Nassau SoupBinTCP Test Client is an example application implementing a SoupBinTCP client.
Run Nassau SoupBinTCP Test Client with Java:
java -jar nassau-soupbintcp-client.jar <host> <port> <packets> <packets-per-second>
The application measures the round-trip time (RTT) between sending an Unsequenced Data packet and receiving an Sequenced Data packet.
The following results have been obtained on an Amazon Web Services (AWS) c4.xlarge EC2 instance running Amazon Linux 2016.09 and OpenJDK 8:
Warming up...
Results (n = 50000):
Min: 4.79 µs
50.00%: 5.43 µs
90.00%: 6.86 µs
99.00%: 8.72 µs
99.90%: 13.70 µs
99.99%: 28.93 µs
100.00%: 45.15 µs
Released under the Apache License, Version 2.0.