Convert migration rake tasks into generators.
Use rake task arguments for multisearch rebuild instead of environment variable.
Always cast columns to text.
Fill in timestamps correctly when rebuilding multisearch documents. (Barton McGuire)
Fix various issues with rebuilding multisearch documents. (Eugen Neagoe)
Fix syntax error in pg_search_dmetaphone() migration. (Casey Foster)
Rename PgSearch#rank to PgSearch#pg_search_rank and always return a Float.
Fix issue with :associated_against and non-text columns.
Fix Active Record 3.2 deprecation warnings. (Steven Harman)
Fix issue with undefined logger when PgSearch::Document.search is already defined.
Add ability to search again tsvector columns. (Kris Hicks)
Fix issue with {:using => {:tsearch => {:prefix => true}}} and hyphens.
Get tests running against PostgreSQL 9.1 by using CREATE EXTENSION
Backport array_agg() aggregate function to PostgreSQL 8.3 and earlier. This fixes :associated_against searches.
Backport unnest() function to PostgreSQL 8.3 and earlier. This fixes {:using => :dmetaphone} searches.
Disable {:using => {:tsearch => {:prefix => true}}} in PostgreSQL 8.3 and earlier.
Fix :prefix search in PostgreSQL 8.x
Disable {:ignoring => :accents} in PostgreSQL 8.x
Fix syntax error in generated dmetaphone migration. (Max De Marzi)
Drop Active Record 2.0 support.
Add PgSearch.multisearch for cross-model searching.
Fix PostgreSQL warnings about truncated identifiers
Support specifying a method of rank normalisation when using tsearch. (Arthur Gunn)
Add :any_word option to :tsearch which uses OR between query terms instead of AND. (Fernando Espinosa)
Backport support for searching against tsvector columns (Kris Hicks)
Set dictionary to :simple by default for :tsearch. Before it was unset, which would fall back to PostgreSQL’s default dictionary, usually “english”.
Fix a bug with search strings containing a colon “:”
Improve performance of :associated_against by only doing one INNER JOIN per association
Fix a bug with dmetaphone searches containing “ w ” (which dmetaphone maps to an empty string)
Change API to {:ignoring => :accents} from {:normalizing => :diacritics}
Improve documentation
Fix bug where :associated_against would not work without an :against present
Fix gem ownership.
Initial release.