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04.5 - SSH harvester

This is a copy of my blog Simple SSH Harvester in Go. Sometime in the future, I will return and continue working on the tool. For now I want to move on to new things.

I realized I cannot find any examples of SSH certificate verification. There are a few examples for host keys here and there. Even the certs_test.go file just checks the host name. There was a typo in an error message1 in the crypto/ssh package but I think because this is not very much used, had gone unreported.

Here's my step by step guide to writing this tool by piggybacking on SSH host verification callbacks. Hopefully this will make it easier for the next person.

TL;DR: verifying SSH servers

  1. Create an instance of ssh.CertChecker.
  2. Set callback functions for IsHostAuthority, IsRevoked and optionally HostKeyFallback.
    • IsHostAuthority's callback should return true for valid certificates.
    • IsRevoked's callback should return false for valid certificates.
    • HostKeyFallback's callback should return nil for valid certificates.
  3. Create an instance of ssh.ClientConfig.
  4. Set HostKeyCallback in ClientConfig to &ssh.CertChecker.CheckHostKey.
  5. CheckHostKey will verify the certificate based on other callback functions.
  6. The certificate can be accessed in IsRevoked callback function.

Go to Parsing SSH certificates to skip the fodder.

Table of Contents

Code analysis

Let's look at the code.

Constants and usage

We can either pass a file with -in. The file should have one address on each line:

Or we can pass addresses with -t separated by commas:

  • SSHHarvester.exe -t,[2001:db8::68]:1234

Output file is specified with -out.

const (
    mUsage = "SSH Harvester gathers and publishes info about SSH servers.\n" +
        "Addresses should be in format of 'host:port'.\n" +
        "Input file should have one address on each line " +
        "and addresses provided to -targets should be separated by commas.\n" +
        "-in and -targets are mutually exclusive, use one.\n" +
        "Examples:\n" +
        "go run SSHHarvester1.go -t,\n" +
        "go run SSHHarvester1.go -i inputfile.txt\n" +
        "go run SSHHarvester1.go -i inputfile.txt -out output.txt\n"
    outUsage = "output report file"
    inUsage  = "input file"
    tUsage   = "addresses separated by comma"
    vUsage   = "print extra info"

    // Delimiter for host:port
    AddressDelim = ":"
    // // Delimiter for IPv6 addresses
    // IPv6Delim = "[]"

    // Log prefix - note the trailing space
    LogPrefix = "[*] "

    // Test SSH username/password - not really important
    TestUser     = "user"
    TestPassword = "password"

    // Timeout in seconds
    Timeout = 5 * time.Second

// Usage string
func usage() {
    usg := mUsage
    usg += fmt.Sprintf("\n  -i, -in\tstring\t%s", inUsage)
    usg += fmt.Sprintf("\n  -o, -out\tstring\t%s", outUsage)
    usg += fmt.Sprintf("\n  -t, -targets\tstring\t%s", tUsage)
    usg += fmt.Sprintf("\n  -v, -verbose\tstring\t%s", vUsage)
    usg += fmt.Sprintf("\n")


This is pretty standard. You might want to change the default username/password. Ultimately we do not care about logging in, we just want to connect and get host info.

Init function

We setup flags, logging and check flags. flag package does not have mutually_exclusive_group from Python's Argparse package. It needs to be done manually. I will most likely move to a community cli package after this.

func init() {
    // Setup flags
    flag.StringVar(&out, "out", "", outUsage)
    flag.StringVar(&out, "o", "", outUsage)
    flag.StringVar(&in, "in", "", inUsage)
    flag.StringVar(&in, "i", "", inUsage)
    flag.Var(&targets, "targets", tUsage)
    flag.Var(&targets, "t", tUsage)
    flag.BoolVar(&verbose, "verbose", false, vUsage)
    flag.BoolVar(&verbose, "v", false, vUsage)

    // Set flag usage
    flag.Usage = usage

    // Parse flags

    // Setting up logging
    logSSH = log.New(os.Stdout, LogPrefix, log.Ltime)

    // Check if we have enough arguments
    if len(os.Args) < 2 {
        errorExit("not enough arguments", nil)

    // Check if both in and targets are supported
    if (in != "") && (targets != nil) {
        errorExit("-in and -targets are mutually exclusive, use one", nil)

errorExit just calls logger.Fatalf with a message. Logging the message and returning from main with status code 1.

// errorExit logs an error and then exits with status code 1.
func errorExit(m string, err error) {
    // If err is provided print it, otherwise don't
    if err != nil {
        logSSH.Fatalf("%v - stopping\n%v\n", m, err)
    logSSH.Fatalf("%v - stopping\n", m)

Custom flag type

We are using a custom flag type for -t. This allows us to pass multiple addresses separated by , and get a slice of addresses directly. This is done through implementing the flag.value which contains two methods String() and Set(). In simple words:

  1. Create a new type mytype.
  2. Create two methods with *mytype receivers named String() and Set().
    • String() casts the custom type to a string and returns it.
    • Set(string) has a string argument and populates the type, returns an error if applicable.
  3. Create a new flag without an initial value:
    • Call flag.NewFlagSet(&var, instead of flag.String(.
    • Call flag.Var( instead of flag.StringVar( or flag.IntVar(.

I have written more about the flag package in Hacking with Go - 03.1.

// Custom flag type for -t (code re-used from flag section)
// Create a custom type from a string slice
type strList []string

// Implement String()
func (str *strList) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("%v", *str)

// Implement Set(*strList)
func (str *strList) Set(s string) error {
    // If input was empty, return an error
    if s == "" {
        return errors.New("nil input")
    // Split input by ","
    *str = strings.Split(s, ",")
    // Do not return an error
    return nil

SSHServer struct

We use a struct and some methods to hold server info. The SSHServer struct has these fields:

// Struct to hold server data
type SSHServer struct {
    Address   string          // host:port
    Host      string          // IP address
    Port      int             // port
    IsSSH     bool            // true if server is running SSH on address:port
    Banner    string          // banner text, if any
    Cert      ssh.Certificate // server's certificate
    Hostname  string          // hostname
    PublicKey ssh.PublicKey   // server's public key

Not all fields will be populated. For example Hostname and PublicKey are only populated if the server responds with a public key. If it has a cert, then Cert will be populated instead.

New *SSHServers are created by NewSSHServer.

// NewSSHServer returns a new SSHServer with address, host and port populated.
// If address cannot be processed, an error will be returned.
func NewSSHServer(address string) (*SSHServer, error) {
    // Process address, return error if it's not in the correct format
    host, port, err := net.SplitHostPort(address)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    var s SSHServer

    s.Address = address
    s.Host = host
    s.Port, err = strconv.Atoi(port)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    // If port is not in (0,65535]
    if 0 > s.Port || s.Port > 65535 {
        return nil, errors.New(port + " invalid port")
    return &s, nil

net.SplitHostPort splits host:port into two strings but it does not check the validity of either part. Meaning you can pass 500.500.500.500:70000 and it will be accepted because the format is correct.

To check if the IP is valid, we can use net.ParseIP and check the result (it's nil if it was not parsed correctly). However, we do not know if we are dealing with hostnames like But we can check if ports are in the correct range.

SSHServers struct

SSHServers is a slice of SSHServer pointers. It has a Stringer method (a String method that returns a string representation of receiver).

type SSHServers []*SSHServer

// String converts []*SSHServer to JSON. If it cannot convert to JSON, it
// will convert each member to string using fmt.Sprintf("%+v").
func (servers *SSHServers) String() string {
    var report string
    // Try converting to JSON
    report, err := ToJSON(servers, true)
    // If cannot convert to JSON
    if err != nil {
        // Save all servers as string (this is not as good as JSON)
        for _, v := range *servers {
            report += fmt.Sprintf("%+v\n%s\n", v, strings.Repeat("-", 30))
        return report
    return report

Struct to JSON

ToJSON converts a struct to a JSON string. If the second argument is true, it pretty prints it by indenting.

// ToJSON converts input to JSON. If prettyPrint is set to True it will call
// MarshallIndent with 4 spaces.
// If your struct does not work here, make sure struct fields start with a
// capital letter. Otherwise they are not visible to the json package methods.
// We could also rewrite this as a method for ([]*SSHServer).
func ToJSON(s interface{}, prettyPrint bool) (string, error) {
    var js []byte
    var err error

    // Pretty print if specified
    if prettyPrint {
        js, err = json.MarshalIndent(s, "", "    ") // 4 spaces
    } else {
        js, err = json.Marshal(s)

    // Check for marshalling errors
    if err != nil {
        return "", nil

    return string(js), nil

This is one of the useful things I learned while working on this code. It's a pretty cool way of converting structs into strings. When printing with "%+v" format string, field pointers are not dereferenced and it will print the memory address. However, marshalling to JSON dereferences every field.

Note: When JSON-ing structs, make sure to mark fields as exportable by starting their names with capital letters. The JSON package cannot see them otherwise.


There are a couple of misc functions.

readTargetFile reads addresses from a file (one address on each line) and returns a []string.

writeReport gets a slice of SSHServers (SSHServers to be exact), converts it to string (the Stringer we saw earlier will try to convert it to JSON first) and writes it to a file. The final file will be a JSON object that can be parsed.

Parsing SSH certificates <-- This is the important part

Inside ssh.ClientConfig there's a callback HostKeyCallback. This function should return nil if host is verified. Read Phil Pennock's blogpost Golang SSH Security for the history behind it.

Let's expand the tl;dr steps:

Step 1: Create ssh.CertChecker

We are interested in the following three ssh.CertChecker fields. All of them are callback functions:

certCheck := &ssh.CertChecker{
    IsHostAuthority: hostAuthCallback(),
    IsRevoked:       certCallback(s),
    HostKeyFallback: hostCallback(s),

Don't worry about the functions for now. But remember these callback functions are only required to have a specific return value but can have any number of arguments. This is very useful we can pass our SSHServer objects and populate them inside these functions.

Step 2: Set Callback functions

Set callback functions for these three fields.


IsHostAuthority must be defined. If not, we get a run-time error:*CertChecker).CheckHostKey(0xc04206a140, 0xc0420080c0,
    0xc, 0x68d700, 0xc042058450, 0x68df80, 0xc0420a2000, 0x1, 0x8)
        Z:/Go/src/ +0xae*CertChecker).CheckHostKey-fm(0xc0420080c0, 0xc,
    0x68d700, 0xc042058450, 0x68df80, 0xc0420a2000, 0x0, 0x0)
        Z:/Go/src/hackingwithgo/04.5-01-ssh-harvester.go:205 +0x70

To discover the error cause, one must look at the source code for CheckHostKey. We'll see that CheckHostKey calls IsHostAuthority.

// CheckHostKey checks a host key certificate. This method can be
// plugged into ClientConfig.HostKeyCallback.
func (c *CertChecker) CheckHostKey(addr string, remote net.Addr, key PublicKey) error {
    cert, ok := key.(*Certificate)
    if !ok {
        if c.HostKeyFallback != nil {
            return c.HostKeyFallback(addr, remote, key)
        return errors.New("ssh: non-certificate host key")
    if cert.CertType != HostCert {
        return fmt.Errorf("ssh: certificate presented as a host key has type %d", cert.CertType)
    // If IsHostAuthority is not defined, run-time error occurs here
    if !c.IsHostAuthority(cert.SignatureKey, addr) {
        return fmt.Errorf("ssh: no authorities for hostname: %v", addr)

    hostname, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(addr)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // Pass hostname only as principal for host certificates (consistent with OpenSSH)
    return c.CheckCert(hostname, cert)

So what does this function do?

First it tries to get a certificate from key PublicKey (by casting). If the cast is not successful, it uses HostKeyFallBack to verity server's public key instead.

Then the function checks if the certificate type is HostCert. SSH differentiates between host and client certificates. For example OpenSSH's keygen uses the -h switch to sign and create a host key.

Another of our callbacks, IsHostAuthority is called next. If it returns false, the certificate is not valid. The docs say:

// IsHostAuthority should report whether the key is recognized as
// an authority for this host. This allows for certificates to be
// signed by other keys, and for those other keys to only be valid
// signers for particular hostnames. This must be set if this
// CertChecker will be checking host certificates.

This is just fancy talk for verifying the CA and performing certificate pinning. In other words we can check:

  1. Is the certificate signed by a valid CA? Note, unlike TLS certs, most SSH certs are signed by internal CAs. Often we are relying on a hardcoded CA for verification.
  2. Is the certificate signed by the valid CA? We don't want certs signed by other CAs.

net.SplitHostPort (we already used it above) splits host:port into host and port and passes hostname to CheckCert.

CheckCert does a couple of more checks. Most notably it calls another one of our functions IsRevoked.

// CheckCert checks CriticalOptions, ValidPrincipals, revocation, timestamp and
// the signature of the certificate.
func (c *CertChecker) CheckCert(principal string, cert *Certificate) error {
    if c.IsRevoked != nil && c.IsRevoked(cert) {
        return fmt.Errorf("ssh: certicate serial %d revoked", cert.Serial)

IsHostAuthority callback

Not every function can be a callback function. Each function needs to return certain type. IsHostAuthority requires the callback function to have this return type:

  • func(ssh.PublicKey, string) bool

In other words, our callback function needs to return a function of that type.

First we create a custom type (it's not defined in the package) and then create a function that returns that type:

// Define custom type for IsHostAuthority
type HostAuthorityCallBack func(ssh.PublicKey, string) bool

// hostAuthCallback is the callbackfunction for IsHostAuthority. Without
// it, ssh.CertChecker will not work.
func hostAuthCallback() HostAuthorityCallBack {
    // Return true because we just want to make this work
    return func(p ssh.PublicKey, addr string) bool {
        return true

If we want the connection to continue, the internal function needs to return true.


IsRevoked is not mandatory. If it's not set, it's ignored. Meaning there's no automatic certificate revocation checks happening without it. Note the typo in the error message: certicate. The typo has now been corrected. Honestly, I think this just means programs do not use this function (or I am terribly wrong and am using something which should not be used). If certificate is valid, this function must return nil or false.

IsRevoked callback

For the goal of grabbing the certificate and processing it, IsRevoked is the most useful. It gets the certificate as a parameter and we can do parse or verify it inside the function. IsRevoked must return:

  • func(cert *Certificate) bool

Again we define that function type and declare our own function:

// Create IsRevoked function callback type
type IsRevokedCallback func(cert *ssh.Certificate) bool

// certCallback processes the SSH certificate. It is piggybacked on the
// IsRevoked callback function. It must return false (or nil) to keep the
// connection alive.
func certCallback(s *SSHServer) IsRevokedCallback {

    return func(cert *ssh.Certificate) bool {
        // Grab the certificate
        s.Cert = *cert
        s.IsSSH = true

        // Always return false
        return false

Inside IsRevoked we have access to the SSH certificate. Here we just assign it to the Cert field.

If you want to verify the certificate, this is the place.


Help me if you can. I don't like returning unnamed functions like this. But unless I create global variables, I need to be able to access s *SSHServer inside certCallback to populate it. The function type is strict so I cannot add arguments.

I think defining the inside function as a method will work. Am I write? Wrong? Please let me know if you know the answer.


Not all servers have SSH certificates. In fact, most servers probably do not. If server does not send a certificate, this function will be called (and the connection will terminate if this function is not defined).

If server is valid this function should return nil.

// hostCallback is the callback function for HostKeyCallback in SSH config.
// It can access hostname, remote address and server's public key.
func hostCallback(s *SSHServer) ssh.HostKeyCallback {
    return func(hostname string, remote net.Addr, key ssh.PublicKey) error {
        s.Hostname = hostname
        s.PublicKey = key
        // Return nil because we want the connection to move forward
        return nil

Here we grab server's public key and hostname.

With these three callbacks set, we can move to the next step.

Step 3: Create ssh.ClientConfig

ssh.ClientConfig is needed for every SSH connection in Go. You can read about creating SSH connections in Hacking with Go - 04.4.

// Create SSH config
config := &ssh.ClientConfig{
    // Test username and password
    User: TestUser,
    Auth: []ssh.AuthMethod{
    HostKeyCallback: certCheck.CheckHostKey,
    BannerCallback:  bannerCallback(s),
    Timeout:         Timeout, // timeout

Timeout is also important. we do not want goroutines to wait forever connecting to inaccessible addresses. It's set to 5 seconds by default. Can be changed in the constants.

Banner callback

Banner callback is another important function for information gathering. By now, you know the drill.

// bannerCallback is the callback function for BannerCallback in SSH config.
// Grabs server banner and stores it in the SSHServer object.
func bannerCallback(s *SSHServer) ssh.BannerCallback {
    return func(message string) error {
        // Store the banner
        s.Banner = message
        // Return nil because we want the connection to move forward
        return nil

We store the banner message and return nil. Any other return value will terminate the connection.

Step 4: ClientConfig.HostKeyCallback

This callback starts the server verification chain. It needs a function with ssh.HostKeyCallback type:

  • type HostKeyCallback func(hostname string, remote net.Addr, key PublicKey) error

The package actually suggests (*CertChecker) CheckHostKey (we looked at its source code earlier). Looking inside ClientConfig, you can see I am passing it like this:

  • HostKeyCallback: certCheck.CheckHostKey,

This is where everything clicks. We created a certCheck and set its callback functions. Now we are passing it to be called when we connect to a server.

Other ways of verifying servers

If you do not want to verify server's certificate, you can plug in three different types of functions here.

  • ssh.FixedHostKey(key PublicKey): Returns a function to check the hostkey.
  • ssh.InsecureIgnoreHostKey(): Ignore everything! Danger! Will Robinson!
  • Custom host verifier: Return nil if host is ok, otherwise return an error.

Read more about them in the verifying host.

A note about ssh.InsecureIgnoreHostKey()
After the breaking change as a consequence of the Golang SSH security blog post linked earlier, everyone seems to be using this. I am not in the position to tell you how to write your code. But make sure you know what you are doing when using this function. cough hashicorp packer cough.

Step 5: Connecting to SSH servers

Here comes the concurrent part. We have a list of addresses and our callbacks are set correctly. Time to connect to servers with discover.

discover method

// discover connects to ip:port and attempts to make an SSH connection.
// If successful, some SSH properties will be populated (most importantly isSSH
// and isAlive).
func (s *SSHServer) discover() {
    // Release waitgroup after returning
    defer discoveryWG.Done()

    defer logSSH.Println("finished connecting to", s.Address)

    certCheck := &ssh.CertChecker{
        IsHostAuthority: hostAuthCallback(),
        IsRevoked:       certCallback(s),
        HostKeyFallback: hostCallback(s),

    // Create SSH config
    config := &ssh.ClientConfig{
        // Test username and password
        User: TestUser,
        Auth: []ssh.AuthMethod{
        HostKeyCallback: certCheck.CheckHostKey,
        BannerCallback:  bannerCallback(s),
        Timeout:         Timeout, // timeout

    logSSH.Println("starting SSH connection to ", s.Address)
    sshConn, err := ssh.Dial("tcp", s.Address, config)
    if err != nil {
        // If error contains "unable to authenticate", there's something there
        logSSH.Println("error ", err)

    // Close connection if we succeed (almost never happens)

First we defer releasing the waitgroup and the log message. This waitgroup will be explained later. In short, it's here to ensure that all discover goroutines are finished before starting the next stage.

Next are CertCheck and ClientConfig. We have already seen them. And finally we are connecting with ssh.Dial.

Goroutines and sync.WaitGroups

Each connection is done in its own goroutine. This means, we have to wait for these to complete before processing the results. We use sync.WaitGroups. For a longer version please read Hacking with Go - 02.6 - Syncing goroutines. But a tl;dr description is:

  1. Every time a goroutine is started, we add one to the waitgroup (note we need to do this in the calling function, not inside the goroutine).
  2. When the goroutine returns we subtract one (the defer discoveryWG.Done() in discover).
  3. Wait in main for all goroutines to finish with discoveryWG.Wait(). This will block the program until they all return.
for _, v := range servers {
    // Before each goroutine add 1 to waitgroup

// Wait for all discovery goroutines to finish

SSH Harvester in action

And finally we can see the tool in action.

If the server returns a certificate:

If it returns a public key, HostKeyFallBack is triggered and we can it:

Note, server's have different keys for different ciphersuits. For example dsa, ecdsa, rsa and ed25519 (the DJB curve). Depending what ciphersuite client supports, you may see one of these. That's another TODO.


It took me a couple of days to figure everything out because I could not find any examples or tutorials. But now we know how to verify SSH certificates. Hope this is useful, if you have any feedback please let me know.

Continue reading ⇒ 05 - Parsing Files


  1. I should have actually sent a patch. But signing up for Gerrit was a pain. Would have been the easiest way to become a "Golang contributor" and put it in my Twitter bio/resume (kidding).