- Requires discriminator as CNN, uses Leaky ReLU after each layer, stride not MaxPool(why), 0.4 and 0.7 dropout at each layer
Strided conv,
- Output is a sigmoid yielding a probability
- Use RMSProp/Adam optimizer, Cross Entropy loss measure
- Generate image using random sample using [-1,1] and transposed Conv (could be fractionally or upsampling )
- Batch Normalization
- Use ReLU, dropout of 0.3 and 0.5 in the first layer
- Test the discriminative first, train the discriminative and adversal then
- if images do not improve set the drop out to 0.3/0.6
- discriminator converges quickly, increase the LR and train the adversial first
- if images still like noise check the dropout activation batch normalization and dropout
- create the baseline and tweak one HP at a time , run few epochs (Where???)