/left corner when series with zero values #197
- [Scatter] When changing the amount of data in series the chart breaks if there are more series than before #194
Closed issues:
- Feature Request: Sankey Diagram #195
- Marker "Discrete" API documentation #192
- Microsoft Edge miscalculation regarding y-axis tickAmount #191
v2.2.1 (2018-11-11)
Fixed bugs:
Closed issues:
- Stacked bar chart, multiple series, named data #189
v2.2.0 (2018-11-03)
Implemented enhancements:
- Make Chart Margins and Padding Optional/Adjustable #178
- Feature Request: Download to XLSX, PNG and PDF #2
Fixed bugs:
- Line chart points render phase is inconsistent #188
- Axis border overlaps actual chart when multiple axes are used #187
v2.1.9 (2018-10-31)
Implemented enhancements:
- If chart type is 'bar' and stacked option is true then minY scale is equal to 1 #185
- Negative values appear on y axis while every data-set has positive values #181
Fixed bugs:
- Bar chart tooltip not aligned properly #179
- "beforeZoom" and "zoomed" events does not work correctly #162
Closed issues:
- Reverse Y Axis Values #183
- Reset changes zoom, but does not fire zoomed #182
- Setting the states.active.filter.type to 'none' does not work #180
v2.1.8 (2018-10-27)
v2.1.7 (2018-10-27)
Fixed bugs:
- Draw only one series in staight area and line charts #176
- Data that is 100% of zeroes, is not rendered correctly on y axis #173
Closed issues:
- Tick amount not working on yaxis #175
- Min yaxis not rendering correctly #174
- X axis labels are still misaligned #167
v2.1.6 (2018-10-25)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- Cannot set rgba color nor opacity for particular data in line chart #168
Closed issues:
- Undefined values are sometimes at the top of the grid #172
- Add custom text on radialBar Chart #169
- critical css issue -
class crashing my app #166 - Really weird error that i can't think of a proper issue title #165
- xaxis.labels.formatter does not work when xaxis.type set to 'datetime' #164
Merged pull requests:
- Feature/log scale #170 (junedchhipa)
v2.1.5 (2018-10-18)
Implemented enhancements:
- Possibility to set specific series as unselected in legend container #111
Fixed bugs:
- Multiple Y axis cause the axis to crop #98
Closed issues:
- Layer issue on tooltip and x-axis tooltip #163
- Clipmarkers on left and right of the grid are not working #160
- Hide the ToolBar when an attribute as XAxis is added into the options object. #159
- Grid Alignment #158
- Feature Request: Public methods for toggling Series data. (Like clicking legend) #147
- Feature : per-serie options #104
v2.1.4 (2018-10-11)
Fixed bugs:
- Responsive options dropped when doing updateOptions via exec #154
- Series disappear when resizing #74
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- fix negative <rect> attribute width error #156 (onmotion)
- ru translations #155 (onmotion)
- add Greek (Ξλληνικά) locale #153 (jimfilippou)
v2.1.3 (2018-10-10)
Implemented enhancements:
- Chart minimap #126
Closed issues:
- Chart events #152
- Can categories be displayed via dataLabels? #150
- X axis values with labels not aligned #149
- Improve exec method documentation #148
Merged pull requests:
v2.1.2 (2018-10-08)
v2.1.1 (2018-10-07)
v2.1.0 (2018-10-07)
Implemented enhancements:
- Feature Request: Sparklines tooltip sync #37
Fixed bugs:
Closed issues:
- Layer issue on xaxis tooltip #145
- Not shared tooltip does not show on mouseover when xaxis.categories is provided #144
- Add official localization templates #128
v2.0.9 (2018-10-04)
Closed issues:
- x-axis tooltip hides the actual x value on hover #142
- Candlestick update is not working correctly #141
- Apex cut off max value in graph #138
v2.0.8 (2018-10-02)
v2.0.7 (2018-10-02)
Closed issues:
- How to set chart's height to 100% #140
- Markers cropped on hover #139
- Chart is not responsive to its container or window #137
- Cropped x-axis labels when legend is on the right #125
v2.0.6 (2018-10-01)
Fixed bugs:
- Memory leak in realtime chart #131
Closed issues:
- Donut/Pie chart height not working #133
v2.0.5 (2018-10-01)
v2.0.4 (2018-10-01)
v2.0.3 (2018-10-01)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add class to tooltip when x exceeds gridWidth #136
Merged pull requests:
v2.0.2 (2018-09-30)
v2.0.1 (2018-09-30)
Closed issues:
- Cut out points on edges #130
- Series with null values appear in the tooltip #120
- Tooltip not being displayed correctly in multiple y-axis when null values are present #119
v2.0.0 (2018-09-29)
Fixed bugs:
- Stacked Area Chart - chart is shown incorrectly when some series are hidden #118
Closed issues:
- I have error to load apexcharts. After npm install. what hapens ? #129
- Accept item index as an argument for formatter function #127
- Customize Toolbar #124
- chart.updateSeries() doesn't update X Axis. #123
- Sparklines bar type chart's tooltip misplaced #106
Merged pull requests:
- Feature/shared tooltip #135 (junedchhipa)
v1.5.6 (2018-09-20)
Implemented enhancements:
- Multiple Y Axes - Assign Series to specific Y Axis #91
- Feature Request: Localization of datetime #35
Fixed bugs:
- Datetime xaxis is one hour off #95
Closed issues:
- Missing option to hide tooltip title #121
- Incomplete legend when xaxis.type is datetime #117
- Do not hide xaxis when all series are hidden #116
- Too many items in legend leads to broken layout #115
- Max value for yaxis leads to memory leak and browser crash #114
- Tooltip formatter in a Doc example #113
- Incorrect strokeDashArray property in docs #112
v1.5.5 (2018-09-18)
Implemented enhancements:
- Disabling zoom in/out animation #109
Closed issues:
- Problems with stacked columns in
chart #107
v1.5.4 (2018-09-17)
Fixed bugs:
- yaxis.labels.formatter is not applied anymore to tooltip after 1.5.3 #108
- Same series is passed to tooltip value formatter when shared tooltip is true in multiple-y-axis graph #92
v1.5.3 (2018-09-16)
Fixed bugs:
- Missing the first element of the x-axis #101
v1.5.2 (2018-09-15)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
Closed issues:
- [Vue-ApexCharts] Zooming doesn't work properly with xaxis.categories #102
- Docs: some demos are broken #100
- Yaxis repetition of labels #99
- Documentation for theme.palette string incorrect #96
- zoomed event call problem #90
- Datetime axis doesn't respect "tickAmount" #89
- Expose export filename as definable property on config object #88
- Bar chart xaxis/yaxis confusion #87
v1.5.1 (2018-09-12)
Implemented enhancements:
- Feature Request: Candlesticks #9
v1.5.0 (2018-09-12)
v1.4.13 (2018-09-12)
Closed issues:
- Percentage chart #83
v1.4.12 (2018-09-09)
v1.4.11 (2018-09-09)
v1.4.10 (2018-09-08)
v1.4.9 (2018-09-08)
Fixed bugs:
- Apexcharts management of series #44
- Reset button is resetting the chart to the first initial state #38
Closed issues:
- "querySelectorAll of undefined" if initial series is empty list #82
v1.4.8 (2018-09-08)
v1.4.7 (2018-09-08)
v1.4.6 (2018-09-07)
Closed issues:
- Timeseries first and last datapoint cropped #81
- xAxis when using Timeseries inconsistent behavior #80
- Legend text color #79
- DataPoint Selection Event in Line charts #77
v1.4.5 (2018-09-06)
v1.4.4 (2018-09-06)
Fixed bugs:
- Transition of donuts charts are awkward #48
Closed issues:
v1.4.3 (2018-09-04)
Closed issues:
v1.4.2 (2018-09-03)
Merged pull requests:
- pie data update - smooth animation achieved #70 (junedchhipa)
v1.4.1 (2018-09-02)
Fixed bugs:
- IE11 not working #1
Closed issues:
- Reset zoom not respecting initial values #68
- Bug: Multiple SVG path errors when using updateSeries() method on Pie Chart when Animation argument is set to true #62
- Mobile height / legends getting cropped #41
Merged pull requests:
- Feature/pie #69 (junedchhipa)
v1.4.0 (2018-09-01)
Fixed bugs:
- Can't replicate selection and hover behaviour on bar chart #63
v1.3.21 (2018-09-01)
Closed issues:
- [Question] Is there a way to render the chart with a given series already selected? #67
Merged pull requests:
v1.3.20 (2018-08-31)
Implemented enhancements:
- Inconvenient panning #8
Closed issues:
- Bar Chart - Is there a way to display data labels for 0 values? #65
- Default zoom when xaxis type is datetime #64
- Apex Charts Isomorphic? #60
v1.3.19 (2018-08-30)
Fixed bugs:
- Donut on click issue when 100% #61
v1.3.18 (2018-08-29)
Closed issues:
- RTL support ? #53
v1.3.17 (2018-08-28)
Closed issues:
- Theme examples? #55
v1.3.16 (2018-08-28)
Closed issues:
- Custom tooltip not working #59
v1.3.15 (2018-08-28)
Closed issues:
v1.3.14 (2018-08-28)
Closed issues:
- Repetaed yaxis tick value when max value is small #56
v1.3.13 (2018-08-28)
Closed issues:
- dataPointSelection event not working for pie and donut chart types #54
- Area & Line charts have a huge margin on each side when i give them labels. #47
v1.3.12 (2018-08-26)
Fixed bugs:
- π lineCap has no effect #49
Closed issues:
- How to add custom tooltip to donut chart #52
- Legend not showing correctly #50
- Documentation for responsive #42
v1.3.11 (2018-08-23)
Closed issues:
- Zoom disabled not working correctly #45
v1.3.10 (2018-08-22)
Fixed bugs:
- How to change color on xaxis labels on grouped bar chart? #39
v1.3.9 (2018-08-21)
Closed issues:
- Spark line chart appendData logs "dfsfgdgdgdf" and is not updating the chart #43
v1.3.8 (2018-08-18)
v1.3.7 (2018-08-17)
v1.3.6 (2018-08-17)
v1.3.5 (2018-08-17)
v1.3.4 (2018-08-16)
Closed issues:
- Chart not showing yAxis if draw after Sparkline #40
v1.3.3 (2018-08-16)
Closed issues:
- Feature Request: Angular bindings #33
- Force chart to 100% of Parent's Div? #27
- Could you add the first gauge chart in README to the demo page? #4
v1.3.2 (2018-08-16)
v1.3.1 (2018-08-14)
v1.3.0 (2018-08-14)
Merged pull requests:
- Feature/jest #34 (junedchhipa)
v1.2.4 (2018-08-14)
Closed issues:
v1.2.3 (2018-08-13)
v1.2.2 (2018-08-12)
Implemented enhancements:
- Zoom by default #18
Fixed bugs:
- (!) Memory Leak in website demo page #29
Closed issues:
v1.2.1 (2018-08-10)
Implemented enhancements:
- Feature Request : Radar Chart #5
Fixed bugs:
- Updating colors doesn't seem to work #22
Closed issues:
- Radialbar tracks background color transparent OR hide tracks #23
- Missing dataLabels documentation #21
- undefined is not an object (evaluating 'e.createElementNS') React-Native #11
v1.2.0 (2018-08-06)
Fixed bugs:
- Zoom out after using Zoom tool doesn't work #19
v1.1.5 (2018-08-06)
Implemented enhancements:
- Feature request: explode pie/donut slice #16
Fixed bugs:
- Poor handling for non-integer values on the y-axis #10
Closed issues:
- If one item data is very small, it will be ignored #17
v1.1.4 (2018-08-04)
v1.1.3 (2018-08-03)
Fixed bugs:
- Multiple series filter #12
Merged pull requests:
- fix: resize-handler error after calling destroy #15 (m-mitsuhide)
- Fix typos #14 (simonepri)
v1.1.2 (2018-08-03)
v1.1.1 (2018-08-03)
Closed issues:
- Broken URL in Radialbar-Charts demo page #6
Merged pull requests:
- changed selectedActive to be inclusive #7 (JunichiOzawa)
v1.1.0 (2018-07-31)
v1.0.2 (2018-07-28)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator