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'' Copyright (c) 2008 Philip C. Pilgrim'' (See end of file for terms of use.)''''-----------[ Description ]----------------------------------------------------'''' This Propeller object provides up to eight leading-edge-aligned PWM channels'' with resolution determined by a defined constant. The maximum PWM frequency'' is the lesser of:'''' clkfreq / (13.5 * resolution) and 20.648881 / resolution MHz'''' The minimum PWM frequency is :'' '' clkfreq / (40000 * resolution)'''' PWM output is generated using the Propeller's video generator in VGA mode. The'' eight or fewer channels can be any subset of the pins in one of four'' contiguous blocks: A0-A7, A8-A15, A16-A23, or A24-A31.''''-----------[ History ]--------------------------------------------------------'''' Version 1.1: 17 Jul 08: Fixed a couple bugs related to base pins > 0.'' Version 1.2: 20 Jan 10: Fixed a bug relating to duty modes of 256 (i.e. full on).''''-----------[ Program ]--------------------------------------------------------CON resolution = 256 'The number of steps in the pulse widths. Must be an integer multiple of 4. nlongs = resolution / 4VAR long fcb[5] long pwmdata[nlongs + 1] long pinmask long previndex[8] byte cogno, basepin'-----------[ Public Methods ]-------------------------------------------------PUB start(base, mask, freq)' This method is used to setup the PWM driver and start its cog. If a driver had' already been started, it will be stopped first. The arguments are as follows:'' base: The base pin of the PWM output block. Must be 0, 8, 16, or 24.'' mask: The enable mask for the eight pins in the block:'' bit 0 = basepin + 0' bit 1 = basepin + 1' ...' bit 7 = basepin + 7'' Set a bit to 1 to enable the corresponding pin for PWM ouput.'' freq: The frequency in Hz for the PWM output.'' Returns true on success; false, if no cog is available or parameters exceed' permissible limits. if (cogno) stop freq *= resolution if (clkfreq =< 4000000 or freq > 20648881 or clkfreq < freq * 135 / 10 or clkfreq / freq > 40000 or base <> base & %11000 or mask <> mask & $ff or resolution <> resolution & $7ffffffc) return false basepin := base pinmask := mask << base longfill(@pwmdata, 0, nlongs) longfill(@previndex, 0, 8) fcb[0] := nlongs fcb[1] := freq fcb[2] := constant(1 << 29 | 1 << 28) | base << 6 | mask fcb[3] := pinmask fcb[4] := @pwmdata if (cogno := cognew(@pwm, @fcb) + 1) return true else return falsePUB stop' This method is used to stop an already-started PWM driver. It returns true if' a driver was running; false, otherwise. if (cogno) cogstop(cogno - 1) cogno~ return true else return falsePUB duty(pinno, value) | vindex, pindex, i, mask, unmask' This method defines a pin's duty cycle. It's arguments are:'' pinno: The pin number of the PWM output to modify.'' value: The new duty cycle (0 = 0% to resolution = 100%)'' Returns true on success; false, if pinno or value is invalid. if (1 << pinno & pinmask == 0 or value < 0 or value > resolution) return false pinno -= basepin mask := $01010101 << pinno unmask := !mask vindex := value >> 2 pindex := previndex[pinno] if (vindex > pindex) repeat i from pindex to vindex - 1 pwmdata[i] |= mask elseif (vindex < pindex) repeat i from pindex to vindex + 1 pwmdata[i] &= unmask pwmdata[vindex] := pwmdata[vindex] & unmask | mask & ($ffffffff >> (31 - ((value & 3) << 3)) >> 1) previndex[pinno] := vindex return trueDAT' PWM driver loaded into a separate cog. Cycles continuously through PWM data in hub RAM,' using the video driver to output logic levels.'-----------[ Initialization ]------------------------------------------------- org 0 pwm rdlong clkfrq,#0 'Read the current clock frequency (Hz). mov ptr0,par 'Get beginning address of fcb in ptr0. rdlong longs,ptr0 'Get the number of longs in pwm array. add ptr0,#4 rdlong pllfrqh,ptr0 'Read the desired output pll frequency (Hz). add ptr0,#4 'Increment fcb index. mov pllfrql,pllfrqh 'Divide output pll freq by 16 to get input pll freq w/ no divider. shr pllfrqh,#4 ' 64-bit result. shl pllfrql,#28 mov plldiv,#0 'Initialize frequency divider for no division. :frqalp cmp pllfrqh,_4000000 wc 'Is input pll freq at least 4MHz? if_nc jmp #gotpllinp ' Yes: Use it. shl pllfrql,#1 wc ' No: Input pll freq *= 2. rcl pllfrqh,#1 add plldiv,#1 ' Divider *= 2 also to keep output the same. jmp #:frqalp ' Back for another try. gotpllinp mov ra,pllfrqh 'frqa := input pll freq * 2^32 / clkfrq mov rb,pllfrql mov rx,clkfrq call #divabx 'rb := ra:rb / rx mov frqa,rb 'Save frqa. sub plldiv,#7 wc,wz 'Can all the division be done in counter? if_nz_and_nc jmp #:needvscl neg plldiv,plldiv ' Yes: Compute the divider value. jmp #:gotdiv:needvscl shl vscl0,plldiv ' No: Shift VSCL value left by divider amount. mov plldiv,#0 ' Set CTRA for maximum divider. :gotdiv mov vscl,vscl0 'Write computed value to VSCL. shl plldiv,#23 'Position it for CTRA. or plldiv,ctra0 'OR in the rest. mov ctra,plldiv 'Write CTRA. rdlong vcfg,ptr0 'Get VCFG from fcb. add ptr0,#4 rdlong dira,ptr0 'Get DIRA from fcb. add ptr0,#4 rdlong ptr0,ptr0 'Get address of pwmdata array in ptr0.'-----------[ Main PWM Loop ]--------------------------------------------------pwmlp mov ptr,ptr0 ' 4 Point back to beginning of pwmdata. mov ctr,longs ' 4 Initialize counter with no. of longs. :nyblp rdlong pwmbits,ptr '22 Read four "pixels" form pwmdata. add ptr,#4 ' 4 Point to next four. waitvid pwmbits,#%11_10_01_00 ' 6 Wait and "display". djnz ctr,#:nyblp ' 8 Back for next "pixel". jmp #pwmlp ' 4 Back for first "pixel". '--- '52 clocks worst case, or 1.538 MHz through loop w/ 80 MHz clock.'-----------[ Divide 64 / 32 = 32 ]--------------------------------------------divabx mov cctr,#32 wc:loop rcl rb,#1 wc rcl ra,#1 wc if_c sub ra,rx if_nc cmpsub ra,rx wc djnz cctr,#:loop rcl rb,#1 wcdivabx_ret ret'-----------[ Predefined variables and constants ]-----------------------------vscl0 long 1 << 12 | 4 'Initial VSCL w/ no division.ctra0 long %00001 << 26 'Initial CTRA w/ no PLL.pwmbits long 0 '_4000000 long 4000000 'Minimum PLL input frequency.'-----------[ Variables ]------------------------------------------------------ptr0 res 1ptr res 1ctr res 1ra res 1rb res 1rx res 1cctr res 1clkfrq res 1pllfrqh res 1pllfrql res 1plldiv res 1longs res 1''-----------[ TERMS OF USE ]---------------------------------------------------'''' Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of'' this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in'' the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,'' copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the'' Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,'' subject to the following conditions: '''' The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all'' copies or substantial portions of the Software. '''' THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,'' INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A'' PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT'' HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION'' OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE'' SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.